The Evening World News

The Evening World News

May 3, 2016 A.D.

Our Lady’s May 2, 2016 Message Given to Mirjana on the Day of Nonbelievers

Dear children, My motherly heart desires your true conversion and a firm faith so that you may be able to spread love and peace to all those who surround you. But, my children, do not forget; each of you is a unique world before the Heavenly Father. Therefore, permit the continuous working of the Holy Spirit to work on you. Be my spiritually pure children. In spirituality is beauty. Everything that is spiritual is alive and very beautiful. Do not forget that in the Eucharist, which is the heart of faith, my Son is always with you. He comes to you and breaks the bread with you; because, my children, for your sake He died, He resurrected and is coming anew. These words of mine are familiar to you because they are the truth, and the truth does not change. It is only that many of my children have forgotten it. My children, my words are neither old nor new, they are eternal. Therefore, I invite you, my children, to observe well the signs of the times – to gather the shattered crosses and to be apostles of the revelation. Thank you.

The Evening World News

by a Friend of Medjugorje

Sitting on an isolated hill on the island of Guam, one can peer out across a very vast ocean. This 30 mile speck in the Pacific Ocean is nowhere and has nowhere to go. Yet, 170,000 people populate it. But you still can find places, as on this hill, where there is no one and no sign of the population. Praying and staring across the great sea, you can contemplate the isolation from the world, civilization and its erred direction. Many will never leave the tiny island. Born, live, die, buried on such a small place. How do these souls know—really know, that New York, Moscow, Paris and small cities like Cardiff, Alabama—population 55, or Vernon, California—population 112, or Mound, Louisiana—population 19, even or ever existed? What is the world to them? We know Our Lady speaks of the world:

September 25, 1991

“…satan wants to show the ‘world’…”

February 25, 1991

“…live peace [so that it] will flow from your hearts [to] the whole ‘world’…”

February 17, 1984

… The ‘world’ has been drawn…

June 25, 2007

“…God desires to convert the entire ‘world’…”

What is the world? What does it consist of? How can I convert the world? It is too big, yet Our Lady has repeatedly commanded this of us. How can someone on Guam, who was born there and died there, convert and change the world? Meditate on the question already raised above; do those on Guam really know Paris or the other mentioned places exist? Yes, they have read about them, seen pictures of them, heard stories about them, yet some have never been there. They cannot prove these places exist personally. For them, Paris could be in existence or nonexistent. What difference does it make for them? In the reality of their lives, it does not matter, yet they are called to convert the world. But what world?

For decades we have read the messages teaching all of us that Our Lady wants to change the whole world. It is in the capacity of you as an individual, a unique individual to do so. How? What is the world? You may think Germany, USA, Italy, Russia, all of Europe, all seven continents, the oceans with its islands. You may feel very isolated on a very small island like Guam. But you are called to change the world. How? Five percent changes the 100 percent. Out of 100 people, it takes only 5 to change the rest. One hundred people divided by 5 individuals with a plan means each of the 5 individuals only need to influence 19 people out of his group of 20. The Communist party strove to get Hollywood to have only 5% of the party line in every Hollywood movie to influence all those who watched it. Why? Because it takes only 5% of the people to start a revolution. The other 95% will follow.

Why does Our Lady say you are “a unique world?” For almost three decades, actually from the beginning of going to Medjugorje, we have taught from here what the world is. We’ve spoken of the Evening World News at the supper table—what the world news is for us in family and later, in the Community when it came into being, here at Caritas. It is what happened in “our world.” Meaning what was the goings-on in the mission at Caritas, in the calls that came in, remarkable conversions of those who sent in their testimony, the kids play, their horse training of the day that they experienced, what happened in our little schoolhouse, what broke down, what got fixed, what the babies did in their new daily discoveries, the “funnies” of what happened and the not so “funnies,” as well as the disturbing. That is our world, the world that surrounds us, a world unique to us, as individuals, a world of a separate culture from the rest of the world. Just as one family who lives on one side of the city has different surroundings from another family who lives on the other side of a city, or it can be said, the other side of the world, because they live in a different world.

