
“It is very, very difficult to describe a meeting with Her…”

“It is very, very difficult to describe a meeting with Her…”

August 5, 2013 A.D.

Our Lady appeared to Ivan tonight on Apparition Mountain a few minutes before 11:00 p.m. It was a warm, clear, star-filled night, and several thousands of pilgrims slowly trickled up the mountain, completely filling the area surrounding Our Lady’s statue and spilling down the mountainside as well. Ivan’s prayer group prayed a rosary leading up to the apparition with songs sung in between. Our Lady appeared to Ivan after the ‘Hail Holy Queen’ was prayed, and the apparition lasted a little longer than 10 minutes. The mountain top was completely silent throughout the entire apparition. When it came time for Ivan to describe the apparition over the microphone, he raised the microphone to his mouth 3 separate times and lowered it back down before he brought it back up the 4th time and began to speak. It looked as though he was trying to compose himself to speak, but was not able to begin until his 4th try. After the apparition to Ivan on August 5, 2013 just before 11:00 p.m. Ivan said:

“Tonight, as every day after my meeting together with Our Lady I would also like to share with you tonight’s meeting to describe it to you – although it is very, very difficult to describe a meeting with Her. It is difficult to find the right words – to describe the beauty of Our Lady – to describe the meeting together with Her – that feeling – that experience. In a special way what is always the most difficult for me is to describe the love of the Mother – how much the Mother loves us – how much She desires to help us – Her perseverance in leading all of us towards The Son. That is why in these words which I have, I desire to share what is the most important from tonight’s meeting.

“Also tonight Our Lady came to us very, very joyful and happy. She greeted all of us with Her motherly greeting: ‘Praised be Jesus my dear children.’ Then She extended Her arms over all of us here and She prayed for a longer time in Her Aramaic language. She especially prayed over those of you who are sick here and over you priests. Then Our Lady said:


‘Dear children, today also in this my great joy watching all of you with an open heart, a joyful heart, I call all of you to responsibly pray for peace. Pray, dear children, that peace may come to rule in the world – that peace may come to rule in the hearts of men, in the hearts of my children. That is why, be my carriers of peace in this restless world. Be my living sign – a sign of peace. Where you meet with people, in your parish, be my sign, be my light, my mirror to others. Know, dear children, that I am always with you and that I pray for all of you – and that I intercede for all of you before Jesus, before my Son. Therefore persevere in prayer. Thank you also today for having said ‘yes’ to my call.’


After that Our Lady blessed all with her Motherly blessing and also She blessed everything you brought for blessing. I also recommended all of you, your needs, your intentions, your families, and in a special way, all the sick, and all those who recommended themselves in a special way to pray for them. Our Mother intercedes for all of us before Her Son. Our Lady then continued to pray, in Her great joy She prayed over all of us here and She left in this prayer in an illuminated sign of the cross with the greeting:

‘Go in peace, my dear children!’

This would be the most important from tonight’s meeting – a meeting filled with joy. Thank you.”


Pictures from the Apparition in Medjugorje August 5, 2013


Ivan August 5, 2013 in Medjugorje

Ivan experienced two apparitions today, August 5, at 6:40 P.M. at his home, and up on Apparition Mountain at 11:00 P.M. in the midst of thousands of youth and other pilgrims. This morning in Medjugorje he gave his testimony to thousands gathered to hear him. In A Conversation with the Visionaries, Ivan speaks about how the youth are called to be “ambassadors of peace in the world.”

“Personally, for me, the biggest sign of the apparitions is the spiritual renewal of the world and humanity, everything else accompanies this. For example, when you see the youth during their prayer meetings, when you see their fervor, prayer, songs, their shiny eyes staring towards the sky, we see that they are ambassadors of peace in the world; they are the ones that carry Gospa’s message of peace to the rest of the world. They are the apostles of this message. Only those who live the message can be apostles. All of us, not only the young, are invited and sent by Gospa to become apostles. Gospa loves us and invites us to become bright lights in our tired world.”

Our Lady's apparition August 5, 2013


During Marija’s apparition tonight, August 5, 2013, at the regular 6:40 P.M. time, it was a shorter than normal apparition, and Our Lady came happy and smiling. It is a pattern seen over these many years with Our Lady, that the apparitions often are shorter on Her feast days. Marija has wondered if the reason Our Lady only stays a short while on Her feast days is because She must get back to the celebration in Heaven. Marija’s joy and simplicity in making such a statement always causes smiles among the crowds who are blessed to be present at a feast day apparition.

The thousands of youth who have been in Medjugorje over the past week will be returning to their homes soon. They will be returning to a world that is filled with complexities and confusion. In the confusion of our world, youth today are attracted to Our Lady , but are they willing to follow Her away from the glitter of the world? A Friend of Medjugorje writes:

“Our Lady asks us to live a new way, but the human voice within us will cry out that Our Lady doesn’t really mean for us to change our life’s direction, rather just pray a little more, convert perhaps a little more. No! This is not the case. Our Lady calls for a radical change in answering Her call, not toward the world but toward the spiritual life connected to God.


“…We must walk and advance in the spiritual life, affected by these messages…”


Today it is the only sure way to happiness and the protection of children and their innocence, all of which the world slays. Yes, it means sacrifice. It means not following one’s own will, not being able to accept what the world bombards us with, such as T.V., movies, materialism, pleasures, ease, and comforts. But the giving of these to God, choosing His will leads to a much purer, much simpler way to live, where we trust God will guide and take care of everything. In fact, Our Lady tells us a profound message of how to be happy, how to live, and yes, how to be free and untangled by problems which are ever present.



“If you want to be very happy, live a simple, humble life, pray a great deal, do not delve into your problems, but let yourselves be guided by God.”


