December 4, 2011 A.D.
What Happened on December 4, 1988
The apparition took place at 10:40 a.m. in the Bedroom. Our Lady came and She was very happy. Marija recommended all those present to Our Lady, especially the sick. Our Lady prayed over everyone and She blessed them all. She prayed The Lord’s Prayer and the Glory Be. The message:
“I invite you to live the profoundness of the messages that I give.”
Our Lady also blessed the objects. She made the Sign of the Cross while leaving saying, “Go in peace.”
This message was striking to our founder as so many people he encountered were uninterested in Our Lady’s messages because they said they were too simple, boring, they were repetitive, or they just said the same things Our Lady has always said in other apparitions. Yet, here She was saying Her messages were profound. It didn’t make sense to our founder that Our Lady would be coming this long time, and be giving so many messages if She was only saying the same things from the past. And, yet, though he sensed there was something more in the message to be seen, he too found it difficult to see beyond the words She was speaking. The above message was an important message for our founder because it confirmed to him there was something more to be discovered in Our Lady’s messages. He began to read them more often and with prayer. There was no message book available in any language that had all Our Lady’s messages compiled together, so he began to compile them together himself from many different sources. Through this process, and through Our Lady giving him further words to encourage him in this direction, he began to see a new way to approach Our Lady’s messages, and then the insights began to come to him. This began for him his life’s work of prayerfully reading Our Lady’s messages in order to understand how to put them into his life, into his family, and eventually into the community of which Our Lady was to ask him to start on December 13, 1988 from the Bedroom.
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