September 30, 2019 A.D.
As we head towards the 9-day bread and water fast, beginning in just one week, October 7, 2019, we remember Our Lady’s words given through Marija on September 25, 2019:
“…Little children, you are also called to witness by living the love with which, day by day, God wraps you with my presence…”
The intention of this fast is for the beginning of Our Lady’s Reign, Our Lady’s presence witnessed in the world. Are you a part of it?
The Blue Cross on Apparition Mountain in Medjugorje, September 23, 2019 – People simply want to touch the place where Our Lady has appeared. What then are we to think of a coming time when Our Lady’s presence will fill the world? As She is being made more manifest day by day, what are we are doing to usher in Her presence?
A Friend of Medjugorje started the public 9-day bread and water fast 19 years ago, to end the reign of satan. Last year, we began to fast for the intention of the beginning of Our Lady’s Reign. Thousands have joined throughout the years. Each year, we hear what this fast means to the people who are offering it. Already, many have signed up and are very excited about it:
September 24, 2019
“I want to participate in the 9 days fasting for the begining of Our Lady’s Reign. I want my name to be added to the list!!!”
B.S. – Sonora, Mexico
September 24, 2019
“I want join the fast. This will be my 4th time committing.”
K.C. – Dublin, Ireland
September 23, 2019
“I will participate in the 9 day fast to help our Mother.”
G.V. – Chimayo, New Mexico
September 20, 2019
“I’m happy for the opportunity to participate in this fast. It’s a privilege, not a sacrifice! … anything to make Our Lady smile!”
M.T. – Baton Rouge, Louisiana
This fast means alot to many people, but most of all, it means alot for Our Lady’s plans. Her presence, wrapped around us, is witnessed by the joy Her children experience and show by giving this fast to Her. If you have not yet added your name to the list of people joining in the 9-day bread and water fast for the Beginning of Our Lady’s Reign, starting Monday October 7, 2019, be sure to contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000, or visit here to request to have your name added to the list. This is a great intention, the coming of Our Lady’s Reign, an intention witnessed by those who respond to Her call.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
Have Questions About Fasting or need some recipes? Be sure to read the Fasting section with the most complete question and answers about fasting here…