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PART 1 OF 6 – THE SUPPRESSION OF MEDJUGORJE: Will the Medjugorje World Give Up Diamonds for a Carrot?

PART 1 OF 6 – THE SUPPRESSION OF MEDJUGORJE: Will the Medjugorje World Give Up Diamonds for a Carrot?



Will the Medjugorje World Give Up Diamonds for a Carrot?


Trading Diamonds (Our Lady’s Messages) that will be Recut (changed, reshaped), and Dulled, Losing the Messages’ Brilliance, in Exchange for an Errored Document, a Carrot.


Read carefully and slowly so as to comprehend the spiritual crime against Heaven.


A new document has just been released on September 19, 2024, drafted under Cardinal Victor Manuel Fernandez, the Prefect for the Doctrine of the Faith. It is a statement glowing about the fruit of Medjugorje to the Medjugorje people of the world. It was accepted positively by almost everyone.


The Cardinal’s document referred to Medjugorje as “alleged apparitions.” The definition of ALLEGED is: Without proof or having a specified illegal or undesirable quality.”


“Alleged” is used 47 times in the document, referring to the “alleged Messages” and the “alleged Apparitions.”  Also, in the press conference on September 19, 2024, Cardinal Fernandez spoke about what he referred to as the “So Called” Secrets.  The full name of the document is


“Norms for Proceeding in the Discernment of Alleged Supernatural Phenomena.” In the title, to repeat and be clear, alleged means without proof; an illegal or undesirable quality supernatural phenomenon. So, it really means that it (Medjugorje) is an undesired supernatural phenomenon.


In reality, the Cardinal is giving the Medjugorje world a carrot and taking away diamonds. Cardinal Fernandez’s document is a clever and sly way for the Medjugorje world to think what is laid out is good for Medjugorje. IT IS NOT!


This will severely damage Medjugorje.


↓ You are one of millions following Medjugorje.com across 190 countries, who are reading a Friend of Medjugorje’s writing. Make your voice heard and leave your thoughts below. ↓

As the whole press conference was being explained, the document began to smell. A smell of a method of a deception that is designed to have a group or body of people to accept and agree with something in which they otherwise would object to what is being laid out in front of them. The method is designed to convince people to accept what is proposed, changing their mind and agreeing with the agenda.


This is exactly what Cardinal Fernandez did at the press conference of the Doctrine of the Faith.


The method he used is called the Delphi/Alinsky Process, or consensus building. Cardinal Fernandez said and gave wonderful positive examples and statements about Medjugorje which is the carrot.  The Cardinal gave you a carrot in exchange for you letting him have the power to approve the messages (the diamonds) and to correct (recut) them.  He even stated the Secrets will not be released without the Vatican’s approval!!!! The majority of the Medjugorje world are being deceived into accepting the carrot. We the people were given, across the world, the diamonds, from Heaven, the messages. Every word Our Lady says is precious.  Heaven does not need theologians messing with the messages.


June 25, 2002

“…Live my messages and put into life every word that I am giving you. May they be precious to you because they come from Heaven…”


Do theologians need to tell us what the above message means?


It is critical for you, the Medjugorje world, to know how you are being shammed into going along with Cardinal Fernandez, as he said, to accept a one or two month delay before the message is released, so that it can be scrutinized, approved or even modified and revised to be more theological [complex] before the message will be published.


“I wouldn’t say to put a stop on rendering them public all together, but only until they have been evaluated… Every two months, they can be rendered public. They can be published. But if something doubtful arises that can confuse the faithful… they will contact us. They will call us, and we’ll try to answer, not after two years, but within the week, possibly.”[1]


Their schemes are in violation of the Queen of Peace.  Our Lady’s recent message of September 25, 2024 was quickly released by the Vatican because there was already resistance from our post, “We Must Go to a Fuller Truth.”  However, this was the first step to open the door.  This first step stated, with Our Lady’s message, “With Ecclesiastical Approval”!!!???


