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Apparition of July 2, 2023 at Caritas of Birmingham

Apparition of July 2, 2023 at Caritas of Birmingham

The apparition of July 2, 2023 took place in the Field of Apparitions. The Rosary began at 6:00 PM. The Joyful and Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary were prayed. At 6:40 PM, Marija began praying the 7,7,7. It was during this prayer, at 6:42 PM that Our Lady appeared. The apparition lasted 3 and half minutes. Following is Marija’s description of the apparition:


“Today, during the moment of apparition when Our Lady came, I recommended to Our Lady, to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady, all our intentions. Our Lady prayed over us, and She blessed us all.”


About the apparition tomorrow Our Lady said:


“Same time, same place.”


Marija - July 2, 2023 Apparition

Marija is conversing with Our Lady while people from all over the nation gather around the Mother to pour out their hearts to Her.


The apparition for July 3, 2023, will take place in the Field of Apparitions, near the Tree. The Rosary will begin at 6:00 PM Central Time USA.


For all joining from home, continue to be in union with us as we pray together with Our Lady, for ourselves, our families and Nation.


On Behalf of a Friend of Medjugorje
and the Community of Caritas


Sunset - July 2, 2023

We were blessed with a beautiful sunset over the mountain, after tonight’s apparition.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

Thousands of you helped a Friend of Medjugorje keep Our Lady’s messages flowing to the entire world’s population – 190 countries, over a hundred languages, thousands of hours of Radio WAVE, all given away FREE! And more to come… Thank you!

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3 thoughts on “Apparition of July 2, 2023 at Caritas of Birmingham”

  1. Herminia Ramirez

    City: Rio Grande City
    State: Texas
    Country: Usa
    May God richly bless you today and may you please pray for my healing I have been bedridden for 11 years with lots of pain very little mobility, diabetes, and very difficult time losing my vision too Lord Jesus, help winterization of our blessed mother, Mary, thank you

  2. Kathy Ciarmoli

    City: Fairfield
    State: NJ
    Country: United States
    I’m definitely in union with you praying at home for the intentions of Our Lady, our country and the intentions of all. I’m also praying before and during the apparition time in solidarity.

  3. City: Hessmer
    State: La
    It was another beautiful moment with Our Lady tonight and to see the sun dancing in the sky was an extra special blessing.❤️

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