Can Join a Team of 618 People Who Have Stepped Up to be on a High Level Team to Support Our Lady’s Conversion Plans for the Entire World…
The Whole Mission of Caritas of Birmingham Belongs to You.
We Are at a Critical Bridge to Cross.
Do You Live These Two Messages?
April 2, 2021
Dear Friends of Our Lady,
1.) February 25, 1997
“…see at this time who needs your spiritual or material help…”
2.) August 16, 1984
“… live my messages and convey them to others, to whomever you meet…”
When a Friend of Medjugorje discovered Medjugorje, in the early 1980’s, he quickly saw it was very difficult to spread Our Lady’s messages. At that time, there were no fax machines, no personal computers and no Internet. On top of that, Yugoslavia was Communist, and they suppressed Medjugorje and the messages. The weekly messages given through Medjugorje visionary, Marija, weren’t received around the world until weeks, even months, after they were given to Marija by Our Lady. He realized that if he could put the messages of Our Lady into print, Medjugorje could be massively spread. Also, he recognized individuals could not produce and/or purchase massive amounts of printed material to spread Medjugorje. It would be too expensive for most.
The “solution” to print did not have a “solution” of how to make it a reality. Something had to be done, so, he decided to help equip individuals to spread material worldwide, by offering the materials for free or charging them just for the cost of the paper. It was very successful and still is. He put together a ten million dollar printshop, installed in The Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages, which was expanded for enlarging the print shop to its size today. A Friend of Medjugorje will not go in debt. If God does not provide the money, he will not do it. When a Friend of Medjugorje put the call out for help, you, the people, funded the building of The Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages. A beautiful result from building it is the many souls that have been converted and saved from the fires of hell. Through the graces of Medjugorje, this mission, that you have supported all of these years, has gained a reputation of a fishnet for bringing Our Lady’s children to Her.
Through Caritas, Medjugorje materials are produced for the cost of only the paper, enabling hundreds of thousands of people to become propagators of Our Lady’s messages way below cost. A Friend of Medjugorje understood that the lower the cost, the greater the distribution. Through these steps, a Friend of Medjugorje took a bold move to enable everyone to be able to be a Medjugorje center in their own home, as if they were co-owners of their own printshop. That is why at the beginning of this writing, it was stated, “The whole mission of Caritas of Birmingham belongs to you.” A Friend of Medjugorje has produced more Medjugorje conversion materials and writings than anyone in the world, through God’s grace. He realized, as well, that being able to give the materials away free, alleviates the possibility of being judged by others that one is doing it to make money.
A Friend of Medjugorje had, in the palm of his hand, the number one television network in the world: ABC Network Entertainment, News and Sports divisions. This came through God, providentially, connecting a Friend of Medjugorje with ABC’s owner and his wife. They traveled to Medjugorje with him in 1988 and became good friends. They even visited Caritas several times. During the 1991 Balkan Civil War that lasted several years, and eventually broke up Yugoslavia into individual nation states, ABC’s owner gave a Friend of Medjugorje three prime time slots every day, for six months, to air commercials to help Caritas of Birmingham with war relief for the people of Medjugorje and surrounding areas. This is all explained so that you can better understand the “palm of my hand,” statement above. A Friend of Medjugorje, literally, walked away from this goldmine. Why? Because he only wanted to do what Our Lady called him to do.
Through deep prayer, Our Lady inspired him away from television, even though, as you read, he had television on a “golden platter” for the taking. Our Lady put him in a struggle. One day, climbing to the Cross on Mt. Križevac in Medjugorje, he was confronted by Our Lady to choose the world’s #1 television network or the written word to promote Her messages. She would not leave his thoughts, through profound promptings, while he was climbing the mountain. Our Lady then strongly inspired him with the reason why She was pressing him to choose one or the other. It was presented to him, in his reasoning, that the Dead Sea Scrolls, found in the 1950s, were 2,000 years old. With that one thought, he became confident in his discernment that electronics will eventually erode and disappear, but the written word will preserve Medjugorje.
At this time, there was no Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages. But, The Tabernacle came to be in a few short years, complete with the bottom floor becoming a full operating printshop over the years. He chose the path that led to an innumerable number of souls finding the path to conversion by utilizing Our Lady’s messages. You can join and partner with his mission Our Lady, literally, called him to do.
What is the Critical Bridge to Cross?
