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December 8-12, 2023 & The Advent Season

December 8-12, 2023 & The Advent Season

A Friend of Medjugorje invites you to be present on the holy grounds of Caritas, December 8-12, 2023. Be present on these grounds where the Mother of the Savior has freshly appeared just five months ago, to contemplate and pray, as the Season of Advent begins.

Listen to the following 10 minute audio clip from the Radio Wave broadcast which aired on July 25, 2023, titled, “Help Me.” Then ask yourself, “What will I regret most when the Virgin Mary no longer appears on this earth? Did I make time for Her?”

December 8-12, 2023 & The Advent SeasonPilgrims from across the country gather December 12, 2022 in the Field of Apparitions to pray The Patriotic Rosary for our Nation. With the Cross seen overlooking this sacred ground from Penitentiary Mountain and the Flag flying high above, the Tree still stands as a sign of Our Lady’s presence that first Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 1988 and Her promise, from this spot, to “…help you! I will intercede for you to God for all your intentions.”


↓ December 8-12 Information Below ↓

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Transcript from the Radio Wave broadcast on July 15, 2023, titled, “Help Me.”



For those of you in the Field, those who have been here before, remember, the first message ever given in the Field, November 24, 1988, that sacred ground, Our Lady said something under the Tree, where the statue is now that you can go to, on this spot, She said, quote,


“…I am here to help you!…”


Where is “here”? In the Field underneath the Tree. You’ve been there! She sanctified it, and there’s a grace that you can take from there to your home.


We have to act now. There’s no more time left. Our Lady has said, if She had not come to the world, it would have destroyed itself. If we don’t have a response to that, it will.


Our Lady’s interested in what your world is, for the day coming and going. She wants you to have peace. She wants you to talk to Her, to heal you, to bring peace to you.

So, every person is important to Our Lady for Her to save the world. That means you. You are not replaceable nor repeatable.


You want to see how close Our Lady is to what’s going on in the world?


A few months back, She said, on January 25, 2023…That was about five months ago. She said,


“…The future is at a crossroads, because modern man does not want God. That is why mankind is heading to perdition…”


That was on January 25th. What happened the day before, January 24, 2023?


Scientists changed the doomsday clock. You might think, “What is a doomsday clock about?” It’s a clock that shows and monitors how close we are to the apocalypse that scientists are monitoring.


Our Lady’s saying, “…man is going to perdition…,” on that message. And the day before, they change the doomsday clock and moved it up 90 seconds before midnight. Ninety seconds. They say the closest mankind has ever been to Armageddon.


There was a bulletin put out by the atomic scientists, moved the metaphorical up to ten seconds from where it had been staying for the past two years. So, that being two years ago was the 40th Anniversary when Our Lady gave that promise about the land.

And now, it shows 90 seconds before midnight. The metaphor is a reminder for us that if we are to survive our planet, we must address the situation.

The clock was designed to warn the public about how close we are to destroying our world with dangerous technologies of our own making.


October 25, 2022, Our Lady says this:


“…The Most High permits me to be with you…because mankind has decided to die…that without God you do not have a future…”


And at the end of the message, She says,


“…do not lose hope in a change of mankind’s heart…”


What is the future?


I wrote a little book called The Corona Vision that the future is small communities, where you can be with each other and live in a way, not the way man is living now, a little small town where everybody knows each other and everybody is looking out for the other, not self. We have a world today that looks only for self.


Jason Aldean, a country singer, just released a song titled, Try That in a Small Town. That’s The Corona Vision. And anybody, whether Hollywood, or whether they’re in office, or whether they have a position, will be attacked if they say truth.


Jason is severely attacked for this song, saying it’s racist against blacks. Even other country singers are backing away from him because they’re scared because he’s standing up, because he’s not backing down.


That’s who Our Lady’s looking for. Be strong. Say what you have to do that convicts people. They either hate you or they love you. Don’t be on the fence.


Jason Aldean is not backing down. And in eleven days, 18 million views, people around the world, 150,000 plus comments supporting him, and many of them are black people and from other countries. They want Aldean to stand and not back down.


July 3, 2012 Our Lady talked about small groups, like a little town. She said, for the United States of America, She told Marija in the Field, Our Lady said,


“Form and make prayer groups through which we will pray for your healing and the healing of this nation to draw closer to God…”


Small communities. That’s what his song is about.


satan doesn’t want that. he wants cities, because he can prowl through there and do his work better. But a small town has more goodness and is more Godly because they’re looking out for each other.


If you go online, on Try That in a Small Town, you’ll see all the feedbacks. It’s amazing. Even other countries are agreeing with this song because we need The Corona Vision.


Out of the 100,000 people that made a comment, one says,


“As a black woman, nothing’s wrong with this song.”


Another one says,


“I was born in Central America, and I’ve been trying for over twenty years to get my citizenship, but I’m proud to finally be a legal resident in this beautiful country.”


