Marija returned to Caritas of Birmingham to be with a Friend of Medjugorje, his family and the Caritas Community for a semi-private visit September 11-17, 2014. One other apparition took place in the living room of a Friend Medjugorje’s Home, on September 15. But in that apparition, Our Lady told Marija that on September 16, the apparition was to be only for the community and it would be at 9:00 a.m. in the Bedroom. The Community of Caritas gathered early at a Friend of Medjugorje’s Home for the apparition of Our Lady. The Rosary began in the Bedroom at 8:30 a.m., but Our Lady came unexpectedly early, during the fifth Sorrowful Mystery, even though She said She would appear at 9:00 a.m. Immediately after the apparition, Marija asked for a pen and paper. The following is Marija’s description of the apparition: “When Our Lady came, She immediately said: ‘Today, I desire to thank you for all of your prayers and sacrifices, which you are offering for My intentions. I bless you all with My Motherly blessing.’ Our Lady blessed us all with Her Motherly Blessing and She prayed over us for a long time. She watched all of us. Our Lady said about tomorrow: ‘I will come, when you pray.’ ” Marija said: “Our Lady was joyful” in this apparition and that Our Lady gave Her Motherly Special Blessing only to those in the Bedroom, while those praying in the Field received Her regular blessing.
The Sweet Final Days of this Visit with Our Lady
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