Our Lady’s Plans are to Unite the World

So, how will we convert the world? In the beginning of Medjugorje it was common to hear pilgrims say, “I know I have a spouse and children back at home, but I want to stay in Medjugorje.” “I don’t want to leave.” “I want to move here.” It was always told to the pilgrims, “No, this is not correct thinking because this is not what Our Lady wants. You are to go back and make your home Medjugorje.” That is what Our Lady said today, May 2, 2016, when She said,

“…true conversion and a firm faith so that you may be able to spread love and peace to all those who surround you…”

That is your world. Our Lady shows in this May 2, 2016 message what pilgrims did not grasp but was seen in 1986-1987 to change your unique world. This means your daily world that surrounds the three “you’s”—you, yourself and I. You have the power, the grace, the path, and the words of all Our Lady’s instructions to change 19 people around you. You are part of the 5% to influence the 95% of those around you. You are to change your world which is all around your comings and goings. Do you respond, “But that’s not the world!” Yes, it is. Our Lady’s plans is for everyone to change their unique world. How will that change the world? By you as an apostle changing yourself, converting, going through “true” conversion, you will change those in your world around you, changing your unique world. When enough worlds are transformed, each will be a mirror reflecting Our Lady’s design and thereby, across the whole wide geography of the world, it will be one world, made up of all the micro unique worlds, with the same Mother, all of which will have the same understanding of Her familiar words as She says, “My Son”. A world of unique worlds, one of which depends upon you to change with true conversion. Our Lady states:

“…My motherly heart desires your true conversion…firm faith…[enabling you to]… spread love… peace to all those who surround you [in your individual]… unique world…”

A World of Unique Worlds

Marija said in the beginning days that Our Lady wanted to make a chain around the whole world, one link at a time. Our Lady is now revealing more of Her plans; plans of how to change the whole world through your little corner in the world. One link. When you go through true conversion, in the midst of shattered families and friends, you will affect all those around you. A beautiful conversion, if it is a true conversion, will make you the center in which good will revolve around. Your spiritual solar system, like a star, will give light and warmth as our sun does in our planetary solar system. The sun is the center, all those (planets) surrounding you (sun) in your life, your world you are to give light and life to as our solar system receives light and life from the sun. The sun’s light is pure; it makes our world thrive, green, healthy and alive! Our Lady said,

“…Everything that is spiritual is alive and very beautiful…”

You are to be as a star, a life giving sun, to shattered lives and families that “surround,” or “revolve” around you, in your solar system. To achieve this you cannot be fake, you cannot pretend, you must be true. All will recognize a true conversion by your radiance and will be drawn to your way, finding Our Lady’s way. Our Lady said:

September 25, 2014

“Dear children! Also today I call you to also be like the stars, which by their light give light and beauty to others so they may rejoice. Little children, also you be the radiance, beauty, joy and peace – and especially prayer – for all those who are far from my love and the love of my Son Jesus. Little children, witness your faith and prayer in joy, in the joy of faith that is in your hearts; and pray for peace, which is a precious gift from God. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

When Marija was asked if the whole world would hear of Our Lady’s messages, Marija responded:

“Yes…through God’s faithful children who are spreading these messages to the farthest reaches of the globe…Our Lady said that God planted a tiny seed in the hearts of His faithful children. Through faithfulness to God’s will, and prayer and fasting, the tiny seed has become a great shade tree in the hearts of the faithful ones, where the sick and the starving can find shade, rest, and nourishment for their journey to paradise.”

You do this, you live this and your unique world will become a world like what Our Lady has done in our little geographic place upon the earth called Caritas, Alabama of whom some call Mejabama. Go forth and make your world Medjugorje. We’ve witnessed to you that it can be done.

In the Love of Our Lady,
Friend of Medjugorje
Who is a Friend of Medjugorje?

The great shade tree where everyday
“Everything that is spiritual is alive and very beautiful”
at Rosary times

The Tree in the Field of Apparitions

The Caritas Community in the Field of Apparitions

The Caritas Community in the Field of Apparitions

The Caritas Community in the Field of Apparitions

The Caritas Community in the Field of Apparitions

The Caritas Community in the Field of Apparitions

The Caritas Community in the Field of Apparitions

The Caritas Community in the Field of Apparitions

The Caritas Community in the Field of Apparitions

The Caritas Community in the Field of Apparitions

The Caritas Community in the Field of Apparitions

The Caritas Community in the Field of Apparitions

The Caritas Community in the Field of Apparitions


Do not miss the opportunity to pray at a place which has been the 
center of a new way of life of the future, the Bedroom of Apparitions, in the home of a Friend of Medjugorje and his wife, here in Mejabama.

