January 16, 2025
What We Need to Learn from the World We Used to Know
[Podcast] (27 Minutes) – Now when the U.S. is preparing for the upcoming inauguration, a Friend of Medjugorje points out how to discern what satan is against to see what is from God. He tells us what is the most important thing we have lost.
Episode Transcript
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“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?
“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?
“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”
This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
Welcome to Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
In just a few days, President Donald Trump will take office, and right now, in the United States, we’re watching the confirmation process of many of the people that he has chosen to take particular offices and who will serve in his cabinet.
Back in 2017, very similar circumstances happened for those of you who are following the news right now and hearing and seeing what’s going on.
We’re going to share with you something from a Friend of Medjugorje from February 9, 2017.
Now, the confirmation processes back in 2017 were a lot more drawn out. There was a lot more opposition to what it was that President Trump was trying to bring to this nation. And in this broadcast titled, Going Back to the World We Used to Know, a Friend of Medjugorje steps through some of these things, and he specifically is speaking about the people that Trump is appointing to office. And he separates the political from truth. And the purpose of the broadcast—and you will hear him say this—the reason for the broadcast wasn’t for any other purpose except to help you to discern truth and to read the current events in that light. And it’s interesting because, if you were to tune into this broadcast, which we’re going to share with you today, in the middle of it, you would think that a Friend of Medjugorje is speaking about what’s happening right now.
So, once again, we’re hearing the prophetic nature of his words, guided by the messages, and that those who were in tune with that, you could see the future, and you could speak to any age and to any time.
Here is a Friend of Medjugorje, February 9, 2017.
It was burgers and fries and cherry pies in a world we used to know
Changes come and go
We’ve had our share, I know
Now it seems we don’t have time for love anymore
All the things we used to say
The things we did each day
Oh, I long to do the things that we did before
When it was burgers and fries and cherry pies in a world we used to know
Well I’m still the same old me
That’s all I’ll ever be
And I’d like to think that you’re the same old you
We lost something down the line
That I wish we both could find
Lord, I’d like to do the things that we used to do
When it was burgers and fries and cherry pies in a world we used to know
(Burgers and fries and cherry pies)
Oh, it was so simple back then
(Walking in the sand, hand in hand)
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I feel sorry for the youth today. They don’t know the time we came from.
I’m 63 years old. I remember going to the world that we knew at that time, to Burger in a Hurry. We’d pull in there. We’d eat. We’d hang out. Everything was so sweet, everything was so innocent.
That song broke out in 1978. But it wasn’t about 1978. It’s what preceded 1978. As the words said, that we lost love.
We lost many things, and that’s coming more out of the times of the 50s and 60s when everything broke loose. But that was a different world for many people who were in anarchy and rebellion and hatred, that we paralleled that with the good times coming out of World War II. I was born eight years after that when it ended. So, I was around the stories, all the men talked, all the family reunions, the neighborhoods. And it was good times. It was beautiful times. So many inventions, so many advancements. Leisure came about, more enjoyment toward things—materialism. And because of that, we began to lose something. It wasn’t just burgers and fries and cherry pies. It was about us going into a system that slowly, through materialism and consumerism, we lost love. And that was the world we used