Are You Part of the Cult of Mary?

Are You Part of the Cult of Mary?

Mirjana, who receives the 25th message from Our LadyOur Lady of Medjugorje’s January 2, 2016 Message, along with powerful writing from a Friend of Medjugorje…

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s January 2, 2016 Message
Given through Mirjana on the Day for Non-Believers

“Dear children, as a mother, I am joyful to be among you because I desire to speak anew about the words of my Son and of His love. I hope that you will accept me with the heart, because the words of my Son and His love are the only light and hope in the darkness of today. This is the only truth and you who will accept and live it will have pure and humble hearts. My Son loves those who are pure and humble. Pure and humble hearts bring to life the words of my Son, they live them, they spread them and they make it possible for everyone to hear them. The words of my Son bring back life to those who listen to them. The words of my Son bring back love and hope. Therefore, my beloved apostles, my children, live the words of my Son. Love each other as He loved you. Love each other in His name, in memory of Him. The Church is advancing and growing because of those who listen to the words of my Son; because of those who love; because of those who suffer and endure in silence and in the hope of final redemption. Therefore, my beloved children, may the words of my Son and His love be the first and the last thought of your day. Thank you.”

Are You Part of the Cult of Mary?

by a Friend of Medjugorje

All media would have you believe the Church is decreasing and is not growing in its influence on the world. The Church “is” decreasing in its influence in the world, but at the same time, it is growing. How? There are elements in the Church, as a result of Medjugorje, that are growing. This is the hope for the Church. While it is true the world is in a nose dive, through a non-convicting Church, Our Lady is leading a group, a humble group of elites, schooling them, teaching them to break away from the world, from the direction of a nose dive into the rapidly approaching ground.

Years ago, the famous Thunderbird (Air Force) jets were practicing their maneuvers at Indian Springs Air Force field in Nevada, for an air show the next day. The lead pilot was being followed by the other pilots in a sequence of maneuvers. When the sequence of a planned nose dive took place, all four of the Thunderbird jets were lined up with the 2nd, 3rd and 4th pilot following the lead of the 1st pilot. As the lead pilot dropped further and further, he did not correctly judge the distance of the approaching ground nor recognized his path was placing himself too close to the ground. Finally, realizing he was near crashing, he made a last second move to pull up the nose of the jet. The angle and speed he was traveling eliminated the possibility of a change of direction. There was only one thing that could happen. He slammed straight into the ground. The second pilot following him, saw what happened, but he too had no chance to change his direction and crashed straight into the ground. The third, with more warning because of being further away in line as he was following the second plane, also crashed right into the ground. It was the same for the fourth. One, two, three, four – as quick as you can say it. They followed each other into a horrific fatal crash. The first was guilty of error, the others followed the error and also died.

This is what is happening today. Society is in a nose dive. Many in society are following the direction of society. Society will not be pulled out alive. Our Lady, for 34 years, began to pull planes out of the formation of the direction they were headed in, following society’s flight path. Today’s societies are traveling faster and faster towards the ground, some already crashing into it.


Our Lady began to train the planes She rescued, these planes with silvered wings, to follow Her own formation, calling and pulling them out of the dive formation maneuvers they were taking. She is the lead pilot for them to follow. St. Louis de Montfort wrote of Our Lady’s apostles of the latter days whom She would rise up, saying:

They shall have the silvered wings of the dove to go, with the pure intention of the glory of God and the salvation of souls.”

Our Lady said today, of these pilots and their formation that She is leading away from a crash, that She is speaking “anew” about “the words,” words that will save you from crashing if you listen, words that will:

“…bring back life to those who listen to them…”

Words whose flight path:

“…bring back love and hope…”

Her formation that we follow, flying on wings, is to not only lead us to an encounter with God, but to help others do the same.

August 25, 2015

“…May prayer be for you the wings for an encounter with God…”

Her formation is advancing and growing:

“…because of those who listen…”
“…because of those who love…”
“…because of those who suffer…”

Because they:

“…endure in silence…”


“…Love each other…”

“They” are “those” who are the people, the pilots, who will advance the Church through the words “anew” given by Our Lady. Whose words? Her Son’s. They are delivered by the advancing pilot, countering the dark cult of the ‘cult’ure of the darkness of today. The men going forth on silvered wings are the specialized forces who, being of Our Lady’s beloved apostles, are being given the controls to draw as many souls as possible away from a crash that is coming and into Our Lady’s formation of a people who follow Her.


In Rome, the Church annually celebrates Saint Peter and Paul’s Feast Day. The Catholic Church promotes this day, calling it the cult of Peter and Paul. These men helped establish a Christian cult which countered the dark cult/ture of their day and its way. That caused them to be martyred. It will be no less so for those who follow Our Lady. Just as it was for Sts. Peter and Paul, who followed the Christ that turned upside down the cults of the culture of their day, transforming them into the cult/ture of following Christ, the Word, we are to do the same and will experience the same resistance. Culture means:

The integrated pattern of human behavior.

We are to advance and change the world’s behavior, integrating Our Lady’s maneuvers, the words of Her Son, into our own behavior and lives. Cult is defined:

Formal veneration; a system of beliefs: its body of adherents; a small circle of persons united by devotion or allegiance to an artistic or intellectual movement or figure; a devotion to an idea, thing or person.

