The Medjugorje Sanctuary

The Medjugorje Sanctuary

The Holy Father communicates through letters with his Polish friends Marek and Sophia Skwarnicki, who are strongly devoted to Medjugorje. John Paul II writes to his friends on May 28, 1992:


“Dear Marek, May God reward you for the ‘Misterium [Mystery].’ To know what it contains, I will have to read it but I can feel something in my bones from reading the letter only. I will make sure to have it read promptly. Meanwhile, I thank you for the text (still unread) and for the kind words from its author. May Our Lady always protect Marek and Sophia, and their family. And now we every day return to Medjugorje in prayer. John Paul II”


Marek comments on John Paul II’s reference to Medjugore:


“Reference to Medjugorje is a sign of how deeply the Holy Father felt over the Balkan fratricidal war and believed more and more in the sanctity of the Medjugorje sanctuary.”

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