Caritas must take critical steps, immediately, to meet its daily explosive expanding reach to keep up a major campaign we launched (in the summer of 2020) to have 1000 people to sign up to support conversion. We are pleased to report that we have reached and passed the half-way mark of the goal for 1,000 Project 50—Expanding Conversion Field Angels. We are contacting you with this urgent call in the hope that in the next few weeks, we will have 618 people commit solidly to giving $50.00 monthly. With the condition that both our nation and world are in, we are, running and operating in an emergency mode to be ready for what is coming with the Secrets. We are under water in regard to the amount of work that Caritas of Birmingham is producing and needs to produce. The Community, itself, cannot keep up. This is the urgent need.
A Friend of Medjugorje has founded projects to raise money, like the Cross plea, our annual Community plea, etc., but our Project 50—Expanding Conversion Field Angel funding is totally separate. Project 50’s purpose is to keep the doors of conversion open, through the many avenues provided through Caritas’ mission, and is specifically used for the expansion of operations that produce these many materials. Over 500 convicting writings are lined up, waiting to be published in volume, but are stalled because of a lack of funding. A Friend of Medjugorje’s principle, of no debt, ensures that 100% of Project 50’s dollars goes each month for what Caritas produces. As to the Community, operating Caritas of Birmingham, we are having to work often up to midnight and beyond and then begin our prayer at 5:00 AM. For months, as the world heads towards the manifestation of the Secrets of Medjugorje, we’ve been overwhelmed in our print shop, distribution and shipping departments. Over the last 12 months we have had over 60,000 phones calls, along with maintaining the largest Medjugorje center in the world.
Since 1996, the Caritas Mission House in Medjugorje is manned by Caritas Community members who distribute Our Lady’s messages, as well as the life-changing writings of a Friend of Medjugorje. The messages of the Medjugorje visionaries—Marija’s monthly 25th messages, Mirjana’s Second of the Month messages, and Ivan’s mountain messages—are printed on beautiful keepsake cards, free to every person who visits. People from all over the world, who pilgrimage to Medjugorje, find their way to the Caritas Mission House, it has become known as the “Message Place.” Millions of dollars in retail value have been given away over the past 33 years through the generosity of Caritas “Field Angels,” who, through their giving, make the materials available and change lives, heal families, and change the world. Project 50 will expand and strengthen the Caritas Mission House.
We must hire seven or eight people in key positions and make some other additions to meet the demands of the work in the print shop, shipping, and other positions to help the Community operate Caritas of Birmingham more efficiently and keep it producing to feed Medjugorje to the world. For example, just keeping up with the stock of materials that are given away free, in the Caritas Mission House in Medjugorje, which go all across the world, would keep our print shop continuously running. The retail cost of our special keepsake Hallmark-style, quality message cards that are gold foil-stamped, would be $3–$4 a piece. The messages of Our Lady are printed on these cards in the Mission House in Medjugorje. Well over a million message cards have been distributed over the years, all of them free for the taking, in order to spread the messages of Medjugorje to all corners of the world, from the bush country of Africa to the highest skyscrapers in metropolitan cities.
Hands from all over the world are reaching for Our Lady’s words inside the Caritas Mission House just after the release of Our Lady’s message on June 25, 2011. The Caritas Mission House is the only place in Our Lady’s village that gives out Her messages—free—to anyone who walks through our doors.
While we have the equipment, offices and facilities, we must add more people. At this point, we will be ready for the release of the Secrets and the onslaught that will hit Caritas. Demand on our mission has soared, especially due to the world’s coronavirus circumstances and the instability of the world. There are constantly new conversions, through our mission, through “God’s grace.” But it is not just conversions that we, and you with us as Field Angels, are responsible in helping. After conversion, comes the feeding and growing of conversions of the people who are hungry for everything we print and produce, while also giving counsel to those who call and write in. We cannot add more work hours in our day by cutting into our prayer life, as our prayer life is what keeps Caritas of Birmingham and the Community thriving. Likewise, we are not in a position to cut out anything from our work—printing, production, shipping, etc.—which, with God’s grace, thrives conversion.
The must solution is to have 382 more people respond to Our Lady’s call to reach the goal of 1,000 people, people, who love Our Lady, and who will respond to Her, respond to help spread Our Lady and implement Her messages and plans for our nation and the world. As quoted at the beginning, Our Lady said to help spiritually and materially. Our Medjugorje materials are spiritual materials and we need your help to keep them going out into the world.
