
From the Desk-January 22, 2008

From the Desk-January 22, 2008

Friend of Our Lady,

Today begins the first of new weekly letter called “From the Desk of A Friend of Medjugorje.”

This isresult of many of you who have requested formore frequent addressing of the issues of the day, from A Friend of Medjugorje. Radio WAVE and mej.com address many of these issues, but this more frequent and personal contact is to give you some solid food each week, and is exclusive only to members of the mejList. – Free!

There may be questions you would want to forward to us for A Friend of Medjugorje to address. Because of the high volume, we can’t promise that every question can be answered publicly. But never the less, this privilege is made available without subscription only to you members of the mejList, FREE!To Join the Mejlist Free Click HERE!

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With the on slaught against the family, against the church, and against our freedoms, it can be difficult to see clearly at times the plans of God and Our Lady today. Our hope is that this short weekly letter from A Friend of Medjugorje can give you some real hope in today’s world that Our Lady says, “…is without peace and longs for peace…” July 25, 1990

In the Love of Our Lady

Mej.com and

Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas

Dear Followers of Our Lady,

Ten years ago we put out in “A Time for Decision” the following:

“Many wantgood society, passing laws to ‘force’better society, but it excludes God. It is impossible to foster healthy society without God. Our future is in serious in jeopardy. Our Lady is warning us. 

January 25, 1997

“Dear children! I invite you to reflect about your future. You are creatingnew world without God, only with your own strength and that is why you are unsatisfied and without joy in the heart.”

 We must reflect and pose the question, ‘Which direction is society headed – toward God or away from God?'”

Of course there were some at that time who said, “You are overstating Our Lady’s words.” “Things are not as bad as you say they are.” “You’re an alarmist, trying to scare people.”

Recently,friend of mine sent mepoll from NBC news that showed that 86% of people are in favor of keeping the words “In God We Trust” on our money, and “One Nation Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance. Why is there suchstruggle against the remaining 14%?

Ten years ago, Our Lady was warning us about today. And many did not listen. Were Our Lady’s words overstated? Were things not that bad? Did people get scared?

Now we find ourselves fighting against an enemy who is attacking from every side. We are amidstferocious cultural war of which the evil side is fully engaging while God’s children are weakly engaging, or mostly not at all; nor do the children realize the level of the ferocity of what darkness is doing. Why? It is because, they do not reflect on their future in prayer. We are very rapidly headed fortotal loss of sovereignty over our future lives, our children and freedom, and few are realizing it.

We have become blind, which has allowed those in darkness to hijack our nation, now we seem helpless to stop them. We have let ungodly rulers rule us into godlessness. But, we have received what we have tolerated. Asresult, our sins have made us as powerless as the Israelites were helpless against the Assyrians. Only when they cried their tears of sorrow did suffering reverse for them and they began to see.

If you have not read Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping, I encourage you to order it and read it and reread it and then to spread it. Instead of feeling helpless, it will give not only an accurate picture of where we are today, but the hope that things can change. But it begins with us. Literally tonight, and each night for one week, kneel down somewhere and from the heart ask Our Lady to manifest to you how big and how serious the cultural war now taking place really is. By the end of the week, you will be very surprised what She will show you.

In the Love of Our Lady,

Friend of Medjugojre

On Behalf of Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas

To order the book Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping click here
or call 205-672-2000 extension 315 – 24 hoursday.

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

1 thought on “From the Desk-January 22, 2008”

  1. I pray the rosary daily, but there is power in praying this with others. May God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, and our Blessed Mother Mary be with us and protect us from the evil that is trying to befall the world. Thank you.

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