
Medjugorje Annual Apparitions: 1994 – Medjugorje Messages

Medjugorje Annual Apparitions: 1994 – Medjugorje Messages

March 18, 1994 – Mirjana’s Annual Apparition

Our Lady’s annual birthday message to Mirjana:

“Dear children! Today my heart is filled with happiness. I would like for you to find yourselves in prayer every day, as today, this great day of prayer. Only thus, can you proceed towards true happiness and true fulfillment of body and soul. As Mother, I want to help you in this. Allow me to do so. I am telling you again to open your hearts to me and allow me to lead you. My way leads to God. I invite you that we may proceed together because you see for yourselves, that with our prayers, all evils are destroyed. Let us pray and hope.”




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10 thoughts on “Medjugorje Annual Apparitions: 1994 – Medjugorje Messages”

  1. Mario Moro Fecchio

    Please your speech is very important to us in Brazil but in a certain way difficult to understand because of your pronounce. Please talk in a way similar to that man that says “No one can serve two masters…”

  2. Daily, I try to read a chapter from the book “To The Priests, Our Lady’s Beloved Sons” which of Our Lady gave messages to Fr. Stefano Gobbi. I know A Friend of Medjugorje has quoted this book before. This is part of the message I read this morning: Chapter 385, June 29, 1988 “The heart of the Pope is bleeding today because of one bishop of the holy Church of God who, through an arbitrary episcopal ordination carried out against his (the Pope’s) will, is opening up a painful schism in the Catholic Church. But this is only the beginning. In fact many bishops are, as of the present time, no longer united with the Pope and are moving along a road which is opposed to that which he is pointing out. This is a greater and more dangerous deviation , even if it is not yet visible…” j. Thus there is beginning to be delineated clearly the plan of the little flock, which will remain faithful to Christ and to his Church, guarded whole and entire in the garden of my Immaculate Heart.”

  3. Archbishop Vigano said that the Pope told him that American Bishops should not be far right (not knowing what he meant) and they should not be far LEFT, taking that he meant homosexual. I was stunned and horrified when Pope Benedict stepped down!Wondering what it meant for the Church. But, if Vigano was correct in his understanding, I don’t think Pope Francis will sign this document, at least knowingly.I have also questioned Francis, but I think we need, as Vigano said, to pray for him! I don’t think he is the antipope. But, I think he is surrounded by evil and is being mislead. Pray for him! Pray the Holy Spirit leads him into all Truth! Pray for his intentions and his protection! We know there will be a separation, a purification of the church. THANK GOD!! Our Lady told us in Her messages to Fr Stephano Gobbi in Marian movement of priests, that the antipope will abolish the Holy Sacrafice of the Mass! Revelation! We know the true Church and true pope will be underground! Pray!!!

  4. Why does the mega church exist in America? The mega church in irondale, the church of the highland has over 35,000 on Sunday! But the importance of your soul is avoided for unity of feel good CHURCH SERVICE! Google placed on line a national newspaper story database. I searched beween 1950 to 2000 the keywords ‘ancient church fires’ and counted over 1.2 million stories. Destruction of the Catholic church has been ongoing. DISUNITY AND DESTRACTION IS EVIL’S GOAL, ACT SMART BY UNITING BY NOT ALLOWING YOURSELF TO FALL TO THEIR GAME. LGBT HAS BEEN CREATED AS A GAME TO DIVIDE!!!

  5. I want to send my heartfelt congratulations to all who had the determination and resolve to pass on Our Ladys message through billboard form. People will notice and respopnd positively and prayerfully I am sure. God bless you all

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