February 25, 1997
“…see at this time who needs your spiritual or material help…”
If you pay monthly over $50.00 for a cell phone, or cable TV, or coffee, or sweets, or unnecessary luxuries, ask yourself if any of these mentioned come close in importance to the conversions of your fellow man? Ask yourself, would Our Lady be pleased with your decision to pay cell companies monthly and not the phone line from Heaven’s monthly messages? Many of you know, we at Caritas, slave ourselves, but we don’t complain because Our Lady said:
February 25, 1987:
“…sacrifice your lives for the salvation of the world…”
That is our commitment to Our Lady, but we cannot do that without your funding for what we produce. What does the factory of The Tabernacle of Our Lady’s Messages produce? Spiritual material, conversion and the growing of conversion through God’s grace. Through your contribution of $50.00 per month as a Project 50—Expanding Conversion Field Angel, you unite yourself with other Project 50 Field Angels to change the direction of the world which includes your loved ones, neighbors and even your enemies when they will come face to face with Our Lady through the three Secrets.
There is not a more noble use of 50 “one dollar bills,” that can have greater impact to change the destiny of a multitude of souls heading to perdition, than through Caritas’ work here. We have heard story after story of this true scenario in over 33 years of working in this mission. Whether it is someone who comes across material in the back of a church, is handed a book by a neighbor, found materials at a garage sale, learned of it through—whatever the case may be, lives are changed through the materials a Friend of Medjugorje has penned about Our Lady’s messages and apparitions, and souls have been changed for life. As a Project 50 Expanding Conversion Field Angel, you birth conversions, in collaboration with Our Lady and Caritas.
Please sign up to begin paying your “electric bill” to keep the “lights on” for the conversion of souls. Please do not let the “conversion power meter” be disconnected for lack of a monthly payment. Please sign up now. Or, if you have any questions, please feel free to call us.
In Brief
We need a minimum of 1,000 of you to give $50.00 per month to be part of that Field Angel army. As stated, we have 618 people. If you are already giving as a Field Angel, your donation is incorporated in our budget. We cannot take from that budget to transfer to Project 50. That would be counter-productive, leading us backwards, not forward. If you are already a Field Angel, we are seriously asking you to increase your gifts for the world’s conversion to $50.00 a month above your current monthly Field Angel donation. If you are not donating, please sign up immediately for a “Project 50” donation to help Our Lady’s most active producing operation on earth for producing and spreading Her messages.
In the Love of Our Lady, Queen of Peace,
Who is a Friend of Medjugorje?
Only 382 More People
Will Have the Ability
To Further Honor Our Lady
Beyond Prayer and Fasting
By Adding Almsgiving
Making Her More Known and Loved
Through Being a Project 50 Field Angel
To become a Project 50 Field Angel, we are asking for a $50 recurring donation each month. If you are already giving as a Field Angel and want to become a part of Project 50, you can be an active part of Project 50, by adding $50 a month to your monthly tithe. You can become a Project 50 Field Angel four ways:
• By calling or writing to Caritas in the U.S. and setting up your monthly recurring Field Angel donation through an ACH debit to your checking account – the safest and best method. Call Caritas at 205-672-2000 to set this up or click here to download the ACH Authorization Form to mail to Caritas at:
Caritas of Birmingham
c/o Field Angels
100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive
Sterrett, Alabama 35147 USA
You can fax this form to: 205-672-9667
You can email this ACH Authorization Form to: [email protected]
Again, outside of the U.S. dial, 001-205-672-2000.
• By clicking here and choosing the Monthly Recurring Field Angel Donation on your Credit Card (But we highly recommend to do it with your checking account because it’s more secure and costs very little compared to credit cards.)
• By clicking here and making a Monthly Recurring Field Angel Donation through your PayPal account (Again, the first choice is through the more secure automatic deduction through your checking account)
• By calling Caritas in the U.S. and giving your Card information over the phone for us to set up a Recurring Field Angel Donation
You can call Caritas in the U.S at 205-672-2000 if you have any questions about the options above. Using your checking account and having us set up a monthly ACH debit, is the least costly, safest and most-reliable method of donating. If you live outside of the U.S. and wish to call, dial to, 001-205-672-2000.