Second of the Month Apparition

Second of the Month Apparition

Over the past seven months, in the second of the month apparitions, Our Lady’s preoccupation has been the purification of our hearts. July 2, 2005:

“…Cleanse your hearts…”

August 2, 2005:

“…your heart is filled with false glitters and false idols. Cleanse your heart…”

September 2, 2005:

“…Where are you, children of mine? What is in your heart in the first place? What is not permitting you to put my Son in the first place?…”

October 2, 2005:

“…Purify your hearts…”

On November 2, Our Lady gave no message, but She was sad and sorrowful.

December 2, 2005:

“…Only hearts that are pure, filled with prayer and merciful, can sense the love of my Son…”

January 2, 2006:

“What prevents your hearts from receiving [my Son]? What all is false within them? Purify them by fasting and prayer…”

Today, March 2nd, Mirjana said: “Our Lady was very sad. Sadly She said: ‘Praised be Jesus!’”

Our Lady spoke privately with Mirjana about the situation in the world with special attention on those who have not yet come to know God’s love. And then Our Lady said: “God is love! God is love! God is love!” There was no message that Our Lady gave today. Her sorrow for the state of the souls of non-believers was the message.

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