Tuesday, August 1, 2017 A.D.
10:00 AM Alabama Time
We have heard from many people telling of how much they are praying for the Mej plea to come to a close, and for Mej v3.0 to be released soon. What follows are two letters, which are a “behind-the-scenes” story of what is going on in the prayers and life of those who are giving as well as how closely Our Lady is walking with Her apostles in bringing this plea to a close soon.
Dear Caritas Community,
Please find enclosed one check in the amount of $2000.00 as funds for the Mej v3.0 project. As I reflect on how our Blessed Mother moved my heart to compel me to take from my ‘emergency’ fund I smile inwardly.
I had been thinking for about a week that I should challenge my sister, Linda, a new Field Angel, to make a donation toward the v3.0 update and I would match her donation to double the end result. When I spoke to her about the idea, her comment was, “Are you sure you want to do that? I’ve been thinking God wants me to tithe from my IRA to Caritas, and I am at the age when I must take distribution.” I answered yes, and two days later the important announcement of the two matching amounts is released on the website.
Who would have, could have, moved our hearts at such a time, in such a way as Our Mother?
In Love,
Following is the sister, Linda’s letter:
It is good news about the ‘Matching funds’. Before I heard about the matching funds I had been reading Words from Heaven. I had been to my credit union to renew my IRA. I was so disappointed in the less than 1% they wanted to pay me. I prayed and decided my spiritual future (plus lots of other folks souls) was more important than my financial future. I trust GOD to help me, if I help Our Lady from MEDJUGORJE. Help Her to win souls.
I AM making a contribution equal to one-year investment in the IRA.
In the Scriptures, a young man did not bury his father in order to follow Jesus. Surely many during Jesus’ time asked the young man, “Are you sure you want to do that?” But the call of God is too strong, too sweet to let it pass, though it may cost comfort, friends, family etc. Today, Our Lady is asking souls to place their trust in Her hands, during this time, which Our Lady said is Her time, and a turning point:
“This time is my time…” January 25, 1987
“This time is a turning point…” June 2, 2017
Our Lady is taking Her apostles by the hand and leading them in conversion, and She is leading them in a witness to all those who have not experienced the love of God. The path is not necessarily sweet. It is sometimes difficult, and involves sacrifice and a supernatural trust, but it is a path in which every sweetness is revealed.
July 25, 1987
“…pray and accept all that God is offering you on a way which is bitter. But at the same time, God will reveal every sweetness to whomever begins to go on that way, and He will gladly answer every call of God. Do not attribute importance to petty things. Long for Heaven…”
We have begun this path and have led many on it, in spite of being asked, “are you sure you want to do that?” But, we are going to go this way and point the way, which is through Our Lady.
Continue to pray everyday and offer sacrifices, Masses, hourly novenas for this plea to be finished, and for Mej v3.0 to be released soon. Thank you for all of your prayers and support – especially for your love for Our Lady, a love, which the world is in need of a witness.
In Love and Witness,