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A Special Apparition May 1, 2024, in Medjugorje – “They were in for a big surprise.”

A Special Apparition May 1, 2024, in Medjugorje – “They were in for a big surprise.”

May 2, 2024 A.D.

Every day Marija, Ivan and Vicka still have daily apparitions. The following is the description of Marija’s May 1, 2024 apparition.


Medjugorje visionary, Marija’s apparition this evening, May 1, 2024, took place downstairs in the large gathering space in the Magnificat. The room was full.  Leading up to the apparition, both the Luminous and Glorious mysteries of the Rosary were prayed.


When the time neared to Our Lady’s coming, Marija got up and told everyone to prepare for Our Lady’s coming. Someone was translating into English and a priest into Spanish.


Marija knelt down and prayed two sets of 7,7,7 (7 Our Father’s, 7 Hail Mary’s and 7 Glory Be’s). Our Lady appeared during the 3rd set of the 7,7,7.


The apparition began at about 6:45 PM and when Marija came out of ecstasy, it was 6:51 PM—apparition was a little over 6 minutes long.


After the apparition, Marija began relaying to everyone present what had happened during the apparition. They were in for a big surprise.


Marija was talking in Croatian and Italian with someone translating what she said into English and a priest who was translating into Spanish.


When Our Lady appeared, Marija said she recommended all of us, all of our prayers, all of our intentions to Our Lady. And then Marija said that she told Our Lady:


“You know today is big feast day, big feast day for St. Joseph. St. Joseph is the hidden and humble saint. And so, I asked Our Lady to greet St. Joseph for us, to say hello to him and to wish him a happy feast day today.”


Marija said Our Lady then began to smile. And Marija added, saying to Our Lady:


“Don’t forget about us, to pray for us and our families.”


And Our Lady continued to smile. And then Our Lady prayed over us, and She blessed us.


And as Marija has been doing for many months, Marija prayed with Our Lady for peace—peace in our hearts, peace in our families, and peace in the world.


There was also a bishop present at Marija’s apparition from the Ukraine.  After speaking about the apparition, Marija talked a little bit about the Ukraine. She talked about how it is important for us to pray and fast because prayer and fasting can stop war.


Marija said many times we are in our house, we are warm, we have food and we don’t think about war because its thousands of miles away. It doesn’t really affect us because it is far away from us.


This Bishop from the Ukraine and his people couldn’t build fires because the smoke would have attracted attention to where they were.


It was below zero and the elderly and small children were freezing because they couldn’t build any fires.  They had no food.  We must pray and fast because Our Lady said prayer and fasting can stop wars.


Marija said that we all must become holy, become saints.  If everyone were to become holy, live holiness in their lives, become saints then there would be no more room for war.


Marija said that now there is war everywhere:  The Ukraine, Russia, South America, Lebanon, Africa, Israel.  We must pray, really pray.  Put prayer in the first place.


Marija then asked the Bishop from the Ukraine and all the other priests present (about 20) to bless everyone and all our religious articles.


St Joseph and Jesus

To honor St. Joseph is to bring joy to Our Lady.  What a sweet scene to imagine Our Lady going to St. Joseph in Heaven to tell him of Marija’s greeting this evening. The hidden and humble St. Joseph, as Marija called him, is also the most powerful and greatest saint in all of Heaven.


One of the most popular pages on is the prayer to St. Joseph which we have included here,


A Friend of Medjugorje released a book about St. Joseph and Medjugorje in 2022.  Our Lady dictated Her life story to Medjugorje visionary, Vicka, in which she filled up three notebooks of details we will all learn one day. Does St. Joseph have a role to play in Medjugorje? A Friend of Medjugorje pulls together many hidden gems that help to answer that question and many more.  It is a fascinating read – share it with people you know:

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

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6 thoughts on “A Special Apparition May 1, 2024, in Medjugorje – “They were in for a big surprise.””

  1. City: Oakton
    State: Virginia
    Country: USA
    Dear Blessed mother,
    I want to love you more & more. Help me to be a good Grandmother. Help our country, especially as the Presidential Elections come near.
    You are the patroness of the US – protect us.

  2. Melinda Marie Hatherly

    City: New Braunfels
    State: TX
    Country: United States
    I LOVE you Blessed Mother.
    I thank you for being our Mother. Words cannot express the love pouring out of my heart for hevan and earth. Please be with us and protect us from all evil and instruct us through these times.
    In Jesus name I pray.

  3. RoseAnn Hamill

    City: 2
    State: Wealdstone Harrow Middlesex
    Country: United Kingdom England
    Please prayer for my brother Alex who is going for heart tests also to see the cardiologist on Thursday 9th May for good results that they can do some treatment to help his heart and circulation. Also his wife who has bone cancer and lung cancer that the coming scan will show a marvellous improvement. All the Family, friends and sick Priests thank you my prayers will be with you also.

  4. State: usa
    The St Joseph 1900 year old prayer referenced above is my favorite prayer.The prayer is in the Pieta Book you sell. In my Pieta book it reads that this prayer was founded in the fifieth year of our Lord . It was sent by a Pope to Emperor Charles when he was going into battle. Also, it reads to oral tradition whoever reads this prayer or hears it will never die a sudden death, nor be drowned, nor will poison take effect on them. They will not fall in to the hands of the enemy nor be burned in any fire, nor will they be defeated in any battle. Please read and give prayer to kids and grandchildren. I have 4 kids and nieces and family I have read or given this too them and St. Joseph I attribute his intervention and this prayer to saving their lives many times. Best Prayer Ever!

    1. Joanne Bernadette Shea

      City: Nashua
      State: NH
      Country: United States
      I love Our Lady of Medugorje! I have been blessed by Her for many years! My rosary beads turned gold as I prayed the Rosary. I will never forget her.

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