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President Trump has a nation of prayer warriors behind him! They will have a difficult time bringing down a man who never quits. He will fight this like he has fought against these evildoers over the past 6 years. Long live President Trump! Trump 2024!! <3
August 11, 2022
You Better Be Praying for Trump
[Podcast] (44 Minutes) – A Friend of Medjugorje talks about the recent raid on President Trump’s home, why this is important to us and how this shows what is Our Lady’s plan for the United States and world.
The radio show which a Friend of Medjugorje mentions in this broadcast is the Sept. 20, 2017 Special World Report titled, God Raises Up the Man of the Hour, available here.
Episode Transcript
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This is a Special World Report with a Friend of Medjugorje.
I’ve talked to you many times about the Chinese warrior, Sun Tzu. He taught, to win every battle, you must know yourself, and you must know your enemy.
We know, right now, that we, in the United States of America, is facing an attack unlike anything like we have ever experienced in its history.
Why are we losing battle after battle?
Because we don’t know ourselves anymore, and we don’t know our enemy.
If you learn how to know your enemy, you will know what to do.
By now, you know Trump’s house was raided by 30 FBI agents. Twenty cars drive up. They’ve got a search warrant to go through his whole house. His attorney was not allowed to go in. If you know your enemy, you know this took place.
Several months before Obama’s last term was going to end, I saw, with my own eyes, on the front page of the New York Times, that Obama was going to hire one thousand minorities, Muslims, in the secret service.
I had already put in the book, They Fired the First Shot that Obama was packing every branch of the government with leftist people, people who were not patriots, and people that had an agenda.
I went back several months later to get the article. It was gone. I don’t know how they erased that. I didn’t have the original newspaper. There’s no evidence. Nowhere. There was not a trace of this evidence. Some journalist got a hold of something that shouldn’t have been broadcasted.
How do you have the integrity of the FBI that was always respected, that it turn what it’s into now?
Trump is hated. Trump scares the people that want this agenda.
This raid, understanding your enemy, you think they’re just going in there to collect papers?
If you know your enemy, you know yourself, and they’ve got to stop Trump from being President again, at least some of those FBI agents could easily bring papers there and put them in the boxes that they took out and say, “Oh, look what we found.”
You’ve got to think what your enemy’s going to do that’s going to destroy you. The fact that thirty FBI agents go in there, twenty cars outside, we know satan has a master intellect. They’re not going to Trump’s house and go be having something empty.
If I was in their shoes, I would find the papers that I wanted found. Then I would bring them in there and put them in the box.
The agents told them at the house, or whoever it was, to turn off the security cameras. What is your enemy going to do if they’re going to look for the evidence? They have nothing to hide from the security cameras if what they were doing was a clean thing.
No, it’s a dirty thing. The enemy of us and the enemy of good—the lefts—will do everything and whatever they have to do to stop Trump to be the President again. They know they will be destroyed, and their agenda will be destroyed, and by reading evil and the hatred toward Trump and the people who support Trump and the people who believe in Trump, they have to eliminate him.
What happened to Epstein? He was a bad guy, and he had the goods on a lot of people, from the Clintons, judges, politicians. And they put Epstein in prison, and he was found beat up, and nobody knew how that happened. Evidently, somebody tried to kill him. The security cameras somehow didn’t capture it.
After that, he lived through it, and they find him, sometime later, maybe a few weeks later, or whatever the time was, they found him dead, and they said he committed suicide.
On his cell is 24 security. The security guards—I think it was two of them supposed to watch him—they fell asleep! Really? Where’s the video? That didn’t work again too?
There was a talk show later about that, and they talked to a guy who was in that prison. And he said, “It’s impossible to hang yourself,” because that’s what they said he did. Because the sheets are made out of paper. And this former prisoners says, “It’s completely impossible to commit suicide.”
Do you see where this is going now?
They’ve got to stop Trump. They want him dead. They want him in jail, and he’s going to be depressed if they do that.
Are they going to get that far with it?
Knowing your enemy, the only way to do that is get him in jail, “Oh, Trump, he was too depressed.” They want to kill him, just like Epstein. The difference is, the good guy is Trump. Epstein was a bad. The same plan can be played out.
You think that’s too far-fetched?
Trump is dangerous. He’s hated, because he’s like you who wants good. And if they can get him in jail, it’s done.
