How much do we have to do to have Our Lady in our lives?
April 7, 2016 A.D.
How much do we have to do to have Our Lady in our lives? What is required?
How much do we have to do to have Our Lady in our lives? Medjugorje visionary Jakov tell us:
“…Let me tell you something really simple and that is…surrender to Our Lady. Tell Her in your own words, like I did myself. “I am ready. I want to accept to what you are inviting me. I want to give you my heart. I want you in my heart. I always wish to be with you.” We just need to say our simple “yes” to Our Lady because Our Lady said many times, “Dear children, it is enough to open yourselves to what is here and I will do the rest by Myself.” That is very important. Here when pilgrims come, I always tell everybody to begin a true pilgrimage, we need to have a purified heart. To have a purified heart, we can go to Confession. First, we need to go to Confession. Only with a purified heart, can we accept what Our Lady is inviting us to…”1
Begin a true pilgrimage of the heart. Medjugorje is an experience of the heart. Go to Medjugorje with an open heart, purify it in Medjugorje through Confession, and accept what you are invited to become. For information about a Medjugorje pilgrimage, be sure to contact BVM Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000, extension 218 or 219. Or visit here to request information about a Medjugorje experience for your heart. Open yourself and Our Lady will do the rest.
1. Medjugorje Witness, Sometimes I Get Angry, Medjugorje Visionary Jakov Colo, July 30, 2007