A Little Note from Medjugorje This Morning July 4th 2007

A Little Note from Medjugorje This Morning July 4th 2007


We received the following from one of our community members this morning, July 4, 2007:

“When I was over at Marija’s (the visionary) this morning, she was in the building behind her house working with an older man doing some of the masonry work. I told Marija it is America’s birthday today, and she translated this to the man. He told her that Dubrovnik was the first to recognize America’s independence. They themselves had declared their own independence earlier and so when it was announced that America was separating itself from England, Dubrovnik was the first voice to show support of America. There is a museum in Dubrovnik that tells the whole story. Pretty awesome!”

Our Community today will be with Marija at her chapel during her apparition, to seek the intercession of Our Lady as Patroness of the United States to heal our nation and its people. We ask all to be in union and in prayer during apparition time, which is 11:40 a.m. Central Standard Time. We here at Caritas will begin the Patriotic Rosary in the Field at 10:45 a.m. CST in preparation for the apparition.

In the love of the Two Hearts,

Friend of Medjugojre

Re-Declaring the Declaration of Independence


Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping – the book that will rebirth our nation. Thousands, after reading it, believe it will, as the following letters testify.


June 24, 2007

Dear Caritas,


“I can’t explain it, but when I first held the book, “Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping,” in my hands I felt I was holding something very powerful. As I began to read the first few pages, the feeling was stronger.

“I kept telling my friends that I was reading a book that I believed would be the most important book in the world at present outside the Bible.”


In Jesus,
Loretto, Kentucky

June 13, 2007

Dear Caritas,

“Your book “Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping,” is awesome, revolutionary, and on target. Please pray that I will be led by the Holy Spirit to be energized, changed and evangelize this “Good News.” Thank you. God bless your work.”

Melbourne, Florida

June 2007

“We agree! Awesome, everybody’s talking about it. We tell everyone. I think this will change our nation. Tell A Friend of Medjugorje – Heaven Inspired! Fantastic!”

Miami Springs, Florida


June 14, 2007

Dear Caritas and Friend of Medjugorje,

“Many thanks for my copy of the book, “Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping.” I gave one to one of my sons who read it in 2 days. He said he couldn’t put it down. He passed it on to his daughter and she wanted more information on Our Lady’s appearances, since this was all new to her…

“I am still reading your book every chance I get. I am SO into it that my mind keeps wandering with thoughts of how to pass all this information on to EVERYONE!…What an eye opener!!! How did we let this happen??

“I wish you could send a copy to all of our leading Presidential candidates to read, before the upcoming elections!…THIS BOOK HAS TO GET OUT NATIONALLY!!!

“Glory and praise to God who has blessed you with a very special task and you are definitely fulfilling His call!

Roseville, California


June 20, 2007


Dear Friends of Jesus and Mary,


“Peace and Blessings! Thank you for sending the book, “Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping.” It is something ‘out of this world about this world.’ The work, the research, etc., etc., – awesome! The Holy Spirit had to be the Force behind it and energizing the Holy Spirit’s secretary, a Friend of Medjugorje. Words can’t explain my overwhelmment. What a tremendous impact this should make – first on the readers, then on the leaders of our Church and country and world. I prayed in thanksgiving to God, to the author and every soul that assisted in anyway to bring forth the Truth, historic in part and timely – references to authenticate it, etc. I am grateful, too, to all the people whose prayers and sacrifices empowered the writer. Thank you, Friend of Medjugorje, for persevering. Blessings from Heaven on all.


In His Holy Will,

Sr. R.
Scranton, Pennsylvania


July 3, 2007

“The gentleman who wrote that book took a hammer with one blow and hit that nail on the head!”


St. Louis, Missouri


July 3, 2007


“I am reading ‘Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping.’ My wife and I also made a pilgrimage to Mej. In March. I have used your book and my experiences in Mej. For my last two homilies. One on keeping Holy the Sabbath, and the other on the Declaration of Independence. Thanks for the materials and the message that we need to save our country.”


Deacon C.
Forest City, North Carolina

As it says in the book:

“Inform others and spread Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping. Consider it a noble investment for the security of your future, your family and friends, and your nation. Buy five copies of this book and give it away to others you know, thereby creating a tsunami across the nation to bring remedy for ourselves, our families, and our nation.”

Everyone who reads this book says the same.

To order phone 205-672-2000 extension 318 – 24 hrs. or click below.


Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

1 thought on “A Little Note from Medjugorje This Morning July 4th 2007”

  1. I was very moved to see that Our Lady visited on March 18, Mirjanas birthday. This day, March 18, 2010, my 93 year old mother passed away holding my hand. She told me Jesus was here, as well as Our Lady holding the infant, the cherubs and archangels. I sent with her my prayers to lay at Jesus feet for my children. She died peacefully as I gave her hand to Jesus and Mary. Now more than ever March 18th is extremely significant to me and my family. Pray, fast, convert. Jesus and Mary are waiting.

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