January 22, 2018 A.D.
“…We will lament over the lost time and how our lives would have turned out if we would have applied the messages fully in the time of grace…”
Friend of Medjugorje
Will You Miss out on the Second Greatest Moment in Time?
A pallet of Words from Heaven, by a Friend of Medjugorje at the Caritas of Birmingham print shop in Alabama. Words from Heaven, now in the expanded 17th edition, is still the most-definitive book of the Medjugorje messages in existence. Words from Heaven is available in the online store here…
Our Lady of Medjugorje tells us:
January 2, 2018
“…I am among you and am speaking about little and great things…”
Whether one thinks Our Lady is speaking about little or great things, it is irrelevant if one is not putting the messages into life. This year is a call to return to the messages. Whether one thinks that Her words are saying something little or great, one will be accountable for one’s response. Time is short. Do not lament over how your life could have been different had you put the messages into life. Our Lady will be giving a message in just a few days through Marija. Be in prayer in order to be open to the words of Our Lady.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas