This is the 14th year of novenas being prayed for our nation’s healing. One
novena is prayed, once each month, for 7 months. That’s 100 novenas.
December 4, 2006 begins the 101th novena…
Many of you expressed to us that it’s so difficult to live your conversion. The whole structure of your lives goes against it; your jobs, schools, T.V., society, etc. It’s a constant assault on your spiritual life. Our society accepted too many things as good, never seeing the potential danger. The world is in a tangle and it cannot get free on its own. However, God, in His mercy will help us. Just like a mother who comes to her child’s rescue, Mary is sent to the world which is choking with sin. Prayer will be the only way to find our way back, where God is first; where He is wanted; where our families, our communities, and country revere Him once again.
The seven novenas in preparation for the reconciling of ourselves, our families, and our nation back to God began 13 years ago. This year as in years past, beginning on June 25, we will pray for the intentions of Our Lady for December 8-12, at which time all who wish to participate are invited and encouraged to gather in “The Field” at Caritas, Alabama.
The seven novenas begin June 25 (first novena), July 25 (second novena), August 25 (third novena), September 25 (fourth novena), October 25 (fifth novena), November 25 (sixth novena), and end December 4 (seventh novena).
We believe with all our hearts, if we put our hearts in these novenas that we will see in December a continued movement of direction back toward God as never before. We know God wants it. Our Lady’s messages prove She wants it. All we have to do is pray and want it and it will happen.
8 thoughts on “December 4th-December 12th 2006 Novena for Our Nation”
I am so Grateful that I am able to hear what you said about our President Donald J Trump. The way that you reply that sister. I heard people that they said they are Catholics and expressed themselves with horrible vocabulary about our President Donald J Trump. They believe all what the media stream news said. DON’T check facts. 🙁 They make decisions with out discernment. :(PLEASE LET’S keep praying for USA FOLKS AND OUR PRESIDENT DONALD J.TRUMP AND VP MIKE PENCE AND HIS TEAM THAT WITH GOD Our Creator HELP AND HIS GRACE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. God bless and Virgin Mary keep us.
I am so Grateful that I am able to hear what you said about our President Donald J Trump. The way that you reply that sister. I heard people that they said they are Catholics and expressed themselves with horrible vocabulary about our President Donald J Trump. They believe all what the media stream news said. DONT check facts. 🙁 They make decisions with out discernment. 🙁 PLEASE LET: keep praying for USA FOLKS AND OUR PRESIDENT DONALD J.TRUMP AND VP MIKE PENCE AND HIS TEAM THAT WITH GOD Our Creator HELP AND HIS GRACE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. God bless and Virgin Mary keep us.
You assume Mary the Nun is mistaken because of the media. Over the decades the ranks of the untruth followers has risen. But where did Mary’s formation take place but the Catholic system. I visited Notre Dame University in South Bend Indiana. I was looking for a good book on the lives of the Saints. The school had one of the best college books stores. I purchased a book on the Saints but when I looked closer I understood the liberal damage being done. When you blend the good with the bad and present it as All Saints a young mind over time will have a difficult time seeing the truth. Once I saw what the author was doing I researched him. He was the son of Daniel Ellsberg of the Pentagon Papers. From the book he promoted Doris Day, turning young minds into godlessness with her free online book. Trump = Chaos Hillary = HELL crea