“I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, unless the marriage is unlawful, and marries another commits adultery.”
Matthew 19:9
The early church interpreted unlawful as a brother and sister who married each other. These were pagans who married in this manner who later converted to Christianity. Because they were involved in an incestuous relationship, a marital union never existed, therefore they had to end their marriage relationship. Many today interpret “unlawful” in order to divorce for the most ridiculous, absurd reasons; from “I was verbally abused” to “I don’t love my spouse anymore”. This disease that has entered the church is worse than leprosy. It is against Christ. It is unquestionable that Jesus did not in any way mean “unlawful” to legitimize the above reasons for the grounds for a divorce. And “No”, we repeat, “No”, not even adultery is grounds for divorce. Divorce is a scourge; a most deadly abnormality; the deforming of the family; the murder of hearts. Just as serious as this murder is he who encourages it or offers support of it to a couple, be it a parent, brother, sister, friend, relative, priest, pastor, bishop, judge or jury. Nay, anyone who voices or gives support of divorce to a couple will be guilty of its sin and the ensuring adultery that almost always takes place when the separated spouses date or remarry. If one can commit adultery in the heart, one most certainly commits it when one contributes to it even by their advice or encouragement, just like an accomplice to a crime, this includes judges and jurors who mandate or order it. Today many relatives, friends, priests, attorneys, judges, and jurors who know God’s law or who have been made aware of the law will be judged as such. God’s truth is God’s truth. Puny man cannot change even a part of a letter of the law. Though some may legitimately claim ignorance to this fact, the reading of this erases ignorance and even the realization of this statement now makes one accountable.
©2003, 2009 SJP Lic COB
5 thoughts on “DIVORCE”
Your message is serving that which you claim you want to stop. It was common sense that our world would eventually face a pandemic…stop seeding this dark, ignorant message. Countries where the health care system was prepared for an overload surge due to an unexpected need, such as natural disaster, or a pandemic managed this efficiently because they were not running their health care system like a cold businessman. The possibility of a corona pandemic, has been on all of our radars for the last 20 years if you were paying attention. Personally, my grandmother died in 1917 of the Spanish flu so the potential disaster of a pandemic has always been in my awareness. This is an opportunity for the world to work together! But you choose to spread such vile fear while using our Blessed Mother as your platform. Please, cease and desist and contemplate in the name of our DIVINE FATHER and BLESSED MOTHER! Thank you it is deeply appreciated. Walk in PEACE! AMEN!
The father of all lies and the prince of darkness has tightened the bonds between him and the people who are blinded by satan, to be used for his diabolical plans against humanity. Let us pray for their enlightenment and conversion.
The father of all lies and the prince of darkness has tightened the bonds between him and the people who are blinded by satan, to be used for his diabolical plans against humanity. Let us pray for their enlightenment and conversion.
How do you get people to believe all of this? I know Trump will be president again to reveal more with the help of Our Lord and Our Lady. I know The Lord show him the way. If I heard Obama say what he did I would not think much of it until I hear the details on this radio program. Thank you
I have come to think of A Friend of Medjugorje as “The 7th Visionary of Medjugorje” and I am so grateful to all of the Caritas Community for guiding us through Our Blessed Mother’s apparitions. I have understood and learned so much more than I would have if I was trying to read the messages on my own. FYI, I was checking my local weather forecast on Weather.com and an ad popped up that said, “FEMA is Hiring. New jobs at FEMA just posted. Earn up to $2812 per paycheck.” I took a screenshot of it, and I am re-reading the sections on FEMA from “They Fired the First Shot 2012.” Anyone who has read it will understand the significance. Who are they targeting? Our youth that are currently unemployed and desperate! May Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother be with you all. Happy 4th of July! We will be saying The Patriotic Rosary with great fervor and love today!