The eighth anniversary celebration of Our Lady’s first apparitions in Medjugorje was well attended and The Evening Mass was concelebrated by 140 priests with 40,000 pilgrims present in Medjugorje. Two nights before the anniversary when Ivan was present with his prayer group on Apparition Mountain, Our Lady expressed with joy how happy She was. June 23, 1989, She said:
“…I am happy to see you in such a large number. I would like to pray for you in a special way tonight. Dear children, give me the day that comes in prayer.â€
Many, after the message was given, stayed all night on the mountain in prayer. Our Lady, on the Anniversary Day of June 25, desired to acknowledge the reason so many pilgrims had come to honor Her. She mentioned the number of anniversaries that have passed, and how She desires to give still more graces through Her comings:
“…today I call you to live the messages which I have been giving you during the past eight years. This is a time of graces and I desire that the grace of God be great for every single one of you…â€