An Unexpected Surprise

An Unexpected Surprise

As pilgrims continued to arrive on Saturday, they were invited to go to the Field of Apparitions at 6:00 p.m. to pray in union with the Community in preparation for Our Lady’s apparition. Our Lady came at 6:40 p.m. Just before the apparition, the founder of Caritas felt a strong impulse to ask Our Lady, through Marija, if She would bless a Cross that had been erected on the mountain behind Caritas. Marija described to the Community what took place in the apparition:

“Our Lady pray over us and She blessed us. And I recommend all us, all our intentions, all what we have in our hearts. And I ask Our Lady for tomorrow, and She said apparition is same time, but not same place.”

Immediately, the founder of Caritas questioned, where? Marija said a little playfully because she knew the surprise would be not only great, but a shock.

“Cross Hill”

The reaction was just as she expected with the room filling with gasps and several more questions. She went on to explain,

“Cross Hill. I ask because (founder) ask me for blessing (to ask Our Lady if She would bless the Cross). So tomorrow night we have this time (6:40 p.m.) on Cross Hill. I said Cross Hill. What is (name)? Cross Mountain or Cross Hill?”

The mountain had received no name because the founder wanted to see what the Holy Spirit would guide people to say. The members of the Community felt deep emotion, excitement, happiness and joy to learn of Our Lady’s decision to bless the Cross at the actual site of its construction. Marija was asked again,

“So, you just asked for a blessing on the Cross, and Our Lady said She would appear there?”

Marija said,“Yes.”

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