I’m going to tell you: Donald Trump is anointed by God. He is the man of the hour, and that’s why so much hatred against him and those of us who support him are just as hated.
I did a broadcast back almost five years ago, September 20, 2017. I named it, God Raises Up the Man of the Hour. And I’m very clear back then, as much as I am today, that the persecution, the hatred, the evil against Trump, is a sign he’s anointed.
I knew that before he was President. When he announced he was going to be President through his speech, when I read that, I immediately understood this, that this is the guy, that our country, it’s what we needed.
We’re going to play a clip where I speak about these things, to give you a good picture today of what’s happening.
Amazing. Truly amazing. We’ve waited for thirty-six years for this. And Mirjana now says, “We are moving into the moment of the Secrets.” And if we’re moving into the moment of the Secrets, are we not also moving into the moment of the triumph, which parallels that, or transitions through that?
After listening to Donald Trump’s speech in front of the U.N. yesterday, we all gathered in our auditorium, the Community did, and listened to it. And all I can say is we have arrived.
One of our community members opened the Bible this morning and pointed to verse four of Sirach, chapter ten.
“Sovereignty over the earth is in the hand of God Who raises up on it the man of the hour. Sovereignty over every man is in the hand of God Who imparts His majesty to the ruler.”
You think that’s a coincidence?
I know when Trump first gave his speech that he was announcing for presidency, immediately I recognized, “This is the guy.” And a lot of people, when we started speaking to them like balked. “Are you sure?” Or I’ve “lost it.”
Have you listened to the speech? Tonight, we’re going to play it in its entirety. Why are we going to do that with Medjugorje on Radio WAVE broadcast or a mission that’s dedicated to Our Lady’s messages in Medjugorje? Because this is the message! His message last night was the message! Donald Trump said “sovereignty” 19 times. He referred to it several other times other than that.
Sovereignty is something God has given to us. The Declaration of Independence talks about that, that every man has inalienable, not unalienable rights. Inalienable is different. Do you have a lien on your home from your mortgage to the bank? They claim it, because they have this lienable mortgage that legally gives that, the ability, if you don’t pay, they take your house.
But God has given us inalienable rights. You can’t put a lien against us, our rights, because they’re from God, not from government. That’s a very important part of understanding sovereignty. We are free agents. God knows and sees when somebody is going to go kill somebody, a horrible thing. And you’ve heard about atrocious things that happened, but God didn’t stop it, because we have a free will. We have sovereignty over our soul. We own it and we inherit what it does.
Our Lady recognizes sovereignty on November 25, 1987. She says,
“…I love you immeasurably and that I desire each of you for myself, but God has given to all a freedom which I lovingly respect and [I] humbly submit to…”
This is a profound message. I wrote about sovereignty in Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping and in They Fired the First Shot because it’s so important.
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In chapter three in They Fired the First Shot, it was written that this election year, talking about 2012 that was coming up with Obama, it says,
“…[this] election year in the United States, [is a] war between two opposing ideologies in a battle for sovereignty over the nation [that] is heating up more and more as the November elections grow closer…”
The battle for your sovereignty is what Our Lady said August 2, 1981.
“…A great struggle is about to unfold…between my Son and satan. Human souls are at stake…”
This is what happened in Heaven.
In the book They Fired the First Shot, a chapter is “Verbicide: The War is Won.” I quoted Jedidiah Morse, one of the authors of the Bill of Rights, said:
“A simple democracy is the devil’s own government.”
A democracy is the worst government our forefathers said that exists because it ends up tearing itself apart. We’re a republic, and in a republic, we go by rule of law, and we have our own person, our own sovereignty, and our nation has an independent sovereignty in the world.
But it was written in this book that,
“…lucifer, the devil, placed himself beyond God’s sovereignty by popular feeling and mob rule, utilizing the angels’ [and their] rebellion to try to establish a democracy in Heaven. Pride was born, [by lucifer] and Our Lady’s words of February 2, 2012 confirms [his] pride, [today] has come to rule…on the earth. To do what? To turn [everything into] chaos [through a] “democracy” [which] he helped to establish…”
And now, fertile ground in our country for the same thing.
