A Medjugorje Gathering: December 10, 2010 – Where Our Lady of Medjugorje chose to appear, for the healing of the family, the Bedroom of Apparitions…
Pilgrims joining for the Five Days of Prayer at Caritas receive the opportunity to pray in the Bedroom of Apparitions. The Bedroom is where Our Lady continually chooses to appear to Medjugorje visionary Marija when she comes to Caritas. Pilgrims gathered this day, Consecrated their families to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
The Home of the founder of Caritas, wherein lies the Bedroom of Apparitions.
What does it mean for us that Our Lady has entered into the life of a particular family, appearing in their home for nearly 130 apparitions, has come back time and time again over the years, starting in 1988, and has celebrated births, weddings, and deaths with this family, as well as everyday routine normal family life? Our Lady of Medjugorje has said:
Spring, 1982
“…If it is necessary, I will appear in each home.”
Through this family, in one sense Our Lady fulfills these words, because through the witness of seeing what Our Lady has done in this home, all those who come to visit and pray here have a greater understanding of how Our Lady wants to enter also into their families in an intimate way. In the apparitions in this home to Medjugorje visionary Marija, and particularly in the Bedroom, we have seen Our Lady serious, but also playful. She has been motherly, and full of love, but also wise in giving guidance or advice. She has surprised us with gifts such as unexpectedly giving the Special Blessing, coming with angels, praying over each person in the room individually, and looking at each face one at a time as Her eyes have scanned the room. She has consoled us in times of sorrow and attack, and moved us to repentance and renewal. Over the years we have witnessed the profound grace that is present in the Bedroom by the many people who come out weeping and filled with joy, even after only a few minutes of prayer.
A Consecration Card left by a pilgrim in the Bedroom of Apparitions.
The Bedroom of Apparitions provides a beautiful place and setting for the consecration of people’s families to Our Lady’s Heart. Consecrations are important. Through them we give permission to Our Lady to act in a way that She will not without being formally given the gift of ourselves or our families. Our Lady of Medjugorje has said:
November 25, 1987
“…Dear children, you know that I love you immeasurably and that I desire each of you for myself, but God has given to all a freedom which I lovingly respect and humbly submit to…”
Our Lady waits to be invited into your lives, into your families. She does not want to compel us to be saints by force, but rather She desires us to answer Her invitation to be a saint. Our Lady of Medjugorje said:
October 9, 1986
“…you know that I desire to lead you on the way of holiness, but I do not want to compel you to be saints by force…Therefore, dear children, I do not desire to force you to observe the messages. But rather this long time that I am with you is a sign that I love you immeasurably, and what I desire of each individual is to become holy…”
It is through the act of consecration that Our Lady can more actively lead you on the path of holiness, first in your own heart, and then in the heart of your family.
Rebel wanting to come in and join the pilgrims.
Our Lady of Medjugorje has said:
January 28, 1987
“…Do not look with scorn on those who beg you for a piece of bread. Do not turn them away from your full tables. Help them and God will also help you. Perhaps it is in this way that God will hear you, and the blessing that He wants to give you in thanks will be realized…”
Perhaps this humorous picture of the family dog Rebel, looking longingly inside the warm and cheery house hoping to be invited in can be an illustration for us to look around our own lives and see if there are people who have been left out in the cold, who are lonely, unloved, un-reconciled, who are waiting for an invitation to come inside the warmth of our homes, and in particular, the warmth of our faith. The warmth comes from our hope in Jesus Christ and Our Lady. People who do not know Jesus are left out in the cold. Invite them in.
1 thought on “December 10, 2010 – The Bedroom of Apparitions”
Thank you for this beautiful broadcast. Ive always believed and loved the truth coming from Caritas and A Friend of Medjugorje. This lesson on the Feb 2 Message for Non Believers was so helpful so encouraging and so profound! If does feel that the time is ripe for running into the battle, flying towards the sun and speaking fearlessly as Apostles of Our Lady! I feel empowered to lead and to speak on Gods plans to save the world through Medjugorje!