About the Supreme Court ruling, what happens next…
Updated July 23, 2015
July 20, 2015 A.D.
A Friend of Medjugorje recently said on the July 16, 2015, Mejanomics broadcast:
“Our Lady tells us evil will not win,
November 2, 2014
“…My Son promised me that evil will never win…”
But, evil takes with it a lot of collateral damage. A lot of souls will be taken. We know we are going into a radically different world.”
Indeed we are seeing the world radically changing. With ISIS, the U.S./Iran nuclear deal and so forth, there is an onslaught of evil happening in the world. In the recent Supreme Court ruling against marriage, this is a point where a Friend of Medjugorje has referred to as “God come back time,” meaning that judgment awaits. In regards to this Supreme Court ruling, and the legalizing, with attempts at normalizing abominable false civil unions masked as marriage, a Friend of Medjugorje is feeling very strongly through prayer, of putting together a special writing about this topic. There is much more to tell, than what can be covered with a single radio show. While it is not definitive at this point, this is the direction that God is showing him to take. We will keep you posted for more on this and ask you to continue to keep this in prayer.
JULY 23 UPDATE: The Mejanomics show, The Light is Going Out Quicker Than You Think, covers an array of these topics. Listen here.
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