August 4, 2016 A.D.
Mary’s Eve
Our Lady of Medjugorje said on August 2, 2016:
“…I have come to you – among you – for you to give me your concerns so that I may offer them to my Son; that I may intercede for you before Him for your good…”
Our Lady comes for our own good. But, we have more to learn than that…
Mirjana, August 2, 2016, in the most wonderful moment that any person could experience, seeing the Mother of the World, Who comes among us, in all Her beauty and love for souls.
Our Lady said that She comes to “you” among “you” for “you” to give Her “your” concerns, for that She might intercede for “you” to God, for “your” good. In the plan of salvation, it is not some conglomeration of people, some massed group of people that She is looking at, but “you” as an individual that She wishes to save. But, are we missing the most important point? That God sends Her? She came the first time because God needed Her for His Son. She comes now, because God needs Her now for us, His children.
Today, as we celebrate Mary’s Eve, the Vigil of Our Lady’s birthday, have we stopped in our litany of concerns and trials to thank God that He sends Our Lady to us? That we would not know how to look at the world around us, that we would not know Him in the way we are able to know Him, if it were not for Her coming to us and teaching us as “little children”? Stop, then, in this moment and thank God that He loves us enough to let us know the Mother. Because as a Friend of Medjugorje wrote on August 2 in, The Battle Within, that:
“…a Queen whose concern for Her subjects is not as a Queen, but as a Mother. We have entered an age of a future recognition of Mary, the Mother…”1
We are beginning to know Her now. Later many more will know Her. If all the sweetness, joy, happiness, glory, kindness, peace and love could be summed up in one word, God would say simply, Mary.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
P.S. Tonight, August 4, the Caritas Community will be celebrating Mary’s Eve in the Field of Apparitions. Tomorrow, August 5, the Rosary in the Field will take place at 11 AM Central Time. Make a spur of the moment decision and come to the Field to pray in front of the very first Nativity of Mary, that a Friend of Medjugorje designed many years ago. The next day, August 6, the Bedroom of Apparitions will be opened for your intentions, your families, your needs, your concerns. Come and pray that Our Lady may intercede for you, for your own good. See the directions below.
1. The Battle Within, Medjugorje Headline, by a Friend of Medjugorje, August 2, 2016
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