Special Edition
February 20, 2017 A.D.
Published at 4:37 P.M.
Jane was a woman and a mother. A convert to Catholicism later in life, she was a very active Catholic who was a pillar of faith throughout the world. Her advice was sought out by political figures. Her presence was a sign of the love of God and His mercy. People say that she devoted herself in “ways big and small.” Her life changed the landscape of this nation. Her story is a story of hope. And while we may not personally know Jane, we do know of her. Her name may not ring a bell, because she is known more by the name given to her by evil-intentioned people, who, using her for evil, marked her for the rest of her life – the name Jane Roe, of Roe vs. Wade, the infamous court case which legalized abortion in the United States.
Two days ago, February 18, 2017, Jane Roe died. She died, knowing of the destructive effects in our society that she was used to bring about. That is what evil does; it uses us. Our Lady of Medjugorje said on March 25, 1991:
“…here is what I say to you, ‘satan is playing with you and with your souls and I cannot help you because you are far from my heart…”
There are many to whom this message applies. But the question we must ask ourselves is, does it apply to us? Our Lady has warned us, at times, in Her messages that satan has plans, plans to enslave the world. However, sometimes people allow themselves to be used by evil unknowingly, thus making themselves slaves of satan. Jane Roe was used by evil, even if she herself did not intend evil. Yet, through God’s grace, she was reconciled and spent the past 20+ years fighting the evil of abortion. Our Lady of Medjugorje said on March 3, 1990:
“Dear children, this evening I call you in a special way to pray for all unborn children. Pray especially for the mothers who consciously kill their children. Dear children, I am sad because many children are being killed. Pray that there will be as few as possible of these mothers, and as few as possible of these cases in the world.”
Did you see and read Our Lady’s verbiage? Our Lady did not say, abort, nor excuse it for the health of the mother. No! Our Lady says, “KILL.” Yet, there are some mothers who are not conscious of what they do. Jane Roe did not know any better; she was used by evil. Did you know that Jane Roe did not even have an abortion herself? The Roe vs. Wade court case lasted long enough that Jane carried the baby to full term and gave the baby up for adoption.
There are many people in the world whom satan uses for evil, who do not know any better. Playing on their emotions or their ignorance, satan intends to trap people, only to discard them when his use of them is finished, allowing them to fall into despair and then to take their soul at death. After many years of this type of life, falling into despair several times, Jane Roe’s story is one, which shows forth the power of God; a story that, if she can reconcile and seek forgiveness, then anyone can find forgiveness.
We know that there are people out there who have had abortions. We know that there are people who regularly read this site that have had abortions. We know the deep burden you carry. But Our Lady has come to reassure us that our Heavenly Father is merciful and loving and that with a repentant heart, every sin can be forgiven. She has been sent by God to help us be reconciled with Him. When Mirjana asked Our Lady about the sin of abortion, Our Lady said that all sin can be forgiven; but for this sin both parents must atone for this for the rest of their lives. She reassures us that even in the case of abortion, God will forgive, without lessening the gravity of the sin. The guilt and sorrow that is carried in the heart when the realization comes of the wrong that was perpetrated can become a gift and blessing when accepted as a means to atone for their sin.
Jane Roe did not directly carry out the action of abortion herself, but she worked until the day she died, so that what she helped to bring about would one day be overturned. Though Jane Roe did not live to see it, we today, have hope in Our Lady, Whom God is sending at this time, that everything which is not of God, will be overturned. Conditions have never been more favorable for this to happen in our nation. The revelation of the hidden agendas that have come out of Planned Parenthood over the past year is yet one more example that we have entered a time in which evil is being exposed, just as Our Lady said,
November 2, 2016
“…The united love of my apostles will live, will conquer and will expose evil…”
For everyone, both the innocent and the guilty, this is the time to fight and expose evil.
Be on the Lookout for Phase 2 of Reclaiming Our Lady’s Land
Some have been used by evil for big things that lead a great many souls towards hell. However, there are many “seemingly” small things, which lead to bigger things, such as the example of Jane Roe’s story above, which satan is able to make great use of for the destruction of souls. One such thing will be addressed in a new release coming soon, in Phase 2 of Reclaiming Our Lady’s Land. Visit here to sign up and be kept updated about new releases.
*Jane Roe’s real name was Norma McCorvey. Her conversion began with a Protestant minister who helped bring her to Christ. She encountered many Catholics in her pro-life work and was eventually received into the Church though the work of Fr. Frank Pavone, the founder of Priests for Life. Norma McCorvey was also abominable, but said that she repented of that when she became Catholic. If one was to know of her childhood, it is clear the reason why she had such confusion in her life, and for a while held some very strange beliefs even after becoming a Christian. Not surprisingly, news sources cite Norma McCorvey as having indentified herself as abominable, however, do not cite the fact that she recanted of it. While Norma McCorvey herself said this, mainstream news will not tell that part. Very sad and very telling. More will be told about this, on this Thursday’s Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje.
6 thoughts on “Her Name Was Jane”
satan’s work in Planned Parenthood. The satanic temple joined forces with them to challenge Missouri’s abort law a couple of years ago. What further proof is needed.
satan’s work in Planned Parenthood. The satanic temple joined forces with them to challenge Missouri’s abort law a couple of years ago. What further proof is needed.
This evening, on your site I have just read the most profound and and most truthful, uplifting and honest to God statement that has been printed anywhere recently. Let there be no doubt about it, medjugorje.com is one the most providential and inspiring, merciful projects of our age. Praise God and his most Immaculate and Holy Mother for this Wonderful work of Grace and Mercy. Thank you so much for being a Light and source of great hope and consolation which is continuing to help dispel this era of ever pervading tyranny, despair and satanic darkness. God bless you! Patrick
A year ago I consecrated to Mary by doing the 33 Day Retreat to Morning Glory. How powerful Mary can be in our lives if we give ourselves to Her and the Holy Spirit, Her Spouse. I pray for the day when the miracles of God become front page news.
Now more than ever your help is needed in this battle with the devil. Thanks united strong under Our Lady we will change this law and a victory to our Lord Jesus
There is so much packed into this special lesson, but it shows us how hard it is to reverse something, even something evil that is enshrined in law. It is wonderful that Our Lady forgives.