We have people who hate this place. They want to change America, inspired by satan.


Ivan himself said that small prayer groups will save the world. And that’s where our future’s going, and that’s the reason that Jason is given so much resistance against this song, because it’s a truth.



Sucker punch somebody on a sidewalk, car-jackin’ an old lady at a red light, pull a gun on the owner of a liquor store. You think it’s cool, like to fool, if you like.


Cuss out a cop, spit in his face, stomp on the Flag and light it up. Yeah, you think you’re tough.


Well, try that in a small town. See how far you make it down the road. Around here, we take care of our own. You cross that line, it won’t take long for you to find out. I recommend you don’t. Try that in a small town.


Got a gun that my granddad gave me. They say one day they’re gonna round up. Well, that might fly in the city. Good luck.


Try that in a small town. See how far you make it down the road. Around here, we take care of our own. You cross that line, it won’t take long for you to find out. I recommend you don’t. Try that in a small town.


Full of good ole boys, raised up right. If you’re lookin’ for a fight, try that in a small town. (Try that in a small town)


Try that in a small town. See how far you make it down the road. Around here, we take care of our own. You cross that line, it won’t take long for you to find out. I recommend you don’t. Try that in a small town.


Try that in a small town. Try that in a small town.



For the worldly, there’s not a cure. We have to put our eyes on Heaven, and bring it down to earth.


Every day, Heaven is coming down, and it’s She—Our Lady—face-to-face to the visionaries.




↓ December 8-12 Information Below ↓


See below the daily prayer schedule, sites you will pray at, hotel listings near to Caritas, and directions. Or call Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.

For more information or to contact us for Airline and hotel information call Caritas of Birmingham at:

205-672-2000 ext. 218 (24 hrs)

Or write:
Caritas of Birmingham
100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive
Sterrett, AL 35147 USA

Exclusive to Each Day

(Times to be announced at 8:00 am each day)

Dec. 8: The Rededication of The Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages

Dec. 9: Climb to the Cross on Penitentiary Mountain

Dec. 10: Visit the Bedroom of the Apparitions

Dec. 11: Christmas in the Field

Dec. 12: Patriotic Rosary: Consecration of Our Nation.

Talks by a Friend of Medjugorje will be scheduled throughout the five days. The times will also be announced after 8:00 am morning prayer each day.

Visit here to see all pilgrimage sites at Caritas of Birmingham

Hotel Listings

Based on location, traffic, and proximity to Caritas of Birmingham, the hotels listed below on Hwy 280 are suggested. They are arranged from those closest to those farthest from Caritas. The Hampton Inn is the official Caritas Hotel.

Hampton Inn & Suites, approx. 10 miles, 205-981-0024

Candlewood Suites, approx. 13 miles, 205-995-9242.

Best Western Plus Birmingham Inn & Suites, approx. 15 miles, 205-995-8586.

Call the hotels directly for reservations and availability and mention that you are coming to the Caritas of Birmingham prayer gathering.

Daily Prayer and Event Schedule

5:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Silent prayer in the Field. Dress warmly and bring blankets and flashlights.

6:00 a.m. Angelus

8:00 a.m. Morning Prayer Announcements will be made at this time.

9:45 a.m. Rosary in the Field Two mysteries prayed each day as well as the Novena for the Spiritual Healing of Our Nation.

12:00 p.m. Angelus Wherever you are on the grounds.

3:00 p.m. Chaplet of Divine Mercy (Wherever you are on the grounds.)

• All those attending will need to provide their own transportation to and from Caritas. Parking is available here on the grounds in our parking lot.

• No chairs of any sort are permitted in the Field at any time. For the handicapped, please make arrangements for a wheelchair or a walker with a seat.

• Smoking and pets are strictly prohibited. No video cameras or cell phones allowed on the grounds.

• Modesty code is enforced. Dress for a hike to the Grotto. No sleeveless or low cut shirts, blouses, or sweaters. No short skirts or shorts. No see-through clothing or clothing that has inappropriate writing or pictures on it. Remember this is a holy event.


December 8-12, 2023 & The Advent Season

A Friend of Medjugorje stated:

“The Corona Vision: the future is small communities, where you can be with each other and live in a way, not the way man is living now, a little small town where everybody knows each other and everybody is looking out for the other, not self. We have a world today that looks only for self.”

This is a great short book to have copies of in your house when friends and family come over for the holidays and New Year.




Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

Thousands of you helped a Friend of Medjugorje keep Our Lady’s messages flowing to the entire world’s population – 190 countries, over a hundred languages, thousands of hours of Radio WAVE, all given away FREE! And more to come… Thank you!

By helping by a Friend of Medjugorje, you help convert and save souls from perdition. Thank you! Your donations are needed at all times. If you want to be a part of this plea, you can donate here.

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