For anyone who knows at least a little of the connection between the Blessed Virgin Mary and the birth of the United States of America, it is thrilling to reflect upon this signpost in our nation’s history…
Thursday November 23, 2006
On August 5, 1620, the MAYFLOWER set sail for the New World. This small wooden ship was the vessel God used to bring a group of CHRISTIAN BELIEVERS to an unseen land far over the Atlantic. These Christian men, women and children, called PILGRIMS, believed that God was leading them to establish a NEW WAY OF LIFE where they could worship freely and live according to the commandments of God.
For anyone who knows at least a little of the connection between the Blessed Virgin Mary and the birth of the United States of America, it is thrilling to reflect upon this signpost in our nation’s history that confirms this ‘Sacred Bond’ between the two, for August 5th, according to Our Lady in Medjugorje, is Her true birthday, She who is also known as the “Mayflower”—Queen of the Angels, Queen of the May!
One year ago, on Thanksgiving Day, November 24, 2005, the Community of Caritas was in the Field, near our homes in Alabama, gathered around Our Lady’s statue to pray the Rosary, as we do everyday. Yet, on this day we had the particular joy of being in the actual presence of Our Lady during our Rosary. Marija Lunetti had returned to Alabama for a private visit of only two days. But these days were days of special significance for the community in that Thanksgiving Day had fallen on the date of November 24th. The very first time Our Lady appeared in the Field was on Thanksgiving Day and the date was November 24, 1988. In all of the seventeen years that has passed since that time, this was only the second occasion when the date November 24th landed on Thanksgiving Day, so this was a special anniversary for us, made sweeter in that Marija’s visit had been unplanned. It had been a spontaneous decision that brought Marija to Alabama on these days. And so we not only celebrated the remembrance of our nation’s first Thanksgiving, but also our community’s first Thanksgiving, as it was through these apparitions that Our Lady initiated a plan for the reconciling of ourselves, our families and our nation back to God through the use of a community that She requested to be created here.
On November 24, 1988, Our Lady gave a message. She said,
“I invite you to live my messages. I am here to help you! I will intercede for you to God for all your intentions.”
From that time on, the Field became a place of pilgrimage, a place where tens of thousands have come over the years to have an encounter with Our Lady in prayer and to lay before Her their needs. It is a place that also has great significance for our nation, consecrated to Our Lady’’s heart for its return to God.
Marija’s visit last year included November 25th and it was a great honor for us to host Our Lady while She gave the November 25, 2005 monthly message to the world through Marija. This apparition took place in what is known as the Bedroom of Apparitions, in which nearly 100 of the 125 apparitions that have taken place here since 1988 were in the Bedroom. Our Lady chose for Herself this room that She made holy, to appear for a beautiful purpose–to teach us about family. A special Crucifix hangs in the Bedroom, just above the bed. It was a Crucifix that hung in the apparition room in Medjugorje and was blessed hundreds of times by Our Lady during the apparitions to the visionaries who gathered each evening in Medjugorje. It was given as a gift to our founder from Fr. Slavko. The founder then asked Marija to pray over it that it would become a great instrument of conversion for our country. No nation can be strong without strong families. When people pilgrimage to the Field to pray for their intentions and for our nation, it is the actions of Our Lady that predestined the Bedroom for Her apparitions which reminds us that nations will only be healed when the family is healed.To join us in praying for our Nation, December 8-12, click here. Continue reading below for more… must have your donation to stay online.
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A little more…
“Dear children! Also today I call you to pray, pray, pray until prayer becomes life for you. Little children, at this time, in a special way, I pray before God to give you the gift of faith. Only in faith will you discover the joy of the gift of life that God has given you. Your heart will be joyful thinking of eternity. I am with you and love you with a tender love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
And… a little bit more
2 thoughts on “18 Years Ago Today… 1 Year Ago Today”
He has sounded forth the Trumpet that shall never call retreat;He is sifting out the hearts of all before His judgment seat;O be swift my soul to answer Him; be jubilant my feet!Our God is marching on.Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!
He has sounded forth the Trumpet that shall never call retreat; He is sifting out the hearts of all before His judgment seat; O be swift my soul to answer Him; be jubilant my feet! Our God is marching on. Glory! Glory! Hallelujah!