How Does the Communist Delphi Process Work?


Inspired by satan Through Saul Alinsky.


The following is critical that you read slowly to understand what it is that the document and the press conference is trying to achieve.


The Delphi/Alinsky Process and/or Consensus Building


These are highly manipulative processes, which are employed by one group in order to lead a different group of people to a conclusion that they normally would not choose or agree with. The people who have been manipulated by the Delphi/Alinsky Process walk away, often times not happy with the conclusion, but believing they at least were given an opportunity to influence the outcome, and though the decision did not go their way, they believed they were treated fairly and democratically. The reality, however, was that the “conclusion” was already “predetermined” from the beginning. With skillful manipulation by the facilitator, which, in this case, would be Cardinal Victor Manuel Ferdinand, Prefect of the Dicastery of the Doctrine of the Faith, to bring the worldwide Medjugorje group to consensus, decisions are made without the people realizing they are being misled.


The following continues from the book Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping[2]:


Whether or not you have heard of the Delphi/Alinsky Process and Consensus Building, these processes are well known by these groups. They are being used everywhere, even in our churches, to lead groups of people towards predetermined decisions that are not in the best interest of the people, but for those who want to deceptively get you to approve of their plans or decisions, so as to overcome any objections which would stop the agenda. In other words, instead of waiting to present a plan that will get resistance and be possibly stopped, the schemers set up a system to manage the people who have issues or a stake in the decisions, so to lead them to the decision the schemers want. Even though one may not like the final decisions, you are deceived into accepting it because they gave the appearance that you were part of the decision-making process. Consensus building is for one purpose: to eliminate dissent.  It is important for you, as Christians, to educate, research, and familiarize yourselves with this process because often Christians are the ones who are being manipulated through these means. Following is one example of how the process works within a facilitated meeting to cultivate a desired conclusion.


“Basically, the idea goes something like this: An organized group (such as a school, planning commissioners, developers, etc.) has already decided what it is going to do, but it wants to avoid the appearance that it has acted without public approval. So, it schedules a public meeting which is advertised as being held for the purpose of soliciting community input. In fact, the organization has no desire to solicit opinions; rather the real intent of the meeting is to give the community the impression that input was solicited.”


“The whole meeting or conference is designed specifically to avoid community input.”


End of Excerpt from Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping


Now you can see and expose the recent Vatican document.  It is like playing a tennis match, back and forth, giving people a positive statement, then followed by a negative statement. As mentioned, this is one example of how the Delphi/Alinsky Process is practiced. This is what happened on September 19, 2024, through Cardinal Fernandez. Once you become educated to the manipulation, it becomes obvious that this is what is taking place. The press conference was well-oiled and slick.


↓ You are one of millions following Medjugorje.com across 190 countries, who are reading a Friend of Medjugorje’s writing. Make your voice heard and leave your thoughts below. ↓

The Document contains 10,159 Words




The whole conference had a pre-determined outcome before it even started to have everyone accept the taking hostage of Our Lady’s messages and imprisoning them behind the door of scholars and theologians, to be studied and even changed or edited before they are given to the people.


June 9, 1984

Maria was told this message.

“Dear children, tomorrow night “pray for the Spirit of Truth!” Especially, “you from the parish.” “Because you need the Spirit of Truth” “to be able to convey the messages” “just the way they are,” “neither adding anything to them,” “nor taking anything” “whatsoever away from them,” “but just the way I said them.” Pray for the Holy Spirit to inspire you with the spirit of prayer, so you will pray more. I, your Mother, tell you that you are praying little. Thank you for having responded to my call.”



  1. …Pray for the Spirit of Truth…



  1. …you from the parish…


“the people”

  1. …Because you need the Spirit of Truth…



  1. …to be “able” to convey the message…


How?  Is Our Lady relying on the people to be the ones who are to spread the messages?

