What Happened on July 20, 2008?
Sunday, July 20, was the last public apparition of Marija’s visit to the United States for the July 1-5, 2008 consecrations. The apparition was at 10:00 p.m. in the Bedroom. It lasted over four minutes. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition:
“In the moment of the apparition when Our Lady came, I recommended all your intentions, and Our Lady prayed over us and blessed us. She prayed over us a long time with Her hands extended. She also blessed the people in the Field.”
Marija said that Our Lady had chosen the time for tomorrow’s apparition, Monday, July 21, and that it would be in the morning before Marija’s departure.
Sunday, July 20, 2008, was Marija and her boys last full day with the Caritas Community. She would be leaving the next day in the morning. The apparition of Our Lady would be at 10:00 p.m. in the Bedroom, but the community continued to meet in the Field for their normal Rosary time prayer, coinciding with the evening Rosary being prayed in Medjugorje. As it was a hot, sultry day in the South, the sprinklers were turned on for the small children to play in while the adults prayed. However, with a sudden turn of the sprinkler head, a stream of water was aimed at the blanket where Marija and our founder’s family knelt along with other community members. A little bit of a scamble took place to try and avoid getting wet—but as it was so hot, no one really minded the cool water.
Many people are raised to believe that the only acceptable prayer to God is meditative, head bowed, hands folded, serious prayer. Certainly there are important times for this kind of prayer. But Our Lady has taught us that prayer should also be joyful. Every day the community is underneath this Pine tree in prayer, saying their daily Rosary, day after day, month after month, year after year. Often the children do funny things that make them laugh while they pray. The children of the community grow up experiencing prayer time as a time of joy, of the community stopping everything and coming together to talk with each other, laugh and pray. Some of their deepest experiences of Our Lady is in these joyful times of prayer surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation and being filled with laughter at the innocent and playful antics of the children. As Our Lady said just recently:
June 25, 2011
“…My heart is joyful watching the love and joy in the living of my messages…”
It is Our Lady’s joy that they often feel in their hearts during their daily Rosary in the Field.
Marija with her third son, Marco, enjoying their last Sunday in the South in Our Lady’s Field until they return once again to their home away from home, in Sweet Home Alabama.
Marija in ecstasy in the Bedroom the night of July 20, 2008. Her gaze is always intense in the apparition, fully absorbed. Scientists have actually identified that Marija experiences a higher form of reality when she is in ecstasy. Though her lips are momentarily silent, Marija always recommends to Our Lady the intentions of everyone gathered in Her presence. When she does this it is possible to see Marija’s lips moving, her Adam’s apple in her throat bobbing up and down, and vocal folds vibrating, yet there is no sound. Scientists cannot explain this. In fact, many scientists have become believers in the apparitions of Medjugorje after the testing actually confirmed that the experience of the visionaries is supernatural. And yet, no one can say that the visionaries are seeing what they say they are seeing, except by faith. Science will never be able to prove the Blessed Virgin Mary is appearing to these six individuals from Medjugorje. So, blessed are those who, though they do not see, believe. Blessed, indeed.
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7 thoughts on “Caritas Silver Jubilee: What Happened on July 20, 2008”
The messages Our Lady sends are so robust and definite yet said in a beautiful peaceful way that we cannot neglect them.I help support some Nuns in Dipolog the Philippines and I have passed the messages on. The radio show with that beautiful music is even more satisfying I am trying to get the priest to include them in our Mass. Well done, I hope that all Gods Blessings accompany you in this most beautiful work.Regards,Paul Star
The messages Our Lady sends are so robust and definite yet said in a beautiful peaceful way that we cannot neglect them. I help support some Nuns in Dipolog the Philippines and I have passed the messages on. The radio show with that beautiful music is even more satisfying I am trying to get the priest to include them in our Mass. Well done, I hope that all Gods Blessings accompany you in this most beautiful work. Regards, Paul Star
I am in awe ,, how I wish that The Blessed Mother could appear to me ,, how I wish I could see her ,, I pray that soon I will be able to afford to go to medjegorje ,, I pray for peace because without peace we have turmoil ,,I pray for a miracle ! God bless all and especially the Legionaries .. God bless our country,s election on 7 may 2014 ,,God bless my home and the new job waiting ..regards
Thank you. May God bless you. Pray for me and my family
Peace is mentioned so much in this message–lack thereof! The Ukraine Russia debacle came to mind. So much violence and mental illness in our times–God help us! There is an urgency in the message that must be acted upon–NOW and always. Nasa Gospa can only help us if we cooperate with Her Son and Her Motherly love. Kraljica mira, moli za nas! Havaljen Isus i Marija! (Queen of Peace, pray for us. Praised be Jesus and Mary!) God bless you!