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2022 Annual Nine-Day Bread and Water Fast October 10 – October 18, 2021

2022 Annual Nine-Day Bread and Water Fast October 10 – October 18, 2021

September 20, 2022


2022 Annual Nine-Day Bread and Water Fast

October 10, 2021 – October 18, 2021


A Friend of Medjugorje, inspired by Our Lady, began an annual nine-day bread and water fasting novena that turned into a worldwide movement. Initiated in the last year of the past millennium, 1999, the fast has been done annually over the past 23 years to bind and stymie satan’s assaults, having several people cover every day of the next coming year with several nine-day bread and water fasts for each day.


Medjugorje visionary, Ivan, was once asked why Our Lady insists on not just prayer, but that we fast as well. Ivan answered, “Prayer without fasting is like a soldier with only one leg. He will be easily defeated.”


A Friend of Medjugorje relayed on a recent Radio ave broadcast of an encounter he had with a demonic. It was on June 25, 2022, the anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions and a procession was organized after the Evening Services and Mass. Thousands lined the streets in procession. Four priests carried a beautiful statue of Our Lady that was lifted high on a platform covered in flowers, following a group of 300 or more priests that led the procession. As the statue of Our Lady passed in front of a Friend of Medjugorje, he heard a man’s voice just two people away from him begin to scream at Our Lady, his neck extended, veins popping out, red in the face and his voice filled with hatred, real hatred towards Our Lady. When a Friend of Medjugorje looked at the person, he was shocked to see it was not a man, but a woman who was screaming. Yet, it was a deep masculine voice coming from the woman.


The devil is real.


St. John Vianney said that the two things satan hates the most because it does the most damage to his plans is when we deny ourselves food and we deny ourselves sleep. How is it possible that anyone can look at what is happening in our nation and world and not want to do everything in their power to reverse the momentum of darkness that is bringing the world closer and closer to the gates of hell.


This is a call for everyone to join a Friend of Medjugorje and the Community of Caritas in the annual nine-day bread and water fast. Powerful things happen during this fast, personally as well as on a global scale. Our Lady needs you to fast. We are in the final stages of a war that no one can predict the outcome. Our Lady can only do for us what we “pay forward” in the way of our prayers, sacrifices and fasting. Don’t leave it for others to do.


The fasting novena includes a prayer  written by a Friend of Medjugorje to seek repentance and for your intentions and the intentions of the Community and Mission of Caritas. It is a powerful prayer leading to deeper conversion. The fast covers each day of 2023.


Please spread this information to your family and friends, so that each day of 2023 will be covered several times over. One should do everything to fast on bread and water for the nine days to make it powerful. If you absolutely, and honestly, cannot fast on bread and water for the nine days for legitimate reasons, please join us in making sacrifices during this time, praying extra Rosaries, offering your Holy Communions, increasing your prayers, and uniting other penances to give to Our Lady with our fasting.


For those who desire to join in the fast on bread and water, please call Caritas of Birmingham to sign up at 205-672-2000, between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Central Time USA, Monday through Friday. Or leave a message on ext. 315 with your full name and phone number and state that you are calling about joining the nine-day fast. We will call you back to tell you the day of 2023, that your nine-day fast will cover. If you are unable to commit to all nine days, or if you are not able to fast only on bread and water, your sacrifices are important to us and will add to the grace we are seeking for our nation through this nine-day fast, but, as we want to be assured that every day of next year is covered by at least one nine-day bread and water fast, we can only assign days for those fully participating in the nine-day fast on bread and water.


How it works…


For everyone participating, you will fast for 9 days, October 10-18, 2021.


ou will call Caritas and we will assign you one day of 2023. You will offer your entire nine-day fast for that one day of the coming year 2023, so that Our Lady can further Her plans through the next 365 days of the coming year.


Call Caritas of Birmingham, 205-672-2000 and ask for your assigned date. See below the novena prayers. You can also use the form below to sign up.


The fasting novena prayers are posted here below.
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas


For questions and answers about Fasting visit here.

For more about fasting read here.



