Major Medjugorje writing by A Friend of Medjugorje…
September 7, 2015 A.D.
Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s September 2, 2015
Apparition and Message Given through Mirjana on the Day for Nonbelievers
“Dear children, My dear apostles of love, my carriers of truth, again I am calling you and gathering you around me to help me, to help all of my children who thirst for love and truth – who thirst for my Son. I am a grace from the Heavenly Father, sent to help you to live the word of my Son. Love one another. I lived your earthly life. I know that it is not always easy, but if you will love each other, you will pray with the heart, you will reach spiritual heights and the way to Heaven will be opened for you. I, your mother, am waiting for you there because I am there. Be faithful to my Son and teach others faithfulness. I am with you. I will help you. I will teach you faith that you may know how to transmit it to others in the right way. I will teach you truth that you may know how to discern. I will teach you love that you may come to know what real love is. My children, my Son will make it possible for Him to speak through your words and your actions. Thank you.”
10 Facts
Physically appearing in the place of Medjugorje is the Queen of Peace, the Holy Virgin Mary, clothed in a transfigured glorified body appearing everyday just as what was seen on Mt. Tabor by the three “temporary” visionaries Peter, James and John who witnessed Jesus transfigured. Ten facts follow.
But first…
Peter and John were told to shut up about Jesus. Did they? No, they did not. Neither will we. While the world falls apart, are we expected to be silent, low key, when we have and possess the answer to hold the world together? What is the answer? Mary is the answer.
The Sadducees and priests were disturbed that Peter and John were preaching and performing miraculous deeds. They had Peter and John arrested and brought them in to be questioned. The priests asked, “By what power have you done this?” Peter answered them that it was in the name of Jesus…The priests, amazed by Peter’s boldness as an uneducated man sternly told the apostles to no longer preach in the name of Jesus. Peter responded, “Whether it is right in the sight of God for us to obey you rather than God, you be the judges. It is impossible for us not to speak of what we have seen and heard.” Continuing to preach, the apostles continued to win converts. Filled with jealousy, the priests once again arrested Peter and the apostles. The priests told them, “We gave you strict orders, did we not, to stop preaching in that name. Yet, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching…” Peter responded, “We must obey God rather than men…” The priests were infuriated and wanted to put the apostles to death, but were persuaded not to do so. They issued another stern warning to the apostles, had them flogged and sent them off. Peter and the apostles rejoiced for having been found worthy to suffer for Jesus’ sake. Immediately, they went out and again began proclaiming the Messiah and His Words, defying the priests’ orders.
Acts 4:1-23; Acts 5:17-42
Will you do as Peter and John did or will you be silenced or be more moderate in promoting and speaking of Our Lady and Her words?
1. Mary is literally asking and calling for a physical rising up of apostles of the latter times, now in this moment of the trial the world has entered.
2. These apostles are Hers.
3. They, “the apostles”, are carriers of truth, love, peace and faith.
4. They are instruments of conviction. They do not have to judge, as the Christian witness of their lives will cast judgment to a parched world thirsting for truth.
5. They are loved by those who thirst. They are hated and despised by some in the Church, and by those same, from their seats from which they rule in the Church.
6. They are called to respond in “real time” to Her call and not to wait or even seek approval.
7. They are a group of Special Forces, trained by Her to launch out, attack and fight to implement a great battle plan for the salvation of the world to reverse the path the world has taken towards destruction.
8. They are to love souls at such a height as to not tolerate normalizing sin in the individual or the culture, but rather to root it out.
9. They will be given the words of Christ, for Him, the Christ, to speak through them. The Christ, Son of Mary, will be present even through the apostles’ actions!
10. They have learned that love is best displayed by obedience. While we are to obey the Church in all areas in which it has jurisdiction over us, obedience is also displayed, in this time, by remaining loyal to Our Lady’s messages, which will rebuild the Church from the outside.
“It is impossible for us not to speak of what we have seen and heard.”
St. Peter, 1st Century A.D.
While there are moves to quiet and tone down Our Lady’s apparitions and Her followers, it is clear in the following messages of Our Lady that it is the opposite we are to do. Our Lady is teaching, guiding, calling, and expecting us to attend Her apparitions, to be in Her presence and to not be quiet about Her apparitions, nor to quiet things down or betray Her.
