October 12, 2020 A.D.
October 10, 2020
“Fast is going well and beautifully renewing. Thank you.”
D & K H.
Redding, CA
(Caritas photo, June 4, 2008) – During this 9-day fast, we share with you a picture of wheat, shortly before we harvested it. Wheat, from which bread comes, has many different symbols associated with it. Notice also the weeds as well in the wheat? Another meaning about separation, which a Friend of Medjugorje tells us that this 9-day fast helps to accomplish.
We continue to hear from people all over the world who are joining in the 9-day fast. We also continue to sign new people up every day, who found out about it late, and are beginning their 9-day fasts, in the past few days. The graces of these days are something in which all those who are participating will look back on as a source of strength, and peace, knowing that they helped Our Lady in Her plans. A recent letter is just one example of what people are experiencing:
October 10, 2020
“Hello Friend of Medjugorje and the community of Caritas! Day 6, it’s truly amazing spiritually, physically and mentally! It’s an honour and a privilege to do this fast with you, the community and hundreds of others! Although we are far apart, we are so connected with this fast and in prayer! The friends of Jesus must suffer intensely because the lack of faith shown by those who have no love for Him.
“I believe this fast will get us ready for the 7 day fast which will come when the secrets are revealed! This is my very first 9 day fast although I do the Wednesday, Friday fast I was a little apprehensive, I don’t know how many times I picked up the phone to call to say I am in. When I finally called , I talked to Austin, he was so informative and reassuring that any apprehension I had left immediately and a huge weight lifted off my shoulders . In the Poem of the Man – God Jesus says overeating dulls the spirit and makes us dead weights(not sure what page, I think the first book). Wow, that has stuck with me!
“I have the booklet, Seize the Moment, page 17, realize that you are not giving something to God by fasting; you are getting something by fasting! profound! Thank you! God bless you all! It’s our Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. We had ours last weekend so I could do the fast!! Love from Canada, Our Lady Queen of Peace pray for us!!!”
Christopher Lake, Saskatchewan – Canada
This is just one letter of many. Another example which came in a few days ago told us:
October 7, 2020
“Dear Caritas Community, Praise be to Jesus. Thank you for the good work well done. I came to know about Medjugorje from your web site in 2009 September. I have been following up with your programs, prayers and fasting. I have done the 9-day bread and water fast like 4 times with you, but had never requested to be assigned a day. I started fasting on the 5th with you. Please assign me a day. Thank you.”
Kampala, Uganda – Africa
We know there are many across the world joining from their own country and home. This time of fasting and prayer unites us together as Our Lady’s children. Be sure to share your experience in the comments below. One word of encouragement can be a major help to someone who needs it.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
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14 thoughts on “Day 8 – People Still Joining the Fast, Testimonies to Read”
I am so grateful to have been a part of this fast. This the first fast for me. I thought it would be so difficult to do, yet God gave me the strength to do it. Now after the fast, I was looking online for the consecration prayer to Our Lady. What I came across was a website for joining the MI. I signed up…My consecration day is Dec. 8th. Truly it is no accident I came across this website. I believe God led me there. Praise be to Jesus ! Good things are happening all around me! Miracles do happen!
October 14. 2020 Dear Caritas, As I get up this morning excited to have my first cup of coffee in 9 days I can’t help but feel such gratitude for the community at Caritas and A Friend of Medjugorje. I have done the 9 day fast a few times before but have “cheated” with a cup of coffee or tea or maybe even a sweet muffin But this time was able to stay completely committed to a total bread and water fast for Our Lady. The graces abounded! It was an amazingly holy 9 days filled with many beautiful moments! This was the first time my husband did a 9 day fast and it was such a privilege to do this together for Our Lady, the Caritas 3 special intentions and for our country. Our lives were forever changed when we came to the 5 days of prayer for the reconciliation of ourselves, our families and our nation back to God in 1999. You have remained our constant source of inspiration and we thank God for you and all you do to spread Our Lady’s messages. Always in our prayers???
I completed the 9day fasting yesterday in God’s grace. It’s a miracle in itself as I have mentioned in my first post here that I could not even complete a 1 day fast before. All praises to my Redeemer who sent me graces throughout the fasting days. I cannot explain where I got the fervor to really stick to bread and water! Yesterday before supper I really felt so hungry and thirsty and a voice inside told me “now you understood what it feels to be hungry and thirsty. So many of your brothers/sisters are feeling the same way, not because of choice but because they have really nothing. Be charitable, feed the hungry & thirsty.” I realized, this fasting is just really a beginning of something new. A higher calling from God. Somehow, this fasting cleared cobwebs in me that hinder me to see clearly my purpose. God has been so gentle showing me one step at a time, like a toddler just beginning to learn how to walk. Thank you Jesus, Mama Mary, my guardian angel & to Caritas Community.
