It seems that among the attitude of Christians today, carrying a Cross is a burden to be avoided at all costs…
October 10, 2013 A.D.
It seems that among the attitude of Christians today, carrying a Cross is a burden to be avoided at all costs.
One of the stations of the Cross, on Penitentiary Mountain, while the stations and Cross were being constructed just before this past July 2013 Apparitions.* These Crosses were carried by hand up the mountain by the Community of Caritas.
The founder and mission of Caritas are not strangers to the Cross. The very foundation of our mission began with the Cross.** However, even among the attitude of Christians today, carrying a Cross is a burden to be avoided at all costs.
A Friend of Medjugorje wrote in 1991:
“Many have forgotten the power of the Crucifix but at the same time, it is strange that Hollywood hasn’t. Anytime a vampire movie or horror show is produced, a Crucifix is used to defend the good guys. Why have so many of us Christians somehow forgotten this power? We take the Crucifix down and evil picks it up to blaspheme it.
“Father Jozo, the Franciscan pastor during the beginning of the Apparitions of Medjugorje, said in June, 1990:
“We have now a war going on against the Cross. People refuse any suffering. They refuse to accept that suffering has a meaning. They refuse their Cross. But we shouldn’t be afraid of the Cross. The Cross is healing for us. The Cross of Christ can bring us peace and joy. The Cross of Christ is a protection for us.”
“Many today cannot bear their problems and sufferings. They no longer know how. Some turn to alcohol, drugs, or even suicide. Others have no peace, just depression. Everyone has some problem and when one goes before a Crucifix and prays and places all the pains and difficulties upon the Crucifix, suddenly everything changes. Depression leaves, burdens become lighter, and a real desire cones to carry our Crosses.”
Today, kneel before a Crucifix and bring Our Lady’s words of February 29, 1988 into your life:
“…give all problems and difficulties to Jesus and pray. Pray! Pray! Pray! Every evening during this month, pray in front of the Crucifix…”
You will see that as you lay your Crosses at the foot of the Crucifix, Our Lady’s words of February 20, 1986, will be born in your heart:
“…I am giving you special graces and Jesus is giving you special gifts from the Cross…”
May you experience the peace and joy of Jesus,
Caritas of Birmingham
Operated by the Community of Caritas
P.S. This December 8-12, come to Caritas, visit the Bedroom of Apparitions where Our Lady has appeared in front of the Crucifix to Medjugorje visionary, Marija, pouring out great graces of peace to those who come. Climb to the Cross on Penitentiary Mountain, consecrated for the reconciling of ourselves, our families and our nation. These holy sites, along with the Field of Apparitions, have been blessed by the presence of the Mother of God Herself. Pray before the Crucifix in the Bedroom, pray in the Field, climb the Cross for yourself, your family, your nation, and experience the healing and graces that await you here. For more information click to visit here…