Our Lady has said:
“…Thank you that you will not betray my presence here…” January 25, 1991
Our Lady has said:
“…You have always prayed that I not abandon you. Now I ask of you, in turn, not to abandon me…” February, 1985 – March, 1985
Our Lady has said:
“…Accept my messages that you may be accepted….” March 18, 1996
Our Lady has said:
“… I am here among you…” March 2, 2009
Our Lady said:
“… I am very happy tonight to see you in such large numbers…” August 5, 1991
Our Lady has said:
“…be witnesses of my presence…” October 25, 2005
Our Lady has said:
“…Thank God for the gift of my being with you, because I am telling you: this is a great grace…” July 25, 1992
Our Lady has said:
“… live what I am giving you so that I can give you new [more] messages…” June 21, 2014
Our Lady has said:
“…Today is the day when I wished to stop giving the messages because some individuals did not accept me…” April 4, 1985
Our Lady has said:
“…you, persist and be proud of each of my words…” June 23, 1982
Our Lady said:
“Preach my messages. Speak about the events at Medjugorje…” September 29, 1983
Our Lady has said:
“…many times I have already invited you here in Medjugorje to prayer and I will invite you again…” March 18, 1991
Our Lady has said:
“I am anxious for people to know what is happening in Medjugorje. Speak about it, so that all will be converted.” 1984 – 1985
Our Lady has said:
“I myself invited here each one of you, for I need you to spread my messages in the entire world.” August 23, 1983
Peter and John were told to shut up. They did not. For a long time satan has tried to shut up Our Lady. Many would understand that satan would want to “silence” Our Lady. However, it is a softer way to say, satan’s plans, are to silence Her instead of just frankly stating that his intent is to “shut Her up.” The truth is, satan greatly desires to kill Our Lady’s voice. Few discern this correctly. It is important to grasp the full truth as Our Lady said today.
“…I will teach you truth that you may know how to discern…”
It is a truth that one can discern: satan wants to stop Our Lady by shutting up the six visionaries who see Her; if you stop the six, you silence Our Lady’s voice. Why does satan want this so badly? Because Our Lady’s private revelations are public revelation coming into being. Our Lady said Her messages to us are conveyed, “flow” from God. Her messages, given once each month, producing fruit 12 times a year on the 25th flows out as a river to the whole world, clear, sparkling as crystal, flowing from God’s throne and Her Son’s as medicine for the nations, giving life that is the private revelation revealing public revelation for the latter times. In the last chapter of the last book of the Bible, you will find these ending words that are prophetic and are in the time of their fulfillment!
Revelation 22:1-2
“Then the angel showed me the river of life-giving water, sparkling like crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the street. On either side of the river grew the tree of life that produces fruit twelve times a year, once each month; the leaves of the trees are a medicine for the nations.”
Those rising up as apostles of Medjugorje, apostles of Our Lady are taking part in a biblical moment. satan hates these biblical words from Revelation and events of Our Lady just as he hated what Peter and John were saying, and now his effort is to shut the six visionaries and Our Lady’s apostles up because these scriptural words above are coming into fulfillment today through Medjugorje. Jesus, after reading scripture in Nazareth stated, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” They tried to throw Jesus off the cliff. Just as efforts are now trying to throw Our Lady, the six visionaries, and Our Lady’s apostles off the cliff if we do not shut up. This is because what we represent today with Our Lady is, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” Peter and John did not comply. They were told as good, faithful Jews you must be obedient, yet Peter and the apostles defied them because Jesus had taught them the truth that they may know how to discern. After being punished they went immediately and began to speak about and propagate the teachings from the “messages” of the Word of Christ.
