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A Second Opportunity Again! Emergency Plea! We’ve Got Until Dec 10…

A Second Opportunity Again! Emergency Plea! We’ve Got Until Dec 10…

Originally Posted November 13, 2022
Updated Dec. 9, 2022


We’ve Reached Over Halfway!

See chart below for updated amount.


Emergency Plea!

“…mankind has decided to die…” Oct. 25, 2022

The only hope is Our Lady


Spread this message far and wide.


A Friend of Medjugorje was in Medjugorje when Our Lady gave the above words, that, “mankind has decided to die.” He felt that we need to immediately get this message out, because as he had said about the message that, “Only Our Lady can cancel man’s decision to die. Our Lady is the hope for the world.”


We have been contacted again by the same billboard company which asked us to put up a sign in Times Square back in April of this year. Many of you responded earlier this year, and we quickly raised the funds to put up the sign with Our Lady’s image and the words, “Everybody’s Looking for Something from God.”


We now have a second grand opportunity to continue to expose a new message of Our Lady to 106 million people.


There are three major things happening:


1. Our Lady announces that, “mankind has decided to die,” and a Friend of Medjugorje wants to get this message out to the masses. Our Lady is the only hope. Our Lady is showing us the way of hope. She said in the October 25, 2022, message, “do not lose hope…”


2. The billboard company asks us to put up another message in Times Square. Their desire was urgent enough that they have already started showing the original sign we put up and will change it to the new message this week.


3. This new billboard with the words, “Mankind has decided to die… The One hope is the Queen of Peace…” will be displayed through Thanksgiving Day, Black Friday, Christmas and New Year’s Eve, when one million people will gather in Times Square to watch the ball drop at midnight.


We will be able to tell millions of people a truth straight from Heaven that:


Mankind has decided to die…

Do not lose hope in a change of the human heart…


The billboard company also shared with us the comments they were hearing from people who saw the billboard this Spring.  They were excited and wanted to offer us more time to keep Our Lady in Time Square.  They said:


“We’re getting a lot of compliments from people. It’s simple, it looks good. What you’re saying is something no one else is saying. We want to see your image there at Christmas and not another product to buy.”


What Will This Do?


The new board will guide people to our website, Medjugorje.com, which a Friend of Medjugorje has built to be the biggest, most-visited Medjugorje website in the world.


Out of 1 billion websites worldwide, Medjugorje.com ranks above 99.9 percent of all websites, worldwide.


How You Can Help Our Lady’s Message Get Out?


We need to raise $70,000 by December 10.


We know from previous billboard campaigns that Our Lady’s words with “Her” image on the board has a supernatural grace for many to be instantly drawn to Our Lady.


We need to raise these funds as soon as possible. Donate here. Spread the word.


Original Times Square Billboard April 2022Original Billboard Posted in April 2022. The original 56-foot wide and 29 feet high board. The above image of Our Lady ran for 69 days, beginning April 2022. Our Lady’s image rotates several times an hour. Pray for a grace to be attached to this board and message.


When one finds out that a loved has a terminal illness, one will spend effort, time, money to save their life. A Friend of Medjugorje wants the world to hear that it is on the point of death.


A Friend of Medjugorje has said many times that Medjugorje is the medicine from God. Sending people to Medjugorje.com will send people to find the solution.


Do not delay. The urgency to raise these funds can be easily raised if everyone gives something, be it a little or a lot. If just 7 people gave the gift to Our Lady of $10,000 each, we quickly meet the deadline. Even one dollar amounts up if everyone gives something.


To give Our Lady a gift you can visit here or call in the U.S. 205-672-2000. When dialing from outside the United States dial 001-205-672-2000. After hours dial to extension 399 and leave your information. Thank you!


Pray for a grace to be attached to this board that whoever may see it may encounter Our Lady. Thank you!

Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas


P.S. This is a full-color digital message at the corner of Broadway and West 43 Street in New York City. The billboard company is again helping by giving us less than half price, a $130,000 discount.


Because we received such a good response with the billboard the first time, the billboard company has given us the same billboard through New Year’s. This billboard will run through December 31, 2022, when one million people gather in the street to watch the ball drop. In the past, one million people watch live across the world. The billboard company is giving us until Dec. 10, to raise the money and pay for the billboard.


We’ve got less than 30 days from November 13 to pay the $70,000. Thank you!


Make a Tax-Deductible Donation Here

Or Call in the U.S. 205-672-2000

Or you can mail your donation to:
Caritas of Birmingham
c/o Emergency Plea Times Square #2
100 Our Lady Queen of Peace Drive
Sterrett, Alabama 35147 USA


Update December 5, 2022 – 8:00 AM

Thanks to a supporter giving a generous $10,000 donation, we are now over half-way to reaching the goal! See the chart below for the updated amount.


Update December 9, 2022 – 9:00 AM

Another generous donor gave a $10,000 donation, bringing our total to $45,7000! See the chart below for the updated amount.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

Thousands of you helped a Friend of Medjugorje keep Our Lady’s messages flowing to the entire world’s population – 190 countries, over a hundred languages, thousands of hours of Radio WAVE, all given away FREE! And more to come… Thank you!

By helping by a Friend of Medjugorje, you help convert and save souls from perdition. Thank you! Your donations are needed at all times. If you want to be a part of this plea, you can donate here.

10 thoughts on “A Second Opportunity Again! Emergency Plea! We’ve Got Until Dec 10…”

  1. City: Hancock
    State: Michigan
    We didn’t make it to the amount needed! Will my donation now even help? Please advise all of us who would still like to donate.

  2. City: Knoxville
    State: TN
    Country: USA
    A wake up call from Our Lady needs to be heard and needs to be seen. Let’s do this. I’m sending my donation, via mail, tomorrow.
    God Bless us, everyone. Our Lady is our only Hope, so we need to pay attention, and we need to act, therefore, donate, now.

  3. City: Gillieston Heights
    State: NSW
    Country: Australia
    I didn’t donate for the first one because I didn’t agree that the marketing would do anything. Our Lady has changed my heart so I have chipped in this time. How wrong of me originally. It’s not my money it’s God’s money that I earn, so even if it saves just one life, Heaven will be rejoicing. This world, especially New York needs Our Lady’s help now more than ever, and who am I to argue with her. As FOM says, she always gets what she wants.

  4. City: Lake City
    State: FL
    Country: USA
    Dear FOM, This news is the answer to my prayers and the hope to reach many lost souls in New York City and around the world. I’m a native New Yorker and once worked on Broadway & 45th Street. I know THE billboard and the golden opportunity this location offers. I will be donating soon what I can afford and urge everyone to send something no matter how large or small. This is wonderful news and thank you for getting the BVM’s message out to the world again. God bless Caritas of Birmingham. Love, Susan

  5. Annemarie Mahoney

    City: Rochester
    State: NH
    Country: United States
    I will keep you in my prayers . I wish I could do more . I lost everything . job housing and out of work. My everyone find peace in our Lord .

  6. City: Baton Rouge
    State: Louisiana
    Country: U.S.A.
    Dearest Caritas, Although I’m contributing, to me, it’s truly a privilege and a pleasure and a gift to be a part of this outreach from Our Lady! I missed the opportunity in April only because the funds were raised so quickly. I didn’t let it pass me by this time! God love all of you at Caritas.

  7. Mary Alice Brennan

    City: Smithtown
    State: New York
    Country: USA
    This is just wonderful, what a happy event the people in Manhattan and Time Square will see what Our Blessed Lady is saying to them, My pray will be they see,and listen and react. I will be sending what i can towards $70,000 Peace in all hearts FIAT

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