Our Lady said:
August 2, 2011,
“…As individuals, my children, you cannot stop the evil that wants to begin to rule in this world and to destroy it…”
These are not light words. These are not opinions. These are not just advisable things. This is factual. It comes straight from Heaven. If you believe in the apparitions, you have to believe in what Our Lady says, that satan wants to destroy the world.
“…But, according to God’s will…”
She says,
“…all together, with my Son, you can change everything and heal the world…”
How’s that?
I’ve told you the story of being in Williamsburg. Clinton was President. He just got elected. And we were listening to a guy who portrayed Thomas Jefferson. And Thomas Jefferson was in this man’s being. He ate, drank, and slept and thought everything about Thomas Jefferson. So, people could ask him questions, and he couldn’t go before the time of 1775 before the Revolution. In other words, the news of the day was the only thing he would speak about if he was asked that question.
So, somebody asked a question. We were in the forum in the courthouse in Williamsburg, and they asked about Clinton. And he says, “I don’t know who you’re talking about.” And the guy didn’t catch on to what Thomas Jefferson was saying, the man who portrayed him.
And he said, “You know, President Clinton is a liar.”
And he said, “I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
And so, the man pressed him, and he said, “Well, what I can say to you, is you receive your leaders of who you are as a people.”
And when he said that, it was shocking because I remember everybody believed, 52% of the nation, believed Clinton was a liar. And I think he won by 52%. In other words, we got the leader who we were. We were a bunch of liars, and we accepted that. It was an amazing thing. It was really something that struck me in a profound way.
And so, now we have in Sirach, the verse,
“Sovereignty over the earth is in the hand of God…”
Why is that important? Because Our Lady said, “Peace will not come through the president.” (December 31, 1985) So why are we going to play Donald Trump’s whole speech? Because you get the leaders of who you become. For thirty-six years, we’ve been praying. Thirty-six years we’ve been fasting. Thirty-six years we’ve been consecrating our nation to Our Lady. We’ve had four consecrations here in Her presence. And She even gave a message that we will heal our land, paralleling the Bible. You all know that, to start prayer groups, etc. (July 3, 2012)
And so, this Bible verse says,
“Sovereignty over the earth is in the hand of God…”
So, it’s not through the President. It’s through the people. If we’re not liars, we don’t get a liar. If we’re liars, we get a liar. So,
“Sovereignty over the [people] is in the hand of God Who raises up on it the man of the hour…”
I’m telling you, Donald Trump is the man of the hour. He is the man of this moment. And when you listen to this speech, even if you already have heard it, you’ll hear things in it that you didn’t hear yesterday. And that’s why we thought it’s important enough to do a special report.
And so, the Bible verse continues,
“…Sovereignty over every man is in the hand of God Who imparts His majesty to the ruler.”
God’s hand is on Donald Trump.
You say, “Well, we don’t like his tweet. We don’t like this about him. We don’t like that about him.”
You go find a ruler that’s ever gone into the United Nations, including the popes who have spoken there, and directly said something right in front of these presidents who are sitting there looking at him, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, about these nations, and calling them down right on top of them who they were. The courage for him to do that, without apologizes, and call them down in front of the whole world, is a result of him having the ability by the way he tweets and does things he does. This trait can’t be tamed, because it’s not to be tamed, because this is the man God chose up that’s got the courage to say what needs to be said, whether you like it or not.
I’m going to play now, a clip from They Fired the First Shot 2012 of what I wrote about sovereignty.
“…Sovereignty is good for nations, when the government is beholden to the people, but it is not possible under socialist policies. Speaking of the Sovereignty of America as a nation, separately from other nations, is a different matter than the federal government believing that government is sovereign in opposition to the individual. The perception of the State is that it is sovereign, whereas, the belief of the founders was that it is the individuals who are sovereign, because ‘we the people’ are the government. Knowing that America’s sovereignty is a good and that the individual’s sovereignty resonates deep in the heart of Americans, the word “sovereign” must be demonized. Enemies to individual unalienable rights and limited government, lump everyone who simply does not like big government intrusion into this category, negatively stereotyping this group ‘the sovereigns.’”
We’re in an incredible moment, incredible times, and we have people calling him a “nationalist.” You have to stop accepting that word. He’s a patriot.