For 33 years, satan has wanted to crucify Our Lady’s plans by stopping Her voice—specifically to silence the dreaded crystal clear medicine for the nations, given once each month. A new effort to silence Our Lady began happening when we entered into the 34th year of the apparitions. It is a given that the only way to stop Our Lady is to “shut up” the visionaries. How foolish, how undiscerning of truth can Medjugorje followers be in accepting any restrictions or toning down the six Medjugorje visionaries for the sake of falsely moving Medjugorje forward. In fact, it will move Medjugorje backwards. It is a tippy-toe approach to Medjugorje to give the appearance of compliance of those in the Church who say, down-play Medjugorje, quit meeting, etc., who label acceptance of this direction as obedience. For those who do so, they are not an apostle of Our Lady, rather an apostate. A denier of all Our Lady calls us to. We have heard from Medjugorje followers who think that it is good for the visionaries to be ordered to stop their public apparitions, to stop publishing the messages, or do it more underground, more hidden, etc., etc., etc. NO! This is wrong! You stymie the Medjugorje visionaries, down play their role, stop them, you shut them up—You shut up Our Lady. Fools are you who think it is in the best interest of Medjugorje to low key Medjugorje, stymieing the visionaries to feather the nest so that Medjugorje can get some kind of acceptance or shrine recognition, status, favor, or at least to be left alone by Church authority. Judas sought the path of politics and it ended up with him hanging himself. All true discerners of Medjugorje are to keep the torch burning brightly, not as an ember, as many in authority are doing politically to save or preserve Medjugorje and also their position in the Church, but as a blazing fire, passionate and bold.
A woman clerk in the State of Kentucky is refusing to issue marriage licenses to abominable couples. The State Supreme Court ordered her to issue the abominable licenses. The next day following the Supreme Court ruling, two abominable perverted people showed up to be issued a license. The clerk refused. They demanded that she tell them by what authority did she act against the State Supreme Court. The clerk responded, “By God’s authority.” By God’s authority the people in the pew can spread Medjugorje and Our Lady’s plans. Medjugorje followers who are not priests or nuns and who do not belong to any religious order or who are not underneath a structure of the Church in which a bishop binds them to his directives, are free to propagate devotions. As lay Catholics they are free, as opposed to those that make promises or profess vows which demand specific obedience. We spread Our Lady’s plans and do what we do by rite/right of our baptism, which is a God-given right to propagate any devotion that is not condemned by the Church. No one in the Church can exclude anyone from propagating the faith nor can they stop us following Our Lady unless this devotion to Our Lady of Medjugorje is condemned. By what authority do we do this when we, like the Kentucky clerk, have those in the Church who place themselves over us falsely, as did the Supreme Court over the Kentucky clerk? The same answer the clerk gave—by God’s authority and the freedom the Church grants its members. Many in the Church do not teach or discern truth. It is why Our Lady has come to rebuild the Universal Church from the outside in. The mentality that renewal has to come from within the Church and spread to the outside is not the way it is going to happen. A critically sick patient needing an operation cannot cure himself. The cure comes from outside the person. The person must be brought to an operating room with a doctor and his team of assistants to perform the operation. Our Lady is the Doctor. Her apostles She has taught are Her assistants. The Church is incapable of healing itself. It is not going to happen. It will happen through Our Lady acting through Her apostles who are given authority by God to do so, yet are within the grace of the Church. How? Because it is being done while not being connected officially to the Church, while not under the authority of the Church, and while not seeking permission of the Church. Anathema!!– many may scream, “We will not let you change the Church without you coming through us in authority.” That is exactly the point! The Church is weak, non-convicting, little more than a plain bowl of tasteless oatmeal, non-confrontational against sin in the culture. Our Lady’s genius in Her plan is She is not defying authority in the Church or the Church’s authority itself. She simply is not going through it in order to transform it. It has an evil tumor infecting its ability to be a healthy force in the world, and therefore, is ineffective in changing and moving the cultures of the world towards Truth and towards Christ. That statement may hurt some feelings, just as a cancer patient is hurt when he is told he has cancer. The cure of the Church will not come through the Church. It will come through Our Lady and Her apostles acting outside the Church as Jesus did outside the Sanhedrin to establish Christianity. Yet, Jesus was never disobedient. We will do the same in re-establishing the universal convicting church while never being disobedient to the Church. But at the same time, Our Lady is teaching us to listen to Her, to be guided by Her, to act on Her behalf, to implement a plan! A plan outside of the Church’s reach.