  1. …just the way they are…


Is Our Lady clear? Is She saying don’t mess with the messages?

  1. …neither adding anything to them…


No one has authority to change the messages.

  1. …nor taking anything…


What can theologians, the Congregation of the Faith change?

  1. whatsoever away from them…



  1. …but just the way I said them…




Marija received the Thursday Messages.


Marija receives the Monthly Messages to date.


Marija has had messages in other circumstances.


Marija has a pen and paper and immediately writes the message down.


Cardinal Fernandez, you put yourself above what Our Lady tells directly to Marija.  The words she hears, not you.  So, who has authority over the messages other than Marija?  Marija is receiving private revelation.


You have stepped on thin ice.  You have usurped the right of taking ownership over the messages from the people, deciding and calling them alleged.  After 43 years of daily apparitions, Sensus Fidelium approves Medjugorje.  The messages are under the care of Our Lady and given to the people from the Throne of God.  Only one has authority.  The other is a usurper whose goal is to silence Our Lady, particularly during the Secrets, just as happened in Fatima. The Fatima Secret was locked away from 1917 to 1999, when it was released. This is satan’s goal. Are you aligned with satan?  Cardinal Fernandez, you mettle with, quote “the ‘so called’ Secrets.” Your verbiage of “so called”…Secrets definition means:   “That you think the word (so called) that is used to describe someone or something is not suitable or not correct.”


Cardinal Fernandez, at the press conference on September 19, 2024:




“The note says that the text, future texts, if any, if there were to be any…The ones of the past that have not been published, all of these texts, in order to be published, must have…received authorization from the apostolic visitor, including the so-called Secrets that we don’t know about.”[3]


In closing this Part One, Visionary Ivan, on December 31, 1981, asked the Gospa (Our Lady) how to help doubting priests understand the apparitions.  Our Lady said:


“It is necessary to tell them that from the very beginning I have been conveying the message of God to the world.  It is a great pity not to believe in it.  Faith is a vital element, but one cannot compel a person to believe.  Faith is the foundation from which everything flows.”


This ends Part One.


Part Two will be posted on Monday, September 30, 2024

Friend of Medjugorje



↓ You are one of millions following Medjugorje.com across 190 countries, who are reading a Friend of Medjugorje’s writing. Make your voice heard and leave your thoughts below. ↓

[1] September 19, 2024, Press Conference, Vatican City, Cardinal Fernandez. The spoken words are near the end of the press conference.
[2] A Friend of Medjugorje wrote this book in 2007.
[3] September 19, 2024, Press Conference, Vatican City, Cardinal Fernandez. The spoken words are near the end of the press conference.

October 3, 2024, 7:49 AM…

Emergency Plea Where We Stand…

“Thank you for bringing clarity and common sense to this crazy world we live in. We are reminded to cling to Jesus and Mary, and to pray for the strength of faith to properly discern words and events.”

Sue from Michigan

We only have $50,000 to finish the plea. That’s just:

2 people giving $25,000 each
5 people giving $10,000 each
50 people giving $1,000 each
100 people giving $500 each
500 people giving $100 each

We do not have time to share everything, but know that your donations are making a big impact for conversion. If this site has helped you, make a generous donation to finish this plea. There is at least one person out there who can give a large amount of $30,000, $40,000 or $50,000 to bring this plea to a close.

Thank you!

$139,399 of $190,000 raised so far

35 thoughts on “PART 1 OF 6 – THE SUPPRESSION OF MEDJUGORJE: Will the Medjugorje World Give Up Diamonds for a Carrot?”

  1. City: Scottsdale
    State: AZ
    Country: United States
    My Prayers added may we hear our Lady’s Our Mother’s words as soon as she speaks to us through the Visionary’s she chose for us. 🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐🛐

  2. City: Kent
    State: Ohio
    Country: USA
    This is very disturbing! To call the messages these “Alleged Supernatural Phenomena” is heartbreaking. I think we deserve to know the truth. What is REALLY preventing the Vatican from approving these messages? Unfortunately, we will never know. . . What more proof do they need?

