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Annual Apparition and Message Through Mirjana March 18, 2024

Annual Apparition and Message Through Mirjana March 18, 2024

Tune-in to a Special World Report with a Friend of Medjugorje on Radio WAVE for an important broadcast tonight, March 18, 2024. This broadcast is connected to Our Lady’s message today. Call all your friends and family and tell them to listen at 8:00 PM Central Time USA. Listen live online here.

March 18, 2024 A.D.

English | Hrvatski | Italiano | Francais | Deutsch | Espanol |

… more languages coming soon …

Mirjana Annual Apparition March 18, 2024

Medjugorje visionary Mirjana had her annual apparition of Our Lady today, Monday March 18, 2024. Several years after Our Lady stopped appearing to Mirjana daily, She began to appear to Mirjana on the second of each month. These second of the month apparitions took place for quite a few years. A Friend of Medjugorje built the infrastructure for the propagation of those second of the month messages, which you can read in this story here.

Our Lady ended Her second of the month apparitions to Mirjana on March 18, 2020, and from then, Our Lady has only appeared to Mirjana on March 18.

Our Lady appeared to Mirjana in Medjugorje today, Monday, March 18, 2024. Our Lady appeared at 1:23 PM Medjugorje time, and the apparition lasted 4 minutes. Following is Our Lady’s message given through Mirjana during her annual apparition of March 18, 2024:




March 18, 2024

“Dear children, by the merciful love of God, I am with you. That is why, as a mother, I am calling you to believe in love — the love that is union with my Son. With love you help others to open their hearts to come to know my Son and to come to love Him. My children, love makes it for my Son to illuminate your hearts with His grace,  to grow in you and to give you peace. My children,  if you live love, if you live my Son, you will have peace and you will be happy.  In love is victory. Thank you.”



18. ožujka 2024

„Draga djeco, po milosrdnoj ljubavi Božjoj ja sam s vama. I zato vas kao majka pozivam da vjerujete u ljubav. Ljubav koja je zajedništvo s mojim Sinom. Ljubavlju pomažete drugima da otvore svoja srca da upoznaju moga Sina i da ga zavole. Djeco moja, ljubav čini da moj Sin svojom milošću obasjava vaša srca, raste u vama i daruje vam mir. Djeco moja, ako živite ljubav, ako živite moga Sina imat ćete mir i bit ćete sretni. U ljubavi je pobjeda.“



18 marzo 2024

“Cari figli, io sono con voi grazie all’amore misericordioso di Dio. Ed è per questo che, come madre, vi invito a credere nell’amore. L’amore che è comunione con mio Figlio. Con amore aiutate gli altri ad aprire i loro cuori per conoscere mio Figlio e per amarLo. Figli miei, l’amore fa sì che mio Figlio illumini i vostri cuori con la Sua grazia, cresca in voi e vi doni la pace. Figli miei, se vivete l’amore, se vivete mio Figlio, avrete la pace e sarete felici. La vittoria è nell’amore. Vi ringrazio!”



18 mars 2024

«Chers enfants, grâce à l’amour miséricordieux de Dieu, je suis avec vous. C’est pourquoi, comme Mère, je vous invite à croire à l’amour. L’amour qui est union avec mon Fils. Par l’amour, vous aidez les autres à ouvrir leur cœur, à connaître mon Fils et à commencer à l’aimer. Mes enfants, l’amour fait que mon Fils, par sa grâce, illumine vos cœurs, grandit en vous et vous donne la paix. Mes enfants, si vous vivez l’amour, si vous vivez mon Fils, vous aurez la paix et vous serez heureux. Dans l’amour est la victoire. Je vous remercie.»


18. März 2024

„Liebe Kinder, durch die barmherzige Liebe Gottes bin ich bei euch. Und deshalb rufe ich euch als Mutter auf, an die Liebe zu glauben; die Liebe, die Gemeinschaft mit meinem Sohn ist. Mit Liebe helft ihr anderen, ihre Herzen zu öffnen, um meinen Sohn kennenzulernen und sich in Ihn zu verlieben. Meine Kinder, die Liebe bewirkt, dass mein Sohn mit Seiner Gnade eure Herzen erleuchtet, in euch wächst und euch Frieden schenkt. Meine Kinder, wenn ihr die Liebe lebt, wenn ihr meinen Sohn lebt, werdet ihr Frieden haben und ihr werdet glücklich sein. In der Liebe ist der Sieg. Ich danke euch!“



18 de marzo de 2024

““Queridos hijos, yo estoy con ustedes gracias al amor misericordioso de Dios. Y por eso, como Madre, los invito a creer en el amor, amor que es unión con mi Hijo. Con el amor ayudan a los demás a abrir sus corazones para que conozcan a mi Hijo y lo amen. Hijos míos, el amor hace que mi Hijo ilumine sus corazones con Su gracia, crezca en ustedes y les dé la paz. Hijos míos, si viven el amor, si viven a mi Hijo, tendrán paz y serán felices. En el amor está la victoria. ¡Les doy las gracias!”



18 marca 2024

„Drogie dzieci, dzięki miłosiernej miłości Bożej jestem z wami. I dlatego jako matka wzywam was, byście wierzyli w miłość. Miłość, która jest zjednoczeniem z moim Synem. [Poprzez] miłość pomagacie innym [ludziom], by otworzyli swoje serca, by poznali mego Syna i Go pokochali. Dzieci moje, miłość sprawia, że mój Syn swoją łaską oświeca wasze serca, wzrasta w was i daruje wam pokój. Dzieci moje, jeśli żyjecie miłością, jeśli żyjecie moim Synem, będziecie mieć pokój i będziecie szczęśliwi. W miłości jest zwycięstwo.”


Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

2 thoughts on “Annual Apparition and Message Through Mirjana March 18, 2024”

  1. Janet A ODonnell

    City: Las Vegas
    State: NV
    Country: United States
    Thank you for sharing Mary’s messages to Mirjana!
    Love ! I pray for the grace to Love more and more, especially my children who seem so far from the Faith which we tried to share with them and they have rejected! My heart is broken. God Loves them even more than I do and I believe and Trust in Him that He will bring them back! God Bless all who suffer for those they Love!

  2. Theresa A Otto

    City: Macungie
    State: PA
    Country: US
    so our Mother is calling us to love her Son More.. So We all need to work on that.. I know with Our country being torn apart, Jesus is the only answer.

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