I also wrote years ago about patriotism. Patriotism is something that is a vile thing against the United Nations. They hate that. They don’t want to see those words. They don’t want that to be there because it interferes with everything they want to accomplish. In other words, patriotism has to be changed to the dirty word of nationalism. Once you establish nationalism, you establish what I saw with Vlasto when I first went to Medjugorje. They wanted American dollars. They were very interested in that. And they were so interested in it, that they would even say things for your good or for your being teased by them to collaborate and get American dollars.
So, I’m sitting in Dubrovnik at lunch with some communists. The top one was Vlasto. He looked like something out of a movie. He had a tight collar, button topped up, and a big ole knot on the side of his neck hanging out, you know, like cancer or something. And he was a leading communist there that was running the whole show of people coming in to Medjugorje.
And he gravitated toward me. And one of the first things he offered me was, besides girls—he did that—was Coca-Cola. A big thing to drink a Coca-Cola in a communist nation. When they went to Germany, the fathers would bring a Coke home, and they wouldn’t even drink it. They put it in the window in the village of Medjugorje to show that, “I got a Coke.” That’s how big that was. It’s kind of comical to hear that, but that was prestigious to have an American Coca-Cola in your window, just like a candle at Christmas. They wouldn’t even drink it.
So, Vlasto says, “The weather’s good. God is good.” And I know he’s an atheist, and he’s saying things for my benefit. And then, as the conversation goes on, he slams his fist on the table and says, “Communism will rule the world!” He couldn’t even keep himself restrained to get my favor.
But I’m saying this because patriotism is a bad, bad thing now. No. Patriotism’s not bad. It’s good, but they want to make it bad because it’s bad for them, people in darkness who hate this nation.
So, what Vlasto did was nationalist. It’s nationalism. And that’s how we’re described now because it’s a negative.
Trump said last night,
“The true question of the United Nations today for people all over the world who hope for better lives for themselves and their children is a basic one: Are we still patriots?”
I can’t believe he said it, because everybody, even the conservative sides, even those people that should understand, are saying, “nationalist.” They’re referring to Trump as nationalist. Vlasto was nationalist. “Communism is going to rule the world.” That’s what nationalism is, but that’s not patriotic, and that’s not a patriot.
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Trump said,
“Do we love our nation enough to protect their sovereignty and take ownership of their futures? Do we revere them enough to defend their interests, preserve their cultures, and ensure a peaceful world for their citizens?”
Trump is bringing back the fatherhood of Fatherland. Patriot means, in Latin, the word “father.” A patriot is a person who loves his Fatherland or country,
“a person who loves, supports and defends his country and its interests with devotion; a person who regards himself as a defender, especially of individual rights against the presumed interference of federal government; a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or distractors”
June 2, 2015, Our Lady says,
“…If you are not afraid and witness courageously, the truth will miraculously win…”
It’s not going to just win. Trump is there by miraculous means.
I’m telling you, this man is part of the messages. You may reject that. You may not understand it. You may go along with it. But you dissect what you’re about to hear when you listen to his speech and listen to the whole thing. It’s about an hour long. But it’s necessary to understand what’s happening in Medjugorje, that Our Lady’s here to triumph, that this is part of it. And yes, again, peace won’t come through the president. But we have Trump because we have changed. It’s God Who, Sirach says,
“Sovereignty over the earth…in the hand of God Who raises up on it the man of the hour.”
Do you think we picked that message, one of our community members, the day after the speech? Our Lady writes our script. She shows us. She teaches us.
“…miraculously win, but remember, strength is in love…”
Love of the Fatherland. This is not something sinful. It’s not alien. We have people thinking that and believing it.
In this chapter of They Fired the First Shot, “Stories of David,” it was written,
“[To graft] into the daily lives of [the] U.S. citizens, the [United Nations] took at motto that spoke of its goal[s], [quote] ‘Think of globalization locally,’ [unquote]”
And then I continue so say,
“In other words, a great deal of planning, time, money and effort was put forth to bring local authorities in line, literally brainwashing them with the ‘globalist’ U.N. thinking that rejected the sovereignty of the individual nations and worked towards a one-world government.”
Donald Trump literally destroyed that. You might have heard what he said, that if North Korea doesn’t stop their things, “We will totally destroy North Korea.”