Our Lady’s apostles are not to accept the new moves that it is a good thing for the Medjugorje visionaries, as well as the apostles themselves, to be low key, stopped from speaking, etc. It is an evil, under the guise of protecting Medjugorje. The Medjugorje visionaries are not bound like those in the Church who have taken a vow of obedience directly to the Shepherds. Our Lady said:
July 25, 1993
“…I want your life to be bound to me…”
The visionaries are free to speak, free to say what Our Lady is saying or calling for. There can be no authority in the Church to order them to stop giving their testimony when they are off Church grounds or diocesan property. For any authority in the Church to stop the six visionaries or other lay people in doing the same, they are misusing falsely the authority the Church has invested them with. As long as the visionaries and we who follow Our Lady do not convey or connect Medjugorje officially to the Church or give an impression that the Church approves it or take it for granted that they have approved it, we are free and cannot be stopped. Those Medjugorje followers who believe they can be stopped place the Church in a position of an oppressive Communist Catholic church. There is only one way and one way alone the Church can stop Medjugorje devotion and Our Lady’s apostles and the six visionaries. It can gain jurisdiction to stop the six visionaries and those apostles of Medjugorje by condemning Medjugorje. Unless they do that, and they will not do that, we are free to do what St. Louis de Montfort prophesied concerning Medjugorje 300 plus years ago when Our Lady would come to raise apostles of the latter days as the following shows:
Prophecy is being fulfilled through Medjugorje
St. Louis de Montfort stated:
But who shall those servants… of Mary be? They shall be … like a burning fire… They shall be the sons of Levi, well purified by the fire of great tribulation… They shall be everywhere the good odor of Jesus Christ to the poor and to the little, while at the same time, they shall be an odor of death to the great, to the rich and to the proud worldlings.
They shall be clouds thundering …detaching themselves from everything and troubling themselves about nothing, shall shower forth the rain of the Word of God and of life eternal. They shall thunder against sin; they shall storm against the world; they shall strike the devil and his crew; and they shall pierce, through and through, for life or for death, with their two-edged sword of the Word of God, all those to whom they shall be sent on the part of the Most High.
They shall be the true apostles of the latter times, to whom the Lord of Hosts shall give the word and the might to work marvels and to carry off with glory the spoils of His enemies. They shall sleep …without care, in the midst of the other priests, ecclesiastics, and clerics; and yet they shall have the silvered wings of the dove to go, with the pure intention of the glory of God and the salvation of souls, wheresoever the Holy Ghost shall call them.
In a word, we know that they shall be true disciples of Jesus Christ…contempt of the world… teaching the narrow way of God in pure truth, according to the holy Gospel, and not according to the maxims of the world… not accepting persons… fearing and listening to no mortal, however influential he may be. They shall have in their mouths the two-edged sword of the Word of God. They shall carry …the Crucifix in their right hand and the Rosary in their left…
These are the great men who are to come; but Mary is the one who, by order of the Most High, shall fashion them [Our Lady of Medjugorje’s plan is to raise up apostles] for the purpose of extending His empire over that of the impious, the idolaters and the Mahometans [Muslim followers of Mohammed]. But when and how shall this be? God alone knows.
As for us, we have but to hold our tongues, to pray, to sigh and to wait: “With expectation I [Louis de Montfort] have waited.”
This is Medjugorje! And these apostles of Our Lady, true followers of Medjugorje, who know what real love is, are to stay strong preaching and witnessing as Peter and John and not be silenced, not be stopped doing what Our Lady has raised them up for. Our Lady said today, September 2, 2015 A.D.:
“…I will teach you love that you may come to know what real love is…”
Much of the inner Church no longer knows love. It knows how to be more and more politically correct and tolerant to the “maxims of the world,” as St. Louis de Montfort stated. We are to love the Church, fight for the Church, be willing to be martyred in the name of the Church, Our Lady, and our Christian faith while remaining obedient to the Church. Many of the Church, however, do not understand the freedom of the Church and the truth of obedience. Our Lady said:
August 2, 2015
“…My Son is with you… ‘He is’ the Church which you need to love and to always pray and fight for – but not only with words, instead with acts of love…”
There can be only one conclusion. It is not Heaven’s plan to choke or close down Our Lady’s apparitions, the six visionaries, Her apostles gathering around Her speaking, meeting, etc., as long as no one connects it to the Catholic Church, officially or unofficially. No one is to take for granted that the Church approves the apparitions. This is God’s mandate. Medjugorje is not to be under the Church. It is to remain free until the time is right when the Church, itself, will become Medjugorje. It is ordained and all who resist or fight this mandate will find themselves on the outside while Medjugorje and its plans will be on the inside…it will happen just as stated.
