What is conversion? When does conversion end? Is our conversion important to others?
October 19, 2011 A.D.
Conversion is a test of love. When we can turn against all our weakness, faults, uncharitable habits; when we resist and change every error in our lives, then we are headed towards total conversion. When is conversion complete? It will be completed in this life at the final draw of our last breath. Conversion may be likened to struggle. Struggle likened to war. The object of war is a more perfect peace. For the sake of love, love of Our Lady, Her daily blessing given each day during apparition time is to be turned into profound daily conversion. You cannot claim conversion, nor that you love, if you do not.
February 25, 1993
“Dear children, today I bless you with my Motherly Blessing and invite you all to conversion. I wish that each of you decides himself for a change of life…You cannot say that you are converted, because your life must become a daily conversion…”
November 25, 1992
“…I love you and therefore I am with you to teach you and guide you to a new life of conversion and renunciation…”
Is your conversion a beautiful treasure chest deprived of its treasure? Ask yourself and ponder, does your life fulfill your conversion experience? Is your beautiful chest filled with a beautiful life of sacrificial love, of preferring other’s needs before your own? Of trying to give without reserve in every act? If not, close your chest, seal it until it becomes filled. Then open it, let its contents sparkle and dazzle, and let your life of sacrificial love amaze all who know you so that they will long to be the same.
How privileged we are to have Our Lady as a spiritual director in our age. Who in two thousand years of history has had such an honor? It places you in the position to receive the same privileges the apostles had two thousands years ago, walking with the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen from Nazareth. Everything else pales to insignificance once we understand this. Run towards Our Lady’s wishes. We are being given a profound gift directly from God. Once this “event” is history, it will be viewed by those in the future as profoundly mystical, a wonder in the same category as Noah and the Flood; Moses with the Pharaoh; and Jesus and His Apostles. For it is Our Lady’s time; a time predicted four hundred years ago by St. Louis de Montfort, to raise apostles up for the latter days; a time spoken of in Revelation that John saw two thousand years ago while exiled to the island of Patmos; a time in which the Trinity Itself gives to Her, the Woman who was spoken of in the beginning of the Bible, and is now at the beginning of a “new time” at the end of an age. Her words described that She “waits impatiently for” the time. Her time has arrived. The tragic and saddest experience is for those who have come so close to the Divine, a glorious event, and have not realized what is being offered to everyone and anyone who will accept daily conversion. Just as we wonder how anyone two thousand years ago could have been so foolish as to be apathetic or indifferent or grow cold to Jesus’ actions, people in the future will look back at the present moment and wonder the same about us. It is time “today” to change your life and radically. Fill your treasure chest. The world is in great need of it being opened after it is filled.
This pilgrim above is seen carrying a rock up the mountain. It is a common practice for pilgrims to carry a rock to the summit of the mountain in Medjugorje; the rock symbolizing all their petitions, all of their past, futures, everything. Then to leave the rock there, symbolic of leaving all your cares to the Lord for Him to give you a new life, a new beginning. Conversion is a new beginning, and a process that once started does not end until you draw forth your last breath. One must ask oneself the question, “Does your daily conversion affect others? If so, does it affect them positively for the good?” Ponder on these questions and ask Our Lady to help you to start a new beginning, and renew your conversion, for yourself and for others.