December 6, 2016 A.D.
Our Lady of Medjugorje said on December 2, 2016:
“…my Son is being forgotten – honored all the less; and my children are being persecuted. That is why, you my children, apostles of my love, with soul and heart invoke the name of my Son…”
Why is Our Lady here? If you had to sum up Our Lady’s apparitions, what would you say?
Why is Our Lady here? If you had to sum up Our Lady’s apparitions, what would you say? In 2010, a Friend of Medjugorje penned prophetic words that had been a fire in his heart for many years. These words are the best expression of Our Lady’s actions taking place in the world today:
“Our Lady’s whole plan is to lead the world back to Her Son. In the near future, we will see a new grace cover the entire world. Our Lady is building a following of all God’s children, though many are unaware that She is the one drawing them together. One day She will be made known and at just the right moment, She will step aside, and there will be Jesus standing with open arms. Just as Jesus was born at the right moment in Bethlehem, He will be ‘born again’ in hearts, instantly, in an unprecedented illumination that will be given not only to Christians who will be reconverted to the real life of Jesus and the following of the Commandments in a fuller way, but also to non-believers, Muslims, Hindus, etc., who will embrace and follow their Savior. This will happen in a new way of life, in a new time, in this period of history of which Our Lady says is a particular time, an extraordinary time of grace for the world.”1
Make your heart ready this Christmas, for that instant when you will experience Jesus in your heart. Let it be a foreshadowing of what the whole world will experience one day in the future.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
P.S. Thinking of Christmas gifts? There is no more perfect gift than an experience of a lifetime. Give the gift of conversion through sending someone to Medjugorje this year. For more information about a life-changing pilgrimage to Medjugorje call in the U.S. 205-672-2000, extension 218 or 219. Or visit here to request pilgrimage information…
1 thought on “Instantly…”
This article brings me hope. Some time I do not say the Rosary but this is bringing the reality that Is God and His commandments. I am a sinner I ask God forgiveness. Since I was young I was devoted to the Virgin Mary and Sacred Heart of Jesus. I believe that the Virgin Mary said exactly to Fatima I believe what our Blessed Mather is saying now that She is close to come with Jesus. Yes I believe so. I was praying fervently before my Husband died, Dec. 13 2014, after almost sixty years between friend and marriage. He died on my arm. Please pray my Mother to give me back the grace of praying the Rosary and pray a lot. I asked many time please help me. Tell our Blessed Mother that I Love Her and Her Son a lot. How wonderful it would be if before I died will happen. Please give me the time when you say the Rosary thank you in Jesus Christ AnnaB