In Summary:
You as a layman, following Our Lady’s call, are not under a vow of obedience like a professed religious or priest. There is no provision of obedience that requires you to submit to an expressed wish of a religious authority. You are not representing the Catholic Church through Medjugorje, nor claiming the Catholic Church has approved the apparitions and that as long as you do not commit heresy, there is no authority to stop you. Two facts to remember:
1. You, as a baptized Christian, are free to spread Medjugorje, free to speak of Medjugorje. If a deacon, priest or bishop comes against you and tries to stop you from spreading Medjugorje, be respectful of their position but relay to them that they have no jurisdiction to stop you if you are not on Church property, then continue on your way.
2. The visionaries are free to speak, and others are free to hear them speak and attend apparitions. If the testimony or apparition where one is invited does not take place in a church or on diocesan property but rather on private or general public property, there is no authority to stop you or the visionaries.
There will be those who will cry, “It’s doctrine, it’s doctrine!” Pope Francis, on September 3, 2015, stated in an address to a theological Congress, “Doctrine is not a closed, private system deprived of dynamics able to raise questions and doubts. On the contrary, Christian doctrine has a face, a body, flesh; He is called Jesus Christ and it is His Life that is offered from generation to generation to all men and in all places…”1
Our Lady is being offered to all men and in all places, from generation unto generation, to this generation, now, in the generation of the finale of Mary, the generation in which all her work will be completed for everything man will ever need in order to unite all men to Our Lady so to unite them under Her Son. Our Lady of Medjugorje said on March 25, 1990:
“…As I bore Jesus in my womb, so also, dear children, do I wish to bear you unto holiness…”
Obedient to the Church, Obedient to Our Lady’s Plans,
1. (VIS) Vatican Information Service, September 4, 2015, No. 149
From Caritas of Birmingham, Alabama
Another proof follows of Our Lady wanting everyone to attend and be present, gathering around Her in Her apparitions. Mirjana was the first visionary who stopped seeing Our Lady on a daily basis, in 1982. She began receiving interior locutions in 1987. These interior locutions began taking place on the second of every month. It wasn’t until February 2, 1997, when Our Lady made it known to Mirjana that She wanted to invite pilgrims to begin gathering with Her on the second of every month and that She would come to Mirjana, not through interior locutions, but through apparitions once again. Mirjana said:
“Please tell everyone that Our Lady’s apparition to me on the 2nd of the month will now be like the regular apparitions to Vicka, Ivan, Jakov, and Marija. Our Lady said that whoever wants to be present at that apparition can come. Our Lady said that much prayer is needed for those who have not yet come to know the love of God. This is all.”
On March 2, 1997, Mirjana prayed at the Blue Cross in a public apparition, but due to the controversy that was stirred by Our Lady adding a “second” monthly message Mirjana went back into seclusion. Mirjana noted, however, that Our Lady wept throughout the entire apparition. It wasn’t until the year 2000 that Mirjana began to consistently meet at the Blue Cross for her apparitions in which Our Lady was able to finally establish the gathering of Her children, Her apostles at Her second of the month apparitions and particularly dedicate these prayers for nonbelievers. Even so, Our Lady’s “messages” given to Mirjana were not being made accessible to the public. It wasn’t until A Friend of Medjugorje stepped into the gap and created the infrastructure of having the message tape recorded at the Blue Cross, brought to the translator, and then to the Caritas Mission House in Medjugorje where Caritas Community members would print them and distribute them, that Our Lady’s messages given through Mirjana on the 2nd of the month finally were made available to pilgrims. Eventually the parish in Medjugorje began to distribute them as well, but that appears to be stopping as they have not made today’s message, September 2, 2015, available in Medjugorje. It appears now that it is man’s decision that people are to no longer attend the apparitions, even though Our Lady Herself has made it explicitly clear, crystal clear that She desires people to attend Her apparitions on the mountain. Even today, September 2, 2015, Our Lady said:
“…I am calling you and gathering you around me…”
This means She wants us “gathered around Her “this” month, “next” month, and so on until God says no more. This is Our Lady’s plan, and has always been Her plan, not just for today, but this can be seen throughout the past. She, the Woman of Revelation, the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje is clearly saying to be present with Her and to keep up the efforts of spreading Medjugorje. However, there are those who, as Our Lady said:
August 29, 1982
“…you do not want to understand it.”
