January 16, 2017 A.D.
Our Lady of Medjugorje said on January 2, 2017:
“…You must be little. You must make yourselves smaller than others…”
This is true, but must not be misinterpreted.
Our Lady is calling us to be humble, smaller than others. Yet, this should not be misinterpreted that we are to be weak before others. In looking at the situation of our nation 8 years ago, this is what a Friend of Medjugorje wrote:
“…Our Lady of Medjugorje has not been appearing everyday for 27 years for we Christians to think that if God wants it, it’s going to happen. God collaborates with man. God will work things out for us when we comply with His will. So, yes, it is true that a president cannot bring peace, but God can, and He will give us the moment to take our nation back, if we humble ourselves, and continue praying…”1
The humility we should have is before God, Who is the Truth. Sometimes that truth is suppressed and oppressed by those who desire to live sinful lives and force this upon society. Humility before God requires that we acknowledge that God is the Sovereign, and oppose that sin at every step. Make a resolution this year, that when God gives the moments to act, that we in humility before God acknowledge His sovereignty first and fight for peace. Even if we are humble, our work is great, and just like the bee, we need to give a potent punch every once in a while.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
P.S. Be sure also to listen to the January 12, 2017 Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje titled, You Do Not Have the Imagination for 2017, which is a very important call to action in this next month. Listen here…