Pilgrims began gathering in the Field for the apparition of Our Lady to visionary Marija throughout the afternoon leading up to the Rosary that began at 6:00 p.m. Our Lady had stated the day before that the apparition would be in the Bedroom and a short time before the prayer began, several members of the Caritas community were sent out among the crowd in the Field to choose at random various pilgrims to come to the Bedroom. Our Lady always blesses everyone in the Field every apparition, and hears their prayers, but it is a special grace to be able to be in close proximity to Marija when she is in ecstasy during the visitation of Our Lady—to see her voice fade away while her lips continue to move and watch as her upturned eyes stare into the eyes of Our Lady. Following is Marija’s description of the July 1, 2013 apparition in the Bedroom:
“Our Lady prayed over us and She blessed us all. And She said:
“Same time, same place.”
“In regards to tomorrow’s apparition on July 2.”
A Friend of Medjugorje:And She blessed everyone out in the Field?”
Marija:“Yes, I recommend all.”
A Friend of Medjugorje:“Were Her eyes opened or closed?”
Marija:“Open. She watch us.”
What Marija means when Our Lady “watches” those present in the apparition, is that She moves Her eyes from face to face, taking in each person before Her. Marija says this is a beautiful gesture of Our Lady, who is a real Mother who dearly loves each of Her children. She desires us to know that She knows and sees us all as individual people, not just a conglomeration of faces in a crowd.