The Community of Caritas gathered early at the founder’s house to write out their personal intentions and to quietly prepare for the last apparition with Our Lady before Marija would leave to fly back to Medjugorje. The Community gathered in the Bedroom of Apparitions, placing their petitions on the bed, and began the Rosary at around 8:15 a.m. Our Lady appeared to Marija around 8:45 a.m. and the apparition lasted almost 5 minutes. Caritas’ founder asked Marija to ask Our Lady if She had any words for the Community before leaving. After the apparition Marija described what took place during the apparition:
“I asked Our Lady if She had something to say to us and She said:
“I am with you.”
“I asked for a blessing for all of us and all the people who are in the Field, and She prayed over us and She blessed us. And I presented all our intentions and all that we have in our hearts, and Our Lady gave a blessing and She left.”
After the apparition, Marija spoke to the Community for awhile and then said her good-byes to each one before she began her journey back to Medjugorje, bringing with her the beautiful memories of the past Five Days of Prayer which were filled with many graces and blessings.