According to what we know from Scripture, it was 8-11 years before Saint Paul began preaching the word. If it took him up to 11 years to learn how to live the Christian life before he could speak it, what will it take for us to make Our Lady’s messages a way of life, while She is still with us to guide us?
November 6, 2013 A.D.
According to what we know from Scripture, it was 8-11 years before Saint Paul began preaching the word. We can deduce from this, that it took him up to 11 years to learn how to live the Christian life before he could speak it. What will it take for us to make Our Lady’s messages a way of life, while She is still with us to guide us?
A recent BVM Caritas Medjugorje pilgrim, helping another pilgrim up Cross Mountain. What are we to think of this time where Our Lady is here to guide us by the hand, and how should we respond to Her maternal requests? What is the first step on this journey?
In a recent Radio WAVE show, A Friend of Medjugorje said that Our Lady will appear for 40 years*. Being in the 32nd year of apparitions, approaching the 33rd year, the clock is counting down to what may be only 7-8 years that Our Lady will still be with us daily, to guide us by the hand in the spiritual life? If it took St. Paul, with his momentous conversion experience, up to 11 years to learn the Christian walk, then what should we be doing now in this time while Our Lady is still with us to guide us, as She said on December 25, 1989:
“…accept with seriousness and live the messages for your soul not to be sad when I will not be with you anymore and when I will not guide you anymore like an insecure child in his first steps…”
A Friend of Medjugorje wrote in 1999:
“This moment will come for all the visionaries, indeed for us as well, especially when Marija’s apparitions will end, as it is through her that Our Lady gives the message to the world [on the 25th]. It is hard to believe that almost two years ago on August 25, 1997 Our Lady told us:
“Dear children, now you do not comprehend this grace, but soon a time will come when you will lament for these messages….”
“Have you let the apparitions become routine? Have you lost the sensitivity to Our Lady’s words? If so, we implore you to shake yourselves and wake-up to what is taking place in this little village. The plan of Our Lady slowly evolves, day in and day out, sun up and sun down, with or without your participation. It is only when She is gone that we will understand the great impact our involvement made in regard to our own future as well as the world’s. If our involvement was little, great will be our lamentation. But what grace will be ours when the rest of the world is in grief, knowing we have already placed Our Lady’s messages in the very fabric of our lives?; that they have become life for us, our treasure, our consolation. ” 1
“With or without your participation…” But how sad not to be a part of it. Take the first step, and begin your walk today in living Our Lady’s words, making them part of the fabric of your life. Make a plan to pilgrimage to the Holy Site of Medjugorje, to visit this little village where She has appeared, and still appears; to be in Her presence, and to be where the grace is still alive with Her Heavenly fragrance, in the time while Our Lady is still with us daily. We have already begun booking Medjugorje pilgrimages for March 2014 and beyond.
While one may need to be convinced to go to Medjugorje before making the pilgrimage, it is contrasted by the fact that one will have to be convinced to come back home, once they have gone to Medjugorje.
For information about the first step in beginning your Medjugorje journey, which begins now, contact BVM Caritas Medjugorje Pilgrimages at 205-672-2000, extension 218 or 219. Or by clicking here to request information about a Medjugorje pilgrimage.
*A Friend of Medjugorje has stated this for some time. 40 Years is something that A Friend of Medjugorje understood through many years of prayer and living the messages, and more is to be written about this in the future.
1. From the April 1999 Words of the Harvesters Field Angel newsletter