Trump dropped a nuclear bomb yesterday. He literally undid the United Nations and explained things that even the presidents who were reluctant to clap or give any praise to him at all, broke out in applause, when he says, “We are for America. We’re for its sovereignty.” And then he mentions something incredible. The individual is sovereign, which is a taboo for all the professors in the universities because they want to think to be sovereign is a mortal sin. And yet, sovereign is what Our Lady referred to, that, “…I humbly submit to you…”, (November 25, 1987) because you have free will. You are sovereign. God gave you that inalienable. No lien can be put against it by the government, because it doesn’t come from the government. It comes from God. We’re born with that. We’re given that in our human dignity. And Trump put this together in an amazing way and explained it in a profound way that just nuked everybody there.
So, they broke out in applause, these presidents, reluctantly, because he’s saying, “You be sovereign. We’re for America first. We’re for the individuals first.” He said, “I came to power not to exercise it, but for the people to have the power. That’s where my power comes from.” They’re sovereign.
And I guarantee you, every president there started to think, “This guy’s right.” They may even hate him or despise him, but they have to respect this man, because he’s from God.
Don’t get confused that he’s a saint. God has risen up people for the man of hour that have the qualities necessary to be blunt, direct and straight to get the job done.
How can we be mixing the message with Donald Trump? It is the message! The purpose of this special broadcast is to make you start realizing, not by force, but by educating and enlightening you, this is message! This is Medjugorje! And nobody’s been able to bridge this. Nobody’s been able…We’ve been seeing it for years. And we’ve been trying to help you see this. You’ve got to start looking in terms that it’s just not going to Holy Mass, not just fasting, not just doing our prayers. There’s just basic messages because Our Lady’s here to change the whole world’s direction. And if we don’t recognize the map to start out on that direction, we’ll never begin. And yesterday is part of the turning point, something very, very profound. Do you accept it that presidents in the past have been working with God and his plans? What you’re about to hear proves that.
I’m going to play you another clip that talks about Ronald Reagan.
Bill Clark was in his cabinet. They were in a meeting, and his cabinet was resisting Reagan. Ronald Reagan was getting frustrated because he knew what he was supposed to do. They continued to resist him. Bill Clark stands up and slams his fist on the table and says, “Let Reagan be Reagan!”
See, anybody’s who’s walking toward God’s will, even their best people around will often resist that.
It’s the same thing with Trump. “Let Trump be Trump!” When he was in office, they were resisting him, because many of them around him had an agenda.
I wrote Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping in 2007, and it was about Reagan and John Paul. This will show you how God works with men.
Because Reagan was anointed, as well as we know John Paul was.
In the first meeting of Ronald Reagan and John Paul II, they both discussed being shot only 43 days apart. Both came very close to dying. Both discussed in their meeting they were saved for a purpose. Reagan said he owed the rest of his life to God.
They both were born in the same era. They both grew up with a strong aversion to Communism. They both were elected 24 months apart from each other, Pope John Paul II to the most powerful spiritual position in the world, and Ronald Reagan to the most powerful secular position in the world.
Before they ended their meeting, the both knew they were spared for a Divine Plan from Heaven. When the U.S. bishops, at the bishops’ conference, on more than one occasion, criticized and put down Reagan, John Paul II silenced the bishops.
Reagan believed God had chosen the United States as the hope of mankind. John Paul II actually agreed, saying, quote, “At this present moment in the history of the world, the [United States] is called, above all, to fulfil its mission in service of world peace.” Unquote.
Through these two men, operating under Our Lady’s mantle, the Soviet Union fell apart. A cardinal close to John Paul II said, “Nobody believed the collapse of communism would happen this fast on this timetable.”
We need to enter deep into this that we realize God is intervening into man’s history because there are enough people in the world following Our Lady’s messages that She can call upon God’s grace to begin to appoint people of whom we want to represent us in a Godly way.
Trump says,
“A strong sovereign nation allows individuals to flourish in the fullness of the life intended by God.”
That’s Trump’s words. Our Lady’s words, June 16, 1983,
“I have come to tell the world that God is truth; He exists. True happiness and the fullness of life are in Him…”
And Trump said, “…fullness of life intended by God.”
Trump said,
“In America, we do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather, to let it shine as an example for everyone to watch.”
