November 9, 2017 A.D.
Our Lady of Medjugorje said through Mirjana on November 2, 2017:
“…Apostles of my love, a living desire of faith and love is sufficient, and my Son will accept it…”
How many go through life without feeling accepted?
How many go through life without feeling accepted? And yet, Our Lady is saying in Her messages that a “living desire…” is sufficient and Her Son will accept it. In other words, a living desire means to have a good will and to be open. A Friend of Medjugorje wrote in 2000:
“…The fruit of following Our Lady’s messages, sacrificing our lives which is to lead to happiness, can do so only if one possesses a good will and good attitude towards such. In addition, one must be willing to change, have and accept a way that will many times go against what one would want for their lives today, but by making a decision in the present will lead to a better future. For those who seek the will of God in their life, they cannot present God with a laundry list or check list of their expectations, desires, or wants. Happiness will never come to us by this way, rather by forgetting self and abandoning our life to God…”1
For those who battle feeling accepted, Our Lady gives a solution: know you are accepted by Jesus by having a good will, sacrificing and forgetting self.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas