
It Has Never Been So Simple…

It Has Never Been So Simple…

April 30, 2012 A.D.

“It has never been so simple to change people,” said A Friend of Medjugorje during the April 25 Radio WAVE show Hallelujah Alabama, speaking about the means available now to get hearts in front of Our Lady during the July 1-5, 2012 apparitions at Caritas. “You never know how your actions can save a soul from hell,” A Friend of Medjugorje continued.

A complete set of materials is available to you to evangelize Our Lady’s apparitions. All you need to do is get them in front of Our Lady, She will do the rest.

You can sponsor a 60 second radio commercial to play on your local radio stations, have signs printed to place in your yard, on your car, place of business, etc. You can put ads in your church bulletin, whatever means it takes to get souls here, July 1-5. Get together with your prayer group and sponsor ad campaigns, put up signs, etc. Again, whatever it takes to snatch souls for Our Lady. Our nation has never needed it more than now, and it has never been easier to reach people, for those willing to try.

How many spend time, effort, money, loss of sleep, etc. for the elections, or are willing to make other sacrifices to see certain a canidate elected to public office? Who is willing make the same sacrifices to help reach souls, when there is the certainty of them being touched by Our Lady’s grace? Which is more important for our nation? You decide which is more important. The conversion of our nation will come about by the conversion of individuals and families.

On all of these items, you only cover the cost of shipping!

July 1-5, 2012 – 60 Second Radio Commercial


Click here to listen to the
60 second spot

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height=”27″ width=”310″

Get this high-quality CD and sponsor air-time on your local radio stations. If you individually can’t afford air-time, get with your prayer group and sponsor this commercial to play. Speak to your radio stations about how important this event is for our nation. Some may be willing to give free air-time. Be bold in serving Our Lady. To order the CD with the radio commercial free, click here.

Data CD with High Quality Signs

July 1-5 Sign ideasGet a data CD with many different promotion ideas. Take this CD to your nearest FedEx Office (formerly Kinkos) or any other local sign printer to get a variety of July 1–5 signs made. You can make car signs, yard banners, corrugated plastic yard signs, etc. The ideas are limitless. This data CD will contain the “Apparitions of Mary July 1–5 Alabama” graphics sized to a number of different applications ready for printing at FedEx Office or another printer. Click here to order the free CD with signs.

Data CD with Church Bulletin Ads

Have ads placed in your local church bulletin. Again, be bold, and see if other churches would allow you to place ads in their bulletins as well. Spread this to others across parishes. Click here to order the free CD with the church bulletin ad.

July 1-5, 2012 – 16 Page Brochure and Business-sized Cards

Order these brochures in bulk, pass them out to others and place everywhere you go. Ask to leave them on store counters, gas stations, churches, everywhere spread Our Lady’s apparitions. Click here to order free the 16 page brochure.


Business-sized cards for July 1-5

Get these business sized cards, to hand out to others who may have limited space. The cards reads, “Apparitions of Mary July 1-5, 2012 Alabama, Mej.com, 205-672-2000.” 475 cards per box. Click here to order free a box of the July 1-5, business-sized cards.

Again, on everything above, you only pay the shipping and handling!


Hallelujah Alabama – Radio WAVE Show

Radio WAVE Show, April 25, 2012: Hallelujah Alabama
What does the April 25, 2012 message have to do with the apparitions of Mary at Caritas, July 2012?
How does you in getting someone to Alabama, July 1-5, 2012, save their soul and make Heaven rejoice? A Friend of Medjugorje explains more in this broadcast. Spread far and wide!

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

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