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Our Lady said, February 2, 1990,
“…Do not impose your faith on the unbelievers. Show it to them by your example and pray for them…”
Are you getting goosebumps? You should. He’s speaking the messages and he doesn’t even know them, because he gets the gift of being put on his tongue what Jesus says, “Don’t worry what you are to say when you’re held in the assembly. I’ll form those words.” And those are the words of Our Lady.
Trump says,
“If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few, then evil will triumph.”
Our Lady says, September 2, 2013,
“…Do not permit evil to come to [rule]…”
Trump says,
“All people deserve a government that cares for their safety, their interest and their well-being.”
Our Lady says May 2, 2014,
“…I…am with you for the sake of your well-being…”
Everything, people, is aligning. Everything is working toward the good. How do we do that? A principle that’s put forth in They Fired the First Shot,
“There is a need also for God’s people to remember how God dealt with Israel when they sinned and how God dealt with Israel when they repented and put Him first, a principle that must always be in [the hearts] in order for God to act on our behalf…”
God is acting on our behalf because, for years, we’ve been consecrating and praying, “If my people turn away from their wicked ways, pray and repent, I will heal their land.”
They Fired the First Shot continues,
“…When we repent, we are to follow Our Lady’s advice when She said,
“April 17, 1986
‘Pray, fast, let God act!’”
God is acting in our nation.
There’s another principle that follows this in They Fired the First Shot.
“We must also remember another principle. We will not recover our unalienable rights solely by armaments and power. Those strengths, as shown through man’s history, can be rendered useless when a people do not entrust themselves first to God by living his statutes. The principle to add to the above mentioned is, ‘A people are not so protected by their armaments as they are by their way of life.’”
There is no man that’s a saint on this earth.
I know when Escriva was canonized, Benedict said, “He’s a saint.” And there was a lot of resistance to him being canonized. But Pope Benedict said, “It just shows you that somebody can be a saint even though they made a lot of mistakes.”
So, how you judge Trump, how you see him, is one thing. But I tell you, he’s in the man of the hour point of God in this turning point of the whole world’s direction.
So, don’t let nobody distract you. Get rid of distractions right now. Don’t be having your cell phone around where it’s going to ring or answer the phone even. Enter into this message from Donald Trump, even if you’ve been told about it today or yesterday, or you heard part of it. Listen to it again and listen to it through the lens of the messages.
It’s impossible for what he said and what he defined that we’ve never heard from any president, this, except maybe back to our forefathers, and being this direct and having the strength to confront, directly in the faces of evil, of the President of Iran sitting there, saying what he needs to say, not in meanness, but very direct.
And that’s how God is. God is direct.
Is he God? No. But it he used by God? You better believe it.
We’re in a moment of something very exciting, and these are the things that’s happening that we need to enter into by not letting them happen and pass us by, because you won’t recognize what moment of history you’re in and how exciting this is to be in.
We’re not going to play Trump’s speech for the United Nations. You can go back to September 20, 2017, God Raises Up the Man of the Hour.
Where we are right now is so much suppression, so much hatred to those who are patriotic, who love our nation, who wants our nation healed, and they have to stop Trump to stop us.
We’re the only nation on the face of the earth of the third consecration of the United States of America, Our Lady gave us a message for this nation.
Of all the forty years, Our Lady has not given any kind of message like this. It was in the Field decades of prayers for our nation, to give this nation into Her hands.
July 3, 2012. I told Marija to ask Our Lady to accept this consecration.
We had several thousand people there, ten o’clock at night, and Our Lady gave these words:
“Form and make prayer groups through which we will pray for your healing and the healing of this nation to draw closer to God and to Me.”
It’s that simple. But the problem is, the bishops aren’t listening. We’ve got an answer right there. And for Trump to rise up now and get back in office, it’s paramount.
Let Reagan be Reagan, and let Trump be Trump.
He is anointed, and that’s why he’s so hated.
Do we need another George Washington?
Am I saying Trump is?
No, they’re two different personalities.
But the parallel between George Washington and Trump is the impact.
Washington is Washington.
Trump is Trump.
But Washington faced the same things. Today, we are trapped in many of the situations that what our nation to be birthed under Washington. The suppression and oppression from 1776 and the suppression today, 2022, and the oppression is the same that happened 246 years ago.
And here we are.
We need another George Washington, and that man is Donald J. Trump.
Yes, there’s a great distance between their personalities.
I’m not speaking about that or what the qualities of what George Washington, paralleling Donald Trump. I’m talking about the impact.
Our day today, we need somebody, and Trump is the man of the hour.
His portrait fades, and his memory’s gone. Earthquake cracked his tower of stone. His voice still echoes, “Charge on, charge on.”
God blessed America with her son George Washington.
Taxes enslave the colonies. Men who lived and died to be free. Fought the iron fist of tyranny with liberty.
God blessed America with her son George Washington.
No surrender and no retreat. First in war and first in peace. A father, a soldier and a citizen. Gave his soul to God and his heart to his countrymen.
Bullets flew from out of sight. Heaven chose to spare his life. As soldiers bled and horses fell, led his men through the gates of hell, from Valley Forge to Yorktown roar, found a country and won the war. Amen, amen.
No surrender and no retreat. First in war and first in peace. A father, a soldier and a citizen. Gave his soul to God and his heart to his countrymen.
When the war was finally won, glory came to Washington. Refused a crown and took a bow. “So help me God” was his vow.
From Lady Liberty to the California sun, we keep looking for another one. We’ll find our hope back where we started from.
May God bless America with another George Washington.
And give your soul to God and your heart to your countrymen.
So, we need another George Washington, and we need the impact of what George Washington had that we have to have today.
We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Good night.
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26 thoughts on “You Better Be Praying for Trump”
City: Old Appleton
State: Missouri
Country: USA
God Bless and Praise for courage and perseverance, please cont.our Ladies Work. May we all cont. to participate in The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass and pray Holy Rosary. Trusting in Gods Will for our nation and those He calls to stand up and out for healing and Glory. May the Church Militant rise up in Unity as God places on our hearts the gifts he wants us to put forth. Jesus, Mary, Joseph and invoking our guardian angles, let us move forward as we are called. Always discerning before acting, thru the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen in Jesus Name AMEN! -
City: Dublin
State: Leinster
Country: Ireland
Illegal acts by legal men and women of the government is becoming more common. Crime is made law, in Ireland. -
I’ve been praying for Pres. Trump during his campaign and during his term of office, and when he ran again in 2020 that God will alway protect him from his political enemies.
I am hopeful because of Genesis 18:16-33 God will save a nation that has persistence in prayers and has a strong faith in God.
City: Huntingdon
State: TN
THANK YOU, Friend of Medjugorje, for this powerfully HOPEFUL message! I am very proud of our prayer group, which has been so faithful to praying the Patriotic Rosary once a week for several years now!! We join you in praying for President Trump and his family! -
City: Channahon
State: IL
Country: United States
Very good. We need Donald J Trump.
Let’s get our country back.
Dear God. Please protect our country and Donald J Trump.
Bless you all -
City: Milltown
State: New Jersey
Country: USA
God bless Donald Trump and hold him in the palm of his hand and God bless America . May God protect him at all times. -
City: Hessmer
State: Louisiana
WOW More and more confirmation of the evil banding against Trump and his followers. The hate against him and his followers can not be denied. The light is shining brighter on the darkness threatening to overshadow our country is glaring. God Bless y’all and God Bless America ❤️🙏 -
City: Staunton
State: VA
Country: USA
Could this possibly be a diversion ploy? Thinking of TFTFS. -
City: Joliet
State: Illinois
Country: United States of America
I have been praying for President Trump & his family since 2020. I have asked God to keep hm & his family safe & healthy. I now add please protect him from his enemies. Thank you so much for this broadcast. It helps put everything in perspective & it also gives us hope that by prayer he will overcome this latest attack. May God be with him, his family & with the patriots in the USA! -
City: Maria stein
State: Ohio
Country: United States of America
Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!! Praying for u and ur community and for Trump. God save us all!!!! Praise God!! -
City: Maplewood
State: Ohio
Country: United States
Link to speech. Begins at 29:00 -
City: Beaumont
State: Texas
Country: USA
Thank you FOM for this special broadcast tonight. Donald J. Trump is a true modern day King Cyrus! It is truly astounishing on he is truly annointed. You can’t deny it. I remember the feelings I had voting for President Trump in 2016. I respected him for his success. I am in business for myself. You have to have rhino skin in business. You have to be direct or people will run all over you. Being direct is not being ugly. People do not get that.
