July 7, 2008
The apparition of Monday, July 7, took place in the Bedroom. It was a special apparition for the Community as beforehand, it was announced that one of the young couples in the Community had just become engaged to be married just moments before the Rosary began. When Our Lady appeared, Marija recommended everyone to Her and their intentions, and then also presented this young couple to Our Lady. Before giving Her blessing, Our Lady looked at the couple and smiled and then blessed everyone in the Bedroom, as well as the pilgrims who had gathered in the Field. And then surprisingly, when Marija asked where and when the apparition would be the following day, Tuesday, July 8, Our Lady said the Bedroom at 10:00 p.m. Our Lady had chosen to appear at 10:00 p.m. on two different nights during the Five Days of Prayer, July 3rd and 4th, but the next three days, the apparitions were in the Bedroom at 11:40 a.m. Not since the first apparitions in 1988-1989, twenty years ago, has Our Lady chosen to appear at 10:00 p.m. in the evening. Everyone was surprised at Her actions of appearing July 8, also at 10:00 p.m.
Unbeknownst to the bride to be, who can be seen at the bottom left hand corner of the photo, Medjugorje visionary Marija, who is in the center of the community, is creating a ploy to have a reason for everyone to enter into the Bedroom earlier than normal for Our Lady’s apparition. Marija loves surprises, whether they are for her, or she is a part of making a surprise for someone else. Caritas’ founder often says that surprises open the heart to conversion. With Our Lady we often have experienced that She likes surprises too.
Upon walking into the Bedroom, the Bed was beautifully made up to provide the setting for this special occasion. Our Lady would appear on the Bed just as it was, creating in this single moment special relics graced with Her blessing for this future family.
Johnny proposes on bended knee while Annie becomes the blushing bride to be. A sweet joy bursts through the room at this new beginning in the community, made more special having Marija and her children present to share the joy, and especially Our Lady, who would be present soon in the apparition.
On the Bed are special gifts given to the couple as a remembrance of their engagement. They were brought from Medjugorje having been blessed in Our Lady’s apparitions over the anniversary in June 2008. The large candle in the middle and the two by the rock from Apparition Mountain were used in the wedding ceremony for the Unity Candle–blessed by Our Lady in Medjugorje, blessed again by Her in the Bedroom at their engagement in the home of our founder, and yet again, on the day of their wedding when Our Lady appeared in the church during their wedding ceremony. Marija had come to the wedding with her husband and youngest son, Giovanni.
During Marija’s ecstasy, Our Lady smiles at the newly engaged couple during the apparition after Marija presents them to Her. The young couples of the community consider it a great grace to have their union blessed in the Bedroom. Three of the four young couples newly married in the community had their engagements blessed by Our Lady in the Bedroom of Apparitions. The Bed represents the “tree” or foundation of our community, and the new families are budding branches from our family tree.
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10 thoughts on “Caritas Silver Jubilee: What Happened on July 7, 2008”
THE TRUTH WITH BOLDNESS. The CENTRAL BANKS must now choose between saving the BONDS OR SAVING THE DOLLAR. No way they will save dollar so they will move into Great reset. GOD BLESS.
My visits to Medjugorje were and are life saving. I wish I could go back soon. Maybe in 2015. Thanks you Mother.
Thank You Blessed Mother! for your love for this world. In this period of Lent, we all are trying so hard to purify our selves by fasting and praying. Thanks and may God Bless You all, dear friends of Caritas!
My visits to Medjugorje were and are life saving. I wish I could go back soon. Maybe in 2015. Thanks you Mother.
I felt a deep need for prayer. Renew my intimacy with God through the sacraments of penance and the Eucharist. To pray always for the priests and a longing once again to see the face of my Heavenly Mother Mary. I wish all of us can live as one as the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are one. Pray for me too to keep the faith. Thank you Lydia.
I was on a conference of St. Andrews School of Evangelization this past weekend and given a glimpse of what is to come. This mailing confirmed the real and true presence of what Satan has instore and how much more I need to do as an apostle of Jesus Christ. May God Bless your ministry and please pray for our Evangelization Network over 30 years in the making started in Mexico on the need to know all of God in the Holy Bible and how to tell all our brothers and sisters what Love truly is in Jesus our Lord and Saviour.
Hi friend of God. Thanks for being the channel through which Our Lady speaks to us. Your reflection is valid and timely. Kindly pray for me- Andrea
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Dear Sir or Madam: Please send me your address via email. I will make my donations by check. I do not like the thought of sending anything over the internet. Thank you very much.Yours in Christ,Angus A. Stevens
Jesus really shed His blod in the Tables of the ten Commmadments. The archeolog Ron Wyatt found what he believed to be the old Arch of the covenant whith the tables of stone from the time of Moses, just under the piont where Jesus was crucified. When He died an earthqruake opened the roch, and his blood ruan down upon the seat of Mercy to redeem all mankind from the law. So everyone shall believe that Jesus was and is The Messiah!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3pqa-Jd5bkQ