  3. City: Birmingham
    State: MI
    Country: USA
    You’re absolutely right, Friend of Medjugorje. No one, no pope, no cardinal, no bishop has the right to change Heaven’s words, specifically the words of Our Blessed Mother to her children here on earth. And if they attempt to do so, we don’t have to listen to them because they have no authority to scrutinize or alter words from God or Our Lady.

  4. City: Rio Rancho
    State: NEW MEXICO
    Country: USA
    Heaven wins!!! Our Lady chose the visionaries for the purpose of opening the hearts of all who are lost. Many have come to know the direction our lives are to take by trusting in Mary’s messages, Her being sent by God, Her concern for Her children, Her love and Her intercession for Her children. Many remain blind and so, Our Mother calls us to pray. Even this last message our Lady calls us to pray ““Dear children, God has sent me among you, to love you and encourage you to prayer and conversion, for peace in you and in your families and in the world. Little children, do not forget that true peace comes only through prayer, from God Who is your peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.” She is clever the woman of revelation and She will do as Heaven asks Her to do. Just as the visionaries will do as Mother Mary has asked them. I am glad there has been the book from “Words from Heaven”, composed of all the messages by FOM. These messages are the authentic messages and they are new in every day listening to our Lady’s voice. As this message released on the day the message was given. We pray that the hearts of those discerning the Word given to the visionaries will be hit by the Holy Spirit to reveal the messages immediately. What will become of this time? Only God knows but we do as our Lady has called us to do. Pray, pray, pray. satan is strong but God is stronger. He uses everything for a better good, even the sin of man!!! We continue to pray for the conversion of sinners to be freed from satan’s lies. The call to fast in these days is very important! May we triumph in our prayers and fasting. Thank you our Friend of Medjugorge for your FIAT to Mary’s call. Our Queen of Peace and Reconciliation, pray, for us!!

    1. City: Franklin
      State: MI
      Country: United States
      Thank you, Friend of Medjugorje! How can a servant of God decide to filter the Word coming from Our Mother Queen of Heaven? How can this be? What’s next? How can the faithful stand up to challenge this decision?

  5. City: Franklin
    Country: USA
    I have a legitimate question for Cardinal Fernandez. Friend of Medjugorje, since you know people, maybe you can send our letters to the Cardinal?

    Your Eminence,
    You said the messages were good and can be read, “edifying.” Correct?
    You said the visionaries had flaws and we should not pay attention to them. Correct?
    You said that you are not going to say it is Our Lady appearing. Correct?

    If all three questions are true, based on what you said, then who is giving us the messages? Where are they coming from?

    A UFO? The fairy godmother?

    Is it perhaps the embarrassment of the Church that millions are following these messages and not the shady, heretical homilies they hear from the pulpits, that maybe the Church wants to stamp them with her name so as to appear to be the originator of these wonderful words?

    Your Eminence, I would appreciate an answer.

  6. City: Lake City
    State: FL
    Country: USA
    Dear FOM and Caritas of Birmingham, I just got back my power from Hurricane Helene, and checked for updates from mej.com. After realizing the September 25th Message from Our Lady was a quick and bad rewrite, I am always blindsided by betrayals out of the Vatican. Another cleric doing satan’s bidding. So sad for Catholics that our Shepherds censure Our Lady, like communist, altheistic idealogies do. We cannot serve two Masters, and the obvious choice is Jesus. I will pray for Cardinal Fernandez and especially FOM who endures constant betrayals but always keeps his eyes focused on Our Lady. Thank you so much, Susan

  7. City: Rochester
    State: NY
    Country: United States
    Is there any way that you will be able to publish directly what is written down by the visionaries or are they obligated to only give it to the person in charge of ecclesiastical approval? I do not understand how anyone can change what Our Lady is giving as a message to us. No one has the right to change anything or it really isn’t a message from the Blessed Mother – it is someone else’s point of view. I fear for our Holy Father and for Cardinal Fernandez as I truly believe they and the church has been “infiltrated” by the devil in the form of freemasonry aka communism. I feel so happy that we have you Caritas as a beacon of what we should be on the look out for and pray that we will receive the correct version of the messages. May God continue to bless your mission. We – the people in the pews – are eternally grateful.

  8. City: Auroville
    State: Tamil Nadu
    Country: India
    This must put a lot of pressure on the Visionairs receiving the messages…
    What do they think about this issue?
    Will there be any comments from them as well? How can they possibly oppose the Church?
    I myself want to read the message as they are given , directly from the visionaires, without any interference from anyone else…
    Thank You

  9. City: Ontario
    State: Ontario
    Country: Canada
    I love how FOM and the Caritas community have all memorized so many of Our Lady’s messages and then FOM always presents the facts perfectly through them. Thank you!

  10. Susanna Maria Ax, BODW

    City: Hayward
    State: California
    Country: USA
    God will judge those who try to stop, modify, or distort Our Blessed Virgin Mary’s words given to the visionaries of Medjugorje. God win! He is God almighty! God will prevail! Our Mother has been given the authorty to strike Satan and destroy his power. No one in the Vatican can stop God from His Word! The power of His Word. Pray the Power of His Word to fight this battle with evil. I have been in Medjugorje seven times!!! My first pilgrimage was before I became a Catholic, as it took THREE YEARS to get my badge after I decided to enter the Church. I lost my Protestant faith due to sin. Our Lady gave me a message via a Catholic-Sufi visionary and I began to attend daily mass. That happened in 1984. I entered the Church in 1998, the Year of the Holy Spirit. God wins!!!! Our Lady will triumph!!!! PRAY, PRAY, PRAY! All messages in the past that cricitized the Church have been suppressed. This is not anything new. Pray to God the Almighty One, He is God, not anyone else. God bless us all. Amen. Fiat!!! God’s Will be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven!

    1. City: Hattiesburg
      State: Ms
      Country: Usa
      I agree the visionaries must reveal the secrets exactly as they are told to reveal. No man has the power or authority to change or “approve “ Mary’s messages she is relaying from God. Those blessed people who receive revelations, visions/messages/dreams from our Father in the end days must do as they are instructed. Woe to those who try to change them. We must always pursue the truth. Only the truth can set us free. Gods words are the truth. No man can speak truth. The truth we know always comes from Our Creator, God Almighty. May His will be done on earth as it is in heaven ❤️🙏🏼

  11. City: Solon
    State: Ohio
    Country: United States
    Our Lady is not answerable to the Bishops. The visionaries are answerable to our Lady. They have been chosen by God and Our Lady to pass the messages on to the faithful.
    Just as the Prophets of the Old Testament were persecuted for spreading the messages of God to the people, so are the Bishops trying to persecute the visionaries of our times to try to make them quit relaying the messages in a timely manner.
    The faithful fully expect that the messages are to be continued to be passed on in a timely manner-that is, immediately.
    However, we do have to be aware of interference of the true meaning of the messages by the media, the Bishops, and all who are trying to destroy the Church.
    Be aware that the time has come in which we will be under full attack.

  12. City: Sioux Falls
    State: SD
    Country: USA
    My aunt was a Presentation sister out of Aberdeen South Dakota. She is now deceased. She was a very pious and God fearing person. She traveled to Medjugorje in the early years. She was present at the time the seers were visited by Our Mother. Sister “D” witnessed the miracle of the sun – where it would dance during Our Mother’s visit. Sister “D” was in total awe of this miracle and was in absolute belief that the seers were being visited by Our Mother. I firmly believed her and by her detailed description feel that the seers were being visited. I have read and reread the books that were brought back for me. I can’t understand why the Vatican wouldn’t look into all this more closely and realize that Mary is truly giving our world messages. The Vatican should be ashamed!!!