Monday, October 10, 2021, to Tuesday, October 18, 2021



O Queen of Heaven, we unite ourselves with others across the land in a holy fast, reminiscent of the so many times ancient Israel cried out in repentance to their God. By their history, we know God the Most High will hear our cry. We humble ourselves because of our sins. Seek, Mary our Queen, on our behalf, that the Lord not look upon our sins, but the love we show Him through this fast. Persuade Him to not only forgive but also forget and blot out our sins, that through Your hands we will grow close to Him and know Him intimately as a Father, as our Protector.


O Mary, these days of fasting we wish to empty our hearts of everything useless. Cleanse us. Let this fast purify us and atone for everything that has defiled us. O Mary, Queen of Peace, let our hearts be refilled through Your hands with whatever graces are necessary to reconcile us, our families, and our nation back to God. We wish also to atone for any wrongs in advance for each day of the coming year 2023, so that all be consecrated to Your Immaculate Heart, to purify the body of believers in order for the rebirth and the ushering in of a new springtime for Christianity in our beloved nation.


We seek the healing of our hearts of all spiritual disease and illness and for You to fill our hearts especially during December 8th–12th. Please, please, dear Mother, please grant us these requests, and grant the three special intentions of the Community of Caritas as well as my own personal intentions of (name your personal intentions). We pray especially for Our Lady’s triumph over all the evil agendas assailing our nation. I especially offer ______, 2023 (day assigned by Caritas of Birmingham), that on that day the plans of satan against ourselves, our family, and nation will be thwarted and grace will abound for conversion across our land.

We consecrate our hearts to You, Mary, and to Jesus. We want to give You and Jesus “title” of not only our souls, but also our bodies, as well as all we possess. We know Your words of January 1, 2001, when You revealed that satan was completely unchained, were followed with what our response should be. It was to give ourselves to You and Jesus completely, as a possession into Your and His hands, through the formal daily act of consecration, thereby, owned by You and Your Son, we are afforded protection through being Your possession.


January 1, 2001

“My dear children, now that when satan is unchained, I desire you to be consecrated to My Heart and the Heart of My Son Jesus. I bless you with my Motherly Blessing.”


We, therefore, present to You the intention to empty our hearts that You may refill them, as well as Caritas’ intentions and our personal intentions through this nine-day fast, prayers and consecrations, in order that You will present this novena with your Son before the throne of God. We ask for an unleashing of grace to be poured out upon ourselves, our families, our nation, and upon the countless numbers who are in need of conversion throughout our land, and Your intentions for all of the above intentions. Please intercede for us as our Mother and as our Queen. Amen.

– a Friend of Medjugorje (1999)


Consecration to Jesus and Mary


9-Day Fast Signup

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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Updated November 26, 2024, 12:01 AM

Thousands of you helped a Friend of Medjugorje keep Our Lady’s messages flowing to the entire world’s population – 190 countries, over a hundred languages, thousands of hours of Radio WAVE, all given away FREE! And more to come… Thank you!

By helping by a Friend of Medjugorje, you help convert and save souls from perdition. Thank you! Your donations are needed at all times. If you want to be a part of this plea, you can donate here.

7 thoughts on “2022 Annual Nine-Day Bread and Water Fast October 10 – October 18, 2021”

  1. City: Nnewi
    State: Anambra
    Country: Nigeria
    I wish to be enrolled into the nine days fasting on bread and water novena.

  2. City: Kailua
    State: Hawaii
    YAY all Caritas 9 Day “Breadfast Club” members – you did it! You have finished the race & kept the faith – so happy for you all, especially for those joining us for the first time! May all your prayer intentions be blessed & come to fruition.
    All glory to God, praise be to Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit, Blessed Mother, all the angels & saints supporting us & for the good folks at Caritas rallying the troops & guiding our way. Mir, mir, mir! ♡

  3. Dara Yatsushiro

    City: Kailua
    State: Hawaii
    Praying for the success of this 9 Day bread & water fast. So happy & honored to be joining you, my brothers & sisters in Christ! God bless & mir, mir, mir ~ ♡

  4. City: Roseville
    State: Minnesota, 55113
    Country: USA
    Last year I did the fast, and was so happy that it was offered again.
    I don’t remember the prayers, but so happy I have them now.
    Thank you so much.


  5. Maria Monica Feifei Enhudjiana

    City: Jakarta Barat - INDONESIA
    State: Jakarta
    Country: Indonesia
    Thank God the Annual Fasting is here!
    Praise the Lord….

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