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22 thoughts on ““It is very, very difficult to describe a meeting with Her…””

  1. Bernadette Tawana

    I was very happye and relieved that Mary Mother of indeed appear …..it is encouraging that we should praise her, respect her and walk her, where ever she is. Currently I kindly request your prayers .. my daughter is admittted at the hospital Princess Marina In Gaborone, Botswana on Monday with accute Pnuomonia, she was expriencing short breath. I prayed and called both Jesus and Mary mother of God to help . You know to my suprise arriving at the hospital we did not go on line , we were spiritually recieved by all the staff, the doctors and the nurses. Kindly pray for her , the name is Morongwa Tawana.

  2. Evelyn L. Amatong

    I Thank the Holy Spirit today for guiding me to open and read the messages of our Mother. Mama Mary thank you very much for inspiring me today and I know the problems I encountered today will soon pass because God is there to help me. Holy Trinity thank you for being there for me. I love you. St. Michael the Archangel protect us. Amen

  3. I was in Medjugorje in 2011 with my two children and I have promised Our Lady I will return. It is a truly heavenly beautiful place. Thank You Mary for Your eternal patience in trying to convert Your children. I will continue to do my best for You-please let me know what it is you want from me. I am confused at present. Please grant me Your peace.

  4. Thank You God the Father for sending Mary. She is close to my heart and so are You and Your Son Jesus. May all here be joyful in Heaven someday. St. Michael, put satan in hell. Have Mercy on us. Amen

  5. Overjoyed and felt Blessed after reading this message. Thank You Mother for your affection! In this moment we all were kneeling and meditating the Holy Rosary. Hope I can come soon to be with our Mother! Thank You Dear friends of Caritas!

  6. I am very happy to Reading Messages of Mother Mary I love Mother Mary to Receive Blessing from Mother Mary Eva Mari

  7. This was very beautiful to read and picture our Blessed Mother so happy. We look forward to a trip to Medjugorje. It must be overwhelming for one to really see our Blessed Mother, in all her beauty. Ivan must have been very moved by her love. I got a good amount from this article.

  8. i feel very blessed to be reading this messages…..I love our Blessed Mother who intercedes to the Father for us…I know we are being watched over in a miraculous way…..I pray all the time for peace and healing to all….one day I will get there to feel her presence as all those people there do, who travel there…..thank you again for all the love you give us.

  9. Thank you so much Mother Mary for your beautiful message. Thank you for appearing and teaching us. Especially thank you for your intercession, I will continue to Pray the Rosary daily for the conversions of Sinners, to be closer to your Son our Savior and for peace in the world. I love you Mother

  10. Shirley Russell

    Dear Blessed Mother: Thank you so much for your love and showing us the love of Our Father in Heaven by appearing so often to us. I pray that your birthday celebration continues and we thank God for choosing you to be our co-redemptorist. I know God loves each of us so much because He continues to send you to remind us to pray, pray, pray and to live by His commandments and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Thank you so much. Much love, Shirley

  11. I love you our dear Mother.This message inspired me to go forward and spread your word of not only for peace but to bring all closer to you.Keep all of us in your blessing.

  12. Vilma Hebe Diaz Rodriguez

    Para mi, este mensaje ha sido una gran inspiracion, y le doy tantas gracias a DIOS por nuestra Madre Santa, que intercede siempre por nosotros. Es un mensaje que edifica, y ojala algun dia pueda tener la dicha de estar en Medugorje para disfrutar de esa Gracia tan especial. Bendiciones para todos..amen

  13. Judith A. Roque

    Only want to say: Virgin Mary is the BEST MOTHER. I love Her. She is the BEST. Thank God because He wants to let Her for us to help us, to protect us, to care of us.- I LOVE YOU MOTHER. THANKS FOR YOUR LOVE

  14. alan southern

    What a wonderful message. It sounds so simple but its so so true. A simple life and trust in God! How can we do this? We can do this in prayer. Prayer is the one thing in this world we all have…we all share. Deep in our hearts our deepest thoughts are heard by our Blessed Mother and by God. I love you Blessed Mother…I love you Dear Jesus….stay with us forever.

  15. sandy daniels



    Thank you MOTHER MARY for the beautiful message. A message of peace. We need peace in our hearts, our world, our countries. May we be used as your instrument to bring about this love and peace. Thank you to GOD AND YOUR SON JESUS for sending you to earth to rescue us, to be saved, just like our Savior died on the cross so that we might be free. MOTHER I thank you that I am able to come to MEDJUGORJE to be there when you come to give your message. I feel so blessed. Thank you MOTHER MARY,

  17. This was an inspiring article. It was exactly what I needed to read. God is great. Jesus loves us. Thank you Dear Mary for coming to teach us. Happy Birthday to Our Lady, Queen of Peace!

  18. Teddy Broussard

    The Apparitions of Our Blessed Mother Mary is the Great Sign that Our Heavenly Father Loves us very much by allowing the Mother of his Son, Jesus to appear on Earth and lead everyone to her Son, Jesus in order that we all be Saved. I know Our Blessed Mother Mary loves each one of us as she encourages each and everyone of us to pick up Our Cross and Follow in the Footsteps of Jesus and Spread the Gospel. Together in Unity we can learn from the Advice of Our Blessed Mother Mary that if we have the Faith and Believe, each of us can make a difference in our lives and in the lives of others. As Our Blessed Mother Constantly says, “PRAY…PRAY…PRAY”, this is what we should do is pray for the conversions of Sinners that we may contribute to making the world become what the Will of God is and that is to love our Neighbors…Our Brothers through the Love we have in Our Heavenly Father, Jesus and Our Blessed Mother Mary! Praise Be To Jesus, Our Brother and Savior who died for us

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