It took me a while to learn that concept because that is not my personality type. Also, I am so grateful that I was educated on how to vote – PRO LIFE! Clinton was the last Democrat Presidential candidate that I voted for. As a Christian Catholic, there is only one way we can vote and that is Republican. WWJD!!!!! We are where we are at today in the world because of the countless murders of innocent life. People do not correlate the two together. As in your broadcast…..It is TIME to know ourselves, to know our enemy. God Bless you all!P.S.
Grateful to be a part of a local group that gathers to pray the Patriotic Rosary.
26 thoughts on “You Better Be Praying for Trump”
State: AL
Country: US
President Trump has a nation of prayer warriors behind him! They will have a difficult time bringing down a man who never quits. He will fight this like he has fought against these evildoers over the past 6 years. Long live President Trump! Trump 2024!! <3
City: Old Appleton
State: Missouri
Country: USA
God Bless and Praise for courage and perseverance, please cont.our Ladies Work. May we all cont. to participate in The Holy Sacrifice of The Mass and pray Holy Rosary. Trusting in Gods Will for our nation and those He calls to stand up and out for healing and Glory. May the Church Militant rise up in Unity as God places on our hearts the gifts he wants us to put forth. Jesus, Mary, Joseph and invoking our guardian angles, let us move forward as we are called. Always discerning before acting, thru the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen in Jesus Name AMEN!
City: Dublin
State: Leinster
Country: Ireland
Illegal acts by legal men and women of the government is becoming more common. Crime is made law, in Ireland.
I’ve been praying for Pres. Trump during his campaign and during his term of office, and when he ran again in 2020 that God will alway protect him from his political enemies.
I am hopeful because of Genesis 18:16-33 God will save a nation that has persistence in prayers and has a strong faith in God.
City: Huntingdon
State: TN
THANK YOU, Friend of Medjugorje, for this powerfully HOPEFUL message! I am very proud of our prayer group, which has been so faithful to praying the Patriotic Rosary once a week for several years now!! We join you in praying for President Trump and his family!
City: Channahon
State: IL
Country: United States
Very good. We need Donald J Trump.
Let’s get our country back.
Dear God. Please protect our country and Donald J Trump.
Bless you all
City: Milltown
State: New Jersey
Country: USA
God bless Donald Trump and hold him in the palm of his hand and God bless America . May God protect him at all times.
City: Hessmer
State: Louisiana
WOW More and more confirmation of the evil banding against Trump and his followers. The hate against him and his followers can not be denied. The light is shining brighter on the darkness threatening to overshadow our country is glaring. God Bless y’all and God Bless America ❤️🙏
City: Staunton
State: VA
Country: USA
Could this possibly be a diversion ploy? Thinking of TFTFS.
City: Joliet
State: Illinois
Country: United States of America
I have been praying for President Trump & his family since 2020. I have asked God to keep hm & his family safe & healthy. I now add please protect him from his enemies. Thank you so much for this broadcast. It helps put everything in perspective & it also gives us hope that by prayer he will overcome this latest attack. May God be with him, his family & with the patriots in the USA!
City: Maria stein
State: Ohio
Country: United States of America
Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!! Praying for u and ur community and for Trump. God save us all!!!! Praise God!!
City: Maplewood
State: Ohio
Country: United States
Link to speech. Begins at 29:00
City: Beaumont
State: Texas
Country: USA
Thank you FOM for this special broadcast tonight. Donald J. Trump is a true modern day King Cyrus! It is truly astounishing on he is truly annointed. You can’t deny it. I remember the feelings I had voting for President Trump in 2016. I respected him for his success. I am in business for myself. You have to have rhino skin in business. You have to be direct or people will run all over you. Being direct is not being ugly. People do not get that.
It took me a while to learn that concept because that is not my personality type. Also, I am so grateful that I was educated on how to vote – PRO LIFE! Clinton was the last Democrat Presidential candidate that I voted for. As a Christian Catholic, there is only one way we can vote and that is Republican. WWJD!!!!! We are where we are at today in the world because of the countless murders of innocent life. People do not correlate the two together. As in your broadcast…..It is TIME to know ourselves, to know our enemy. God Bless you all!
Grateful to be a part of a local group that gathers to pray the Patriotic Rosary.