This is the evening of day nine. No words can express my thanksgiving for each of you I have felt so near in my joys and in my sorrow these past nine days. Our Lady tells us, “In complete surrender to God He will take care of everything and will bless you and your sacrifices will have meaning.” These nine days have been a renewing of faith and hope for our future. A peace in the mist of a raging storm. To experience deeply Gods great Love for us and that we are never alone. Our Mother is with us crushing the serpents head. I pray our nine day Novena and fast will save many poor souls who know not what they do. I pray to love where there is hatred. To forgive where there is injury, To be Our Lady’s extended hands. God bless you my extended family. In the Love of Mary, Teresa
It has been an honor to offer this 9-day fast to Our Lady for our country, our Church and for conversions. It has been the easiest 9-day fast I’ve done. I’ve also received the graces of joy and peace each day of this fast. I think that is due to the September 25th message where Our Lady reminds us that “prayer and fasting work miracles in you and around you”. Thanks, Caritas, for the invitation to join the fast!
I signed up for the 9 day bread and water fast for the first time this year. I was not aware of it before this year. I am so deeply grateful to be a past of this fast. Tomorrow is the last day…and I honestly can say it was a joy and a privilege. Thank You Blessed Mother. I love you so! Praise Jesus!…for He healed me of depression/anxiety this past March. I was considered “treatment resistant”. Glory be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit…now and forever! All for Thee Lord Jesus.
Can’t believe it’s almost over…the greater the struggle was in this fast, I reminded myself the greater my gift to God! Going to miss the constant connection to Him and Her every time I had a craving. Thank you for this experience. I hope to factor it into my weekly life. But tomorrow after midnight, I’m having a treat!
My ability to fast has been weak prior to this fast. I have been praying a lengthy Novena to St. Joseph. I included a petition for my ability to fast on that Novena. All is doing much better this time with my resolve to stay the course. Yesterday I survived a parish potluck luncheon with bread and water. Headaches have been horrible. Day 8 is first day headache free.
I feel so good about joining all of you for this fast. My mind and heart are tuned into prayer, and this experience has been a blessing. Tomorrow, the last day of the fast, I’ll be joining hundreds of others at our state capitol in Lansing to pray for all Our Lady’s intentions for our families and nation.
Praised be Jesus and Mary! Announced my participation in the 9 day fast this year in advance, and the comments from some family were not exactly happy, but an improvement over the less than charitable names they used previously when I aligned with Our Lady’s way of life. Once they see my commitment, they accept it. One additional benefit is that my normally elevated blood sugar dials right into a normal range by the third day. Please keep me in your prayers and fasting as I am taking another major step in my conversion. Thank you.
Dear Caritas, This is my 1st time in 3 years doing the 9-day fast. Although I had been faithfully fasting min. 1x/week, I had gotten out of it for about 2 years until corona hit and Our Lady’s 2nd of the month apparitions ended. I resumed the practice, and was over-the-top excited to join this year’s 9-day fast when it was announced. With 1.5 days left, as much as I’m looking forward to having a real meal, I’m equally as sad (if not more) that this 9-day fast is ending. What an honor it is to participate in something so great for the soul of America!
Last night was seven days into the fast. Went to visit the Felician Sisters large outside statue of Mary-prayed for family, friends and for all at Caritas. I am grateful to her. The fast seems to be better than other years. There seems to be no need for eating as a means of self gratification. When there is Jesus who gives us His food to satisfy us.
It has been a bit of a challenge. I would do it on Wednesdays & Fridays but by midday I would break it. Since I am about to finish the 9 day race, Wednesdays & Fridays here I come. It is mighty 8 days & I am still holding on. My work environment stresses a lot, I face challenges daily, but it has never came to a point of me wanting to let go. I thank you Caritas but above all, Thank you Mother Mary.
Dear Friend of Medjugorje and Caritas Community. Praised be Jesus and Our Lady. Such beautiful testimonies in the letters you received, one in particular related to my way of thinking about it: “The friends of Jesus must suffer intensely because of the lack of faith and those who have no love for Him”. This in particular reflects the reason for this fast and any other sacrifices, we the believers should offer for those who do not believe in God and have no idea what the future holds for all who do not obey Ten Commandments. God bless you and thank you for all you do and sacrifice for the world. Jesus of the Divine Mercy we trust in You. Our Lady Queen of Peace pray for us. Amen