Monday January 8, 2007
Mystical, ethereal, a feeling of “I can’t believe I’m standing on this spot,” often overwhelms one who climbs this mountain Our Lady said was a ‘Mount Tabor.’ The Holy Virgin Mary said:
June 24, 1986
“You are on a Tabor. You receive blessings, strength, and love. Carry them into your families and into your homes. To each one of you, I grant a Special Blessing. Continue in joy, prayer, and reconciliation.”
Her above words, identifying Krizevac, known as Cross Mountain, moved the meaning and purpose of this mountain into a Biblical context. This is a sacred mountain, in which pilgrims carry graces back home. One who visits Israel and climbs Mount Tabor, visits a historical, sacred place. But one who visits Medjugorje and climbs its Mount Tabor, Cross Mountain, visits an active, sacred, holy place where its stories will be told to future generations to the end of time, as we now read the Biblical stories of Mount Tabor of Israel.
This picture, taken at 6:40 p.m. on Nov 10, 06, of the back side of Cross Mountain, just behind the Cross, shows the opposite valley of Medjugorje. Though you can look from this mountain of miracles from several number of views, the miracles while climbing it or on its summit number into the millions. So many, if written down, as Scripture speaks of Jesus miracles, “the whole world could not contain the books that would be written.” John 21:25 The following is one of those innumerable stories.
Angela,* an Italian woman from Italy, had decided to make a pilgrimage to Medjugorje with a group. A second Italian group, with no knowledge of the first group, also planned a pilgrimages to Medjugorje. One of the travelers on the second group was Michael,* an Italian who had divorced 20 years before. Both groups were in Medjugorje at the same time.
As God masterfully ordains everything, the two groups happened to make the climb up Cross Mountain on the same day. As each group climbed, they prayed the fourteen stations, climbing their Calvary. As those who have climbed know, many wrongs of your past flash up, and a grace of true repentance comes to many hearts. The mountain is a place of spiritual miracles. Upon arriving on the mountain, groups kneel and pray at the foot of the giant cross. The two Italian groups came face to face. It was there, at the foot of the cross, that Michael and Angela came face to face. They were stunned and shocked. The two knew each other and had not seen each other for twenty years! You see, Angela was also divorced twenty years before to the man who now stood beside her before the cross. They talked and prayed together. News spread throughout the whole village of Medjugorje, and when the divorced couple decided to take up their married life again, the village overflowed with a contagious JOY!! Everyone was in praise and marveled at Our Lady’s intercession to bring the divorced couple back together on Tabor.
My friends in Our Lady – go to Medjugorje in this time of grace. If you are uncertain about going or in fear of traveling, or have other reservations, we will help you, talk to you, council you, because we believe everyone should go to Medjugorje, so as not to be sorry when this time of grace is over, never to return.
In the love of Our Lady,
* Names have been changed.
Please feel free to call 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST 205-672-2000 USA.
23 thoughts on “Cross Mountain”
Mama, hear the cries of all your addicted children, especially those in my family whom you have shown favor to by revealing yourself on Apparition Mtn. in 1990. I pray you, please extricate Satans influence from my family–crush his head–in His Holy Name I pray!!!