Read the following message‘s’ of Our Lady which were all given in a public setting, on the Apparition Mountain with thousands of pilgrims present during the apparitions, and decide if you want to be among those who do not want to understand Her messages and to stand up for them. Read and decide if you believe man’s decision to stop attending the apparitions or having apparitions for the public is of God or not.
Our Lady has said:
“Thank you my children for coming in such large numbers…” December 8, 1983
Our Lady has said:
“Dear children, tonight your Mother is happy to see you in such large numbers…” March 24, 1989
Our Lady has said:
“Dear children, tonight your Mother is happy to see you in such large numbers…” July 24, 1989
Our Lady has said:
“My dear children, tonight your Mother is happy, happy, happy to be with you and to see you in such large numbers…” August 14, 1989
Our Lady has said:
“Dear children, your Mother is happy when She sees you in such large numbers… I need your help for the fulfillment of my plans…” February 12, 1990
Our Lady has said:
“Dear children, I am happy to see you tonight. You know, dear children, that when my Son was dying I was alone with Him with just some other women, and so I am happy to see you here tonight in such large numbers…” April 13, 1990
Our Lady has said:
“Dear children, I am happy to see you in such large numbers…” June 22, 1990
Our Lady has said:
“Dear children, I am very happy tonight to see you in such large numbers…” August 5, 1991
Our Lady has said:
“You know that we have been gathering for me to help you to come to know the love of God…I am gathering you under my Motherly mantle to help you to come to know God’s love and His greatness…” September 2, 2006
Our Lady has said:
“Dear children! I am with you. As a mother, I am gathering you, because I desire to erase from your hearts what I see now…” February 2, 2008
Our Lady has said:
“…I am gathering you, who are ready to open your heart to me, you who are ready to be apostles of my love, to help me…” March 2, 2011
Our Lady has said:
“Dear children, you are gathering around me, you are seeking…” February 2, 2011
Our Lady has said:
“…I, as a mother, am gathering you around me, because with my motherly love I desire to help you to be free of the dirtiness of the past…” May 2, 2011
Our Lady has said:
“…You, my children, are gathering around me full of enthusiasm, desire and expectations…” July 2, 2011
Our Lady has said:
“…I am gathering you as my apostles and am teaching you how to bring others to come to know the love of my Son; how to bring to them the Good News, which is my Son…” October 2, 2013
Our Lady has said:
“…You, my children, my dear apostles, you are always gathering around me anew, because you are thirsty…” October 2, 2014
Be sure to listen to a Radio WAVE Special Report with A Friend of Medjugorje, discussing more Our Lady’s recent words, that the world is in a moment of trial, and the situation in the world and our response to it, Wednesday, September 9, 2015 at 7:00 PM Central Time USA. To listen live, or for your local online broadcast time, visit here…
The direction that many receive through these writings are unlike any that is normally found. One’s understanding becomes clearer. We make a strong appeal that if this site has helped you, please consider returning the gift to Our Lady, by becoming a Core Group member, for only 14 cents a day. Through your support, you help continue to make Our Lady’s messages available FREE to all the world’s population. If you are already a Core Group Member, consider even a one-time donation as an added boost for our future expansion. For more information or to become a Core Group Member click to visit here.
Questions? Call in the US, 205-672-2000.
So as not to take for granted the credibility of the Medjugorje Apparitions, it is stated that the Medjugorje apparitions are not formally approved by the Church.
Medjugorje Status
May 1, 2015 A.D.
No attempt is intended to pre-empt the Church on the validity of the Medjugorje Apparitions. They are private revelation waiting the Church’s final judgment1. In the interim, these private revelations are allowed by, and for, the faithful to have devotion to and to be spread legally by the Church. Devotion and the propagation of private revelations can be forbidden only if the private revelation is condemned because of anything it contains which contravenes faith and morals according to AAS 58 (1966) 1186 Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Medjugorje has not been condemned nor found to have anything against faith or morals, therefore it is in the grace of the Church to be followed by the faithful. By the rite of Baptism one is commissioned and given the authority to evangelize. “By Baptism they share in the priesthood of Christ, in his prophetic and royal mission.”2 One does not need approval to promote or to have devotions to private revelations or to spread them when in conformity to AAS 58 (1966) 1186, as the call to evangelize is given when baptized. These apparitions have not been approved formally by the Church. Caritas of Birmingham, the Community of Caritas and all associated with it, realize and accept that the final authority regarding the Queen of Peace, Medjugorje and happenings related to the apparitions, rests with the Holy See in Rome. We at Caritas, willingly submit to that judgment. While having an amiable relationship with the Diocese of Birmingham and a friendly relationship with its bishop, Caritas of Birmingham as a lay mission is not officially connected to the Diocese of Birmingham, Alabama, just as is the Knights of Columbus. 3 The Diocese of Birmingham’s official position on Caritas is neutral and holds us as Catholics in good standing.
