Medjugorje visionary, Marija Pavlovic, married an Italian man, Paolo Lunetti on September 8, 1993. Marija had initially desired to enter a convent, but she came to realize that as a religious she would not be able to spread Our Lady’s messages given to her because they were not yet approved by the Church. Our Lady had entrusted to Marija the responsibility of spreading Her monthly messages given on the 25th of each month. Marija realized entering a convent was not then an option for her. Several years earlier, Marija became good friends with a very devout Italian family that visited Medjugorje often. Dino and Millie Lunetti were from Milan and had three sons. The youngest son, Paolo, often joined the prayer group when he was in Medjugorje and he became close friends of Marija, a friendship that deepened in time. During their engagement, they chose the day the Church celebrates Our Lady’s birthday, September 8, as the day they would marry. They were married in a Cathedral in Milan, Italy.