Our Lady Appears Early for the Community

Our Lady Appears Early for the Community

Marija left on this day to go back to Italy to her family. The founder of Caritas asked Our Lady through Marija during her apparition on December 14th, if She would appear early on Saturday so that the Community could be present for one more apparition and receive Her blessing once more. Our Lady said, “Yes.” The Community began to gather in the Bedroom at 6:30 a.m. Our Lady appeared to Marija at precisely 8:00 a.m. The following is Marija’s description of this apparition on Saturday, December 15, 2001:

“When Our Lady came, I recommended each of us and all our intentions in our hearts. Our Lady prayed over us for a long time. I presented a private question to Our Lady. Immediately upon asking the question, Our Lady smiled and gave a private answer. Our Lady looked at each of us and then blessed us. She ascended back to Heaven, saying,“Go in peace.” Our Lady was very happy and joyful during this apparition.”

The private question from the founder was related to something that Our Lady had spoken to him about fourteen years before through Marija. Through the years he had asked Our Lady on several occasions, never receiving an affirmative message. He, along with the Community, was very happy that in this apparition Our Lady, through a message, gave light of an affirmation to him.

Read full story here >

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