International © 2015 SJP Lic. Caritas of Birmingham &
21 thoughts on “10 Facts”
Thank you so much for explaining very clearly your special insight into our mothers messages. May Almighty God grant us all the graces we need to fufil His Holy Will as dictated by our Heavenly Mother. Happy feast of the archangels. Ave Maria
I pray that I will be an Apostle of Mary. I pray that I will not fear death, but fear Sin.
Thank you for your Love of your Children Our Lady. Thank you for your dedication to Love FOM.
Thanks! Friend of Medjugorje. I have visited Medjugorje twice in the early 2000’s. On one trip our group stopped in Split Croatia for a day where Saint John Paul II was visiting and he stated he believed in Medjugorje but church has not ruled on this at the time. I used to read a lot of the messages and then stopped for a while but now always go to either the .org or .com to read the messages. Now I am stuck on .com with the Friend of Medjugorje. I try to follow the 5 stones as much as I can. We stayed at Vicka’s boarding house the second time and were with her during a vision and it was outstanding. I do believe in Medjugorje. I am sorry that our old pastor is going to Medjugorje again next week and my wife and I cannot.
I truly believe Our Blessed Mother is appearing in Medjugorje to bring us closer to Her and Her Son Jesus Christ. She is saving us from all that is not of God. I pray for our Holy Father to consecrate Russia to Mary’s Immaculate Heart with all the bishops in the world. I wish I could go to Medjugorje but it is not possible. I’m 78yrs old with medical problems. I pray for the visionaries to be strong for our Lady and that will be protected from harm. Thank you sending these messages to us here in the U.S… I’m so Blessed by Our Lord and Our Lady. I thank Jesus and Mary for all the graces and gifts of faith I have received in the past. Thanks to a friend of Medjugorje for his writing on Medjugorje. May God Bess him and his family. Sincerely Mrs Romero. I belong to the core group. I also support Caritas and I am a Field Angel..
Thank you for clarifying obedience as a lay person toward the church and authority. May God protect you and your community for the work you are doing. I pray that all Mary’s apostles be loving and courageous in doing the will of God in these confusing times.
Thanks be to God for Medugorje and for you dear Friend of Medugorje! For your wonderfully Holy Spirit guided wisdom. “The gifts of the Holy Spirit perfect the supernatural virtues by enabling us to practice them with greatest docility to divine inspiration.Such acts of virtue leave the heart filled with joy and consolation. Mark us dear Lord, with the sign of Your true disciples and animate in us in all things with Your Spirit. Amen. To Jesus through Mary.
I fully agree with you, Our Lady is my leader I will follow her Only. Keep up to great work, I have been making rosaries, and giving them out in Our Lady Of Medjugorje, Name. Yours In Christ Warwick
Thank you for your writing. Profound and excellent!
Thank you for your excellent writing on the latest 2nd of the month message. It is truly hard to find “faithful” who will stand up and proclaim the messages our Lady is giving because it is easier to go along with the crowd and not create any waves. God bless you all for your inspired work through the Holy Spirit and saying it like it is. I have read the works of St. Louis de Montfort and his prophesies are certainly coming true during these dark times. We, the apostles of Our Lady, must resist inside authority just as Peter, James, and John did in their time and openly proclaim what God through Mary is asking us to do. Again, God bless you all by such prophetic writing. Our love to you all, Phil & Aline
Amazing profound and beautifully instructive words given by a most Significant Apostle of Our Lady! I went to google and looked up “significant” in the 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary :: 1. Expressive of something beyond the external mark. 2. Expressive or representative of some fact or event. And the sentence given with its usage was: “The passover among the Jews was SIGNIFICANT of the escape of the Israelites from the destruction that fell upon the Egyptians”! Noah Webster used God’s written word as a key to the meaning of words, and a friend of Medjugorje delivers them so perfectly. Thank you for always helping us to know and always saying yes to Our Lady. May God bless all that you do.