The Bedroom will be opened this coming Saturday May 7, and on the first or
second Saturday of the following months.

12:00 P.M. (after Rosary in the Field) to 6:00 P.M. (CDT) Saturday, August 6, 2016
Friday, April 1, 2016 Saturday, September 3, 2016
Saturday, May 7, 2016 Saturday, October 8, 2016
Saturday, June 4, 2016 Saturday, November 5, 2016
Saturday, July 9, 2016

For more information contact Caritas of Birmingham at 205-672-2000.


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Community Plea 2023-2024 - $190,500 of $200,000

Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!

See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.

For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here

13 thoughts on “The Evening World News”

  1. I would like to work with Our Lady to slowly slowly step by step turn our home and the land around it into ‘Mejasodbury’. Maria Chipping Sodbury

  2. I would like to work with Our Lady to slowly slowly step by step turn our home and the land around it into ‘Mejasodbury’. Maria Chipping Sodbury

  3. There is so much joy and peace when reviewing the photos. Thank you for sharing your lives with all of us and being such loving extended hands of Mary. I am sure you make her smile often while at Mejabama. Thanks again and God Bless All of You Love Joanne

  4. Barbara Downer

    Thank you for all your inspiringl writings, my world resolves around the courage I get from reading them. May Our Blessed mother keep me and those I pray for under Her protection. Your little world looks so peaceful. Thank you

  5. Wonderful, inspiring, perfect writing again from a friend. Takes everything I feel & puts it in such perfect order . This site is my daily fix to re-invigorate my soul & help me focus my thoughts. Thank you again . God bless all

  6. Your website is absolutely wonderful! I am moved at each writing and visit daily to obtain a freshness in my spirit. God bless you all for your hard work for Our Lady Gertrude

  7. I’ve been critical of a few of the Friend’s recent writings, so I feel I must be fair and tell you what a beautiful picture you painted of Our Lady’s message. It was so nice to read the writing of the Friend as I recall his writings to have been in the early years, writings filled with joy and hope and love and beauty. The addition of the family photos, with the beautiful children and their moms and dads embodied the essence of the writing. Wonderful job and thank you.

  8. Christine Bridges/Penn

    The pictures are beautiful. A message of Heaven on Earth if only a glimmer. I love the message of hope in this downtrodden life of mine where so many are ill and others in prison. Praying for more vocations, more priests to answer the call to help those most in need of your mercy. There are so many that really need you more than ever and are stuck in the Murphy’s Law of the day. There is only a remnant of our family left. So much Love remembered. And so sorely missed. What a gift this suffering alone is. Now consecration to the Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of the Mother of God is so much easier. At one time I did not even know what that meant. Now I find myself living it just for asking. How wonderfully prudent our Mother is. How gracious, how loving, how perfect. Even thanksgiving through her is so magnified. What great hope for us all. Thank you for your writing!

  9. Dear Friend of Medjugorie, Thank you for your inspirational commentary on this month’s message from Our Lady. It really touched my heart. Also, I really enjoyed the beautiful pictures of your community life.

  10. Oh Caritas! Our Lady guides your hands in so many ways. We are just now in the midst of a terrible and wrongful attempt to re-zone 1/2 of all land in 10 townships to 70% trees and not allow livestock or Agricultural usage other than on the 30%. It has weighed our family down for weeks as we fight the County for those who don’t know how. Your 5% message resonates. I will pass it on before the hearing today to give all the hope of truth and fairness prevailing. Seriously, God hears every shouted AND EVERY WHISPERED prayer. You all are HIS answer to us. Thanks!

  11. This article confirms what I have felt in my heart for a very long time. That we really have been “planted” in our own little corner of the world for a reason…..and although we may be unable to change the world, we can definitely change our own little corner of the world…..and that, in turn, can help to change the world!

  12. Loved the writings and especially the pictures that proves the point of your writings. All is can say is: what a beautiful life! The kind of life that my Lady desires for all of us. I yearn for it, and offer the one I have.

  13. Thank you for sending this writing. The concept of the 5% makes very good sense. Life long repentance, conversion, and evangelization is what I strive for here in my sphere of influence. May the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph bless yall there at Caritas. Queen of Peace, pray for us. Live Jesus in our hearts forever!

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