Sts. Peter and Paul certainly followed the “figure” of Christ and they were certainly leaders of a “body of adherents” to “a system of beliefs”, a cult of people who transformed the world through the Word . The Word birthed new ideas, allegiances, artistic and literary inspirations in which the advancement of a “way of life” succeeded in transforming the cultures of the world. Yes, as Our Lady’s apostles, we do belong to the Cult of Mary. Yes, as Our Lady brings new ideas, allegiances, artistic and literary inspirations, and a new way of life, we are called to advance upon and to contrast the “darkness of today’s” culture. How? Our Lady said today:

“…I desire to speak anew about the words of my Son…”

New ideas and new ways to bring light in the darkness of the present cult/ture. Cult is also defined as “a religion regarded as unorthodox today.” Jesus certainly delivered words that were unorthodox to Judaism and to the world. Our Lady does the same today to a world that is in a crash dive. Our Lady’s call will eventually form into an infrastructure in order to spread more widely and to propagate the living of and the spreading of Our Lady’s word; an infrastructure of individuals who are following in formation behind Our Lady:

“…they will spread and they will make it possible for everyone to hear them…”

Yes, the Cult of Mary is and will be persecuted and betrayed to the degree they are inducted in Her plan and used by Her. The level of their persecution is determined by how much they advance and grow. Caritas and its Community is a Cult of Mary – a good cult for the new culture that rises and grows, and a bad cult for the present culture that seeks not to be changed.

Count Me In,

 Friend of Medjugorje

Be sure to listen to the January 2, 2016 Radio WAVE, with A Friend of Medjugorje, discussing
 Our Lady’s message. To listen to the Jan. 2, 2016 broadcast titled, Boozers and Losers, visit here…

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„Draga djeco, kao majka, sretna sam da sam među vama jer želim vam iznova govoriti o riječima svoga Sina i njegovoj ljubavi. Nadam se da ćete me srcem prihvatiti, jer riječi moga Sina i njegova ljubav su jedino svjetlo i nada u tami sadašnjice. To je jedina istina i vi koji je budete prihvatili i živjeli imat ćete čista i ponizna srca. Moj Sin voli čiste i ponizne. Čista i ponizna srca oživljuju riječi moga Sina, žive ih, šire ih i čine da ih svi čuju. Riječi moga Sina vraćaju život onima koji ih slušaju. Riječi moga Sina vraćaju ljubav i nadu. Zato, apostoli moji mili, djeco moja, živite riječi moga Sina. Ljubite se kao što vas je On ljubio. Ljubite se u njegovo ime, u spomen na njega. Crkva napreduje i raste zbog onih koji slušaju riječi moga Sina; zbog onih koji ljube; zbog onih koji pate i trpe u tišini i nadi konačnog otkupljenja. Zato, djeco moja mila, neka riječi moga Sina i njegova ljubav budu prva i posljednja misao vašega dana. Hvala vam.”

Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

9 thoughts on “Are You Part of the Cult of Mary?”

  1. Count me in as a Cult of Mary! Thank you, A Friend of Medjugorje, for defining what a cult is; so many do not know or comprehend. Many too are lead astray by the ignorance and errors of people who do not hear the Words of Mary’s Son, Jesus! Thank you for hearing and helping us to hear. Thank you for suffering the persecution of others; I know your reward will be great in Heaven! I also believe you are living Heaven here on Earth. I pray for Grace to help my Family and others to see what you see, hear what you hear, and live what you live! May God continue to Bless you and your Family!

  2. Count me in as a Cult of Mary! Thank you, A Friend of Medjugorje, for defining what a cult is; so many do not know or comprehend. Many too are lead astray by the ignorance and errors of people who do not hear the Words of Mary’s Son, Jesus! Thank you for hearing and helping us to hear. Thank you for suffering the persecution of others; I know your reward will be great in Heaven! I also believe you are living Heaven here on Earth. I pray for Grace to help my Family and others to see what you see, hear what you hear, and live what you live! May God continue to Bless you and your Family!

  3. Barbara Downer

    I pledge my life and those of my family to Mary that she will keep us in God’s LOVE – Her messages give great hope and encourages us to follow Here, that is I with the hope that I Dear Mother please to God for US with the help of Mary to convince the younger ones to follow. I also need your help as to how to spread the messages to the young children I have n my catholic class. Thank you Dear Mother Pray for us

  4. Being blessed with the present of being in the field with Mary’s apostles of love December 8-12th 2015 was my Christmas. To be brought to heaven and to experience the sweetness of a culture that births Mary’s apostles of love. Coming home to my cross and sufferings brought me anew hope and understanding in a very small way my call that I can not comprehend in this life. Our Lady, my Mother, my teacher is teaching me to “come to know what real love is.” Our Mother church is growing because we Her children are “coming to know what real love is.” To love one another as Jesus loves us. Nailed to the cross, arms stretched out to us with mercy,” Lord forgive them they know not what they do.” As Our Mother Mary teaches us , apostles of LOVE, “Do what He tells you.” I love you and miss you Caritas….A CULTure bringing light to a dark world. Thank you for loving us with a real love.

  5. Maria Kurmlavage

    Count me in, too. “I wanna be in THAT number, when the saints go marching in.” Great response, Friend of Mej.

  6. Edward and Nancy

    I like your work for Mary I do believe the world needs Mary now more than ever, I am a member of Schoenstat which is also a world wide marian movement.

  7. Shanna Stencel

    Our dear Lady and Mother yet again reveals her Love for us. Discovering the beauty of her messages is like discovering a hidden treasure. God bless all who take Her messages to heart.

  8. The Lord is always with his mother. The Lord is always with the pure and the humble (simple of heart). Today is the feast of the Epiphany. We are anointed priest, prophet and king. Our Blessed Mother is bringing that to realization in her followers hearts in a simple yet enduring spirit. In this the year of Mercy, blessed are they who know their own poorness of spirit. Who rely on the Lords forgiveness and begin to live for what we are being called to be, light and hope for those who are stuck in a death dive. The Lords forgiveness is greater than ourselves! May the Peace of Our Ladys plans guide our own feet in the paths and words of her Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

  9. Great. thanks for the encouragement. Humility and virginity of heart are the two most disliked virtues by the world of darkness.

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