Hello I went to visit you two weeks ago with my wife and two handicapped children. I was nice to meet you and see the work you are doing. May God Bless you and keep you. Thank-you Rocco
Amen! Great words. Thank you for writing this!
I plan addressing the UN General Assembly. We come in peace. Tell them a little bit about myself. I will not tell them my English name for personal reasons. After the speech; tell them after reciting each Mystery; I ask the Virgin Mary to inspire families so they will pray the Rosary. On my part, I wish they would become devoted to the Rosary as a result. Then add: 3-Hail Maries in honour of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. More things will be added, but that is the gist of it. Yours in JMJ angus a. stevens
I was converted miraculously in 1986, just watching a video of the first apparitions of Medjugorje. Jesus sent His Mother to make me believe that He was truly the son of Mary. Went to Medjugorje seven times and WILL ALWAYS BELIEVE in the veracity of the apparitions there. Whatever the church’s decision, mine will always be the same. Sorry it is too difficult for me to send you money from here. God bless you in your wonderful work. May Mary & Jesus always encourage you.
I am a convert through Mary, when I read Wayne Weible’s book back in 1996. Through Her, I was able to on Sept. 8th 1998 accept the amazing grace of celibacy after a life of sin, of [abominable living]. I am a staunch believer in traditional marriage, and pro life. I continually offer of my little trials and sufferings for the conversion of those afflicted with the cross of [abomination]. Yes on the day as you the church celebrate the nativity of Mary, I died to sin!!!
I was talking with a friend earlier who I share Medjugorje information with – to make it short – I don’t know if others feel what I feel, or believe what I believe, but, I’ve come to the conclusion that the visionaries, all have a clear defined role, and that the friend of Medjugorje I think, is the definer of Medjugorje – what Medjugorje is, how it is to be put into practice, and how to bring it into reality in the church and in the world. I read all the official sources on Medjugorje, those who write, and while I believe there are some who are often good, I don’t see where I have the confidence in others that what I see that is obvious – that the Friend of Medjugorje could not come up with this stuff on his own unless Our Lady has chosen him to define Medjugorje for the world. I don’t know if I have made myself clear. I’d like to know if I’m the only one thinking this or if others feel the same as I do???
This is right on the money!!! Onward, Christian Soldiers
Hi dear family at COB – Carole and I miss each of you so much and have been praying daily for each of you, your efforts on behalf of our Lord Jesus Christ and His Mother – our Queen, the visionaries, and also our Lady’s intentions for both Medjugorje and the Valley. Regarding your writing, I say – Amen, amen. You write the truth. We do not live in an age when the light of Our Lady of Medjugorje’s simple perfect messages (her five stones) should be put under a bushel basket. We have entered the time of shifting – the wheat and the weeds are being separated – outside the Church in our global culture and also inside the Church as Christ predicted. All can see that many of us including many priests and bishops are in need of conversion of our hearts. There are also many Marian Bishops and Priests that are trying to do right but are often stopped/abused by their fellow Shepherds. We must pray for their strength and for the conversion of those Shepherds that are not yet true Disciples
Thank you so much, [Friend of Medjugorje]. I am with you. The more people talk about obedience the harder I push. I have been organizing conferences since the early 90’s. I only bring speakers and priests who follow Medjugorje wholeheartedly. This year August 28 – 30th Wayne Weible got a standing ovation. The more people say too much Medjugorje at the conference the more I put in. I believe that for every person that stayed away because of the Medjugorje speakers two more came. [Friend of Medjugorje], God Bless you for what you do. I will keep you in my prayers. Sharon
Thank you A Fried of Medjugorje! I firmly believe, when the Communist regime could not stop Medjugorje, no human being on earth can do it now as it is from God. It is so unfortunate that the unbelievers cannot see any fruit of Medjugorje. Don’t forget that they did the same to Padre Pio, to Fatima and to Lourdes etc. But eventually they had to ACCEPT the truth. Medjugorje already got the approval from the great Saint John Paul II and it doesn’t need any approval now.