  13. City: Oriental
    State: NC
    Country: USA
    I have had no problem with reading and learning something from the monthly messages as written down by Maria. I look forward to them each month. Over the centuries, the Vatican has had a history of corruption. This is just the most recent times. Do not edit the messages. Let me read them as is and I will continue to understand them. As She has said nothing is to be added or removed. She trusts us to understand her, our Mother.

    1. City: Frankfort
      State: IL
      Country: United States
      My first thought is why does it have to go through the church? If he wants to altar it, then he shouldn’t be allowed to receive it. He is not a believer.

  14. Thank you for being strong and giving out the messages. I understand what they are doing and I agree that they are trying to deceive and usurp the Virgin Mother. I hope they don’t succeed. Keeping you in my prayers and I understoood what they are doing. Evil is rampant and getting stronger. God Bless you.

  15. City: Gallatin
    State: TN
    Country: United States
    Years back when my parish priest would tell me not to speak of Medjugorie on the church property, I would remind him that my church was my home as well. My husband and i were blessed to see the miracle of the sun on the July 4th consecrations of America back to God! Absolutely no one could ever take that truth away from us. If all the faithful ones had stayed home as asked by the church, there would be no Lourdes or Fatima today!!!

  16. City: Sulphur
    State: Louisiana
    Country: USA
    Since we have been exposed to Our Lady’s Messages, there has been efforts to discredit these and discredit a Friend of Medjugorje.
    We are grateful to have an instrument in Mother Mary’s Hands that is not playing games with the anti-christ sentiments that seem to come from our Church at regular intervals these days.
    May God and Our Lady continue to Shield a Friend of Medjugorje from the outright deceit and deception that is flowing at an ever rapid pace.
    Praise Be Jesus and Mary Always and Forever!

  17. Cynthia A Gallegos

    City: El Paso
    State: Texas
    Country: United States
    I will be traveling to Medjugore this October with Caritas of Birmingham. This will be my first trip and I am stunned at the turn of events but so very grateful for Mother Mary’s courageous warrior, Friend of Medjugore!! I stand with you and if there is anything that I can do, besides donate, please let it be known to me!! Faithful Children of Mary, we must not be afraid and take a stand…..pray, pray, pray for guidance and direction, otherwise we will be stunned even more to “See What Happened While We Were Sleeping!”
    God Bless Us All!!

  18. City: Mays Landing
    State: New Jersey
    Country: United States
    Thank you, Friend of Medjugore, for providing the truth. How can the Vatican feel it has the right to determine if and when Our Lady’s messages can be published? I’m concerned about what the Vatican is doing to our beautiful Catholic Church in many ways. God bless you all.

  19. City: Mays Landing
    State: New Jersey
    Country: United States
    I agree with the comments from everyone who has responded above. Thank you, Friend of Medjugore, for providing us with the truth of what the Vatican, from the top down, is doing to our beautiful Catholic Church. The Vatican has no right to supersede/correct Our Lady’s messages. What they are trying to do is to be sheep in wolf’s clothing. But in the end, Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart will triumph. Pray! Pray! Pray!

  20. City: Fareham
    State: Hampshire
    Country: United Kingdom
    In truth, regardless of what the Vatican claims, it cannot actually take control if the visionaries of Medjugorje refuse to allow it. The messages are given to the visionaries, not the Vatican and the visionaries know that the messages/secrets are for the faithful. How can the Vatican prevent their publication if the visionaries refuse to be bound? The Church is in the crisis that Our Lady has been warning us about for centuries; “the smoke of satan has entered the Church”; bishop opposes bishop and cardinal opposes cardinal. The shepherds of the Church have been derelict in their duty and led the Church into catastrophe. That being the case, we the faithful are no longer bound by their authority. I pray that Marija will obey Our Holy Mother.

  21. City: Georgetown
    State: Tx
    Country: United States
    For years I have found comfort in these messages. Being able to go there once greatly affected my faith. I believe in Our Mother’s messages to her children. She is trying to teach the love of Jesus and the will of God for our world. Keep up the messages and please don’t change what she tells you.

  22. City: Sinton
    State: TX
    Country: US
    Please continue your important work! Where else will we get the truth?
    And why do they use the word alleged, thats a word for a courtroom, not the church.

    1. City: Oak Harbor
      State: OH
      Country: US
      May the good LORD and OUR LADY make a way for the secrets to be released, as planned – 3 days before their occurrence so as to NOT lessen their effect on mankind. We must pray that our Mother’s plans and intentions, and Heaven’s plans and intentions be completely fulfilled without any interference from the evil one. I pray this often when I pray the HOLY ROSARY. We must not give up, we must pray.

  23. City: Des Moines
    State: IA
    Country: USA
    You are correct. Besides, the church cannot pronounce the final decision on an apparition until the apparition has ended. This is a desire for manipulation. So many people in the church hierarchy are given into doing evil, we must pray more. I must. Thank you!

    1. Jose Luis Gonzalez

      City: New Deal
      State: TX
      Country: United States
      For over 40 years, the Vatican, the Blessed Pope, the Cardinals, bishops and the rest of the world has known about the Medjugorje visionaries. They have ignored them and have refused to even acknowledge their presence. They are simple ordinary people who our Heavenly Mother selected back in 1981. After millions of followers have descended to Medjugorje because they believe or because they need Our Heavenly Mother back into their lives, now the Holy See wants to review, redact, or re-write the messages? I wonder, is it jealousy on their part because they were not selected or chosen to see the Madonna once a year, on their birthday, at Christmas, or every day? Or, for that matter, ever, while on this earth? If I am given a secret from someone, it is up to me as to whom I choose to share it with. The visionaries should not be forced to do something that our Heavenly Mother has not approved or She would have done so 40 years ago. Shame on Cardinal Fernandez for this action. I pray the visionaries do not go along with this ridiculous move. Share the messages with the entire world as you receive them from Heaven.

  24. City: Nashua
    State: N,H.
    Country: United states
    I will never give up believing in Our Lady’s messages. I have been listening to them for many, many years. I am keeping all of you in my prayers, truth always wins.

  25. Country: Australia
    Thank you so much for standing up for all of us who wait for you writing every month even in outback Australian we wait patiently for our beautiful ladies messages and your breakdown of these messages and how to apply them in our life.
    Again friend of Medjugorje thank you so much from all the people of Australia.

    1. Peter and Maria Doig

      City: Goomboorian
      State: Queensland
      Country: Australia
      We agree with you wholeheartedly Peter and also eagerly await the monthly message. We were feeling disheartened because we know no-one on the same page as us in our area in Australia regarding Mary’s messages but then joyfully saw your message from our country. It was like a sign to trust and not despair. The hidden ones are present and hopefully also doing the bread and water fast for our nation. It feels so lonely at times not knowing others and not having the networks here that are centred on Caritas in Alabama. God bless you.

  26. City: Runanga
    State: West Coast
    Country: New Zealand
    Kia Ora (Hello/Thank you) from New Zealand. Keep up the great work and may God bless you all and keep the Messages of Our Blessed Mother safe.
    Jimmy from Punakaiki, NZ.

  27. City: Hayden
    State: Idaho
    Country: United States
    I want to hear the messages exactly as they are spoken from Our Lady’s mouth and immediately after they are given.

  28. City: Tarpon Srings
    State: Fl.
    Country: USA
    Thank you for your epistles. I felt inside that this was typical Vatican manipulation…
    I pray for strength for Marija during all this turmoil.
    We know The Queen of Heaven and Earth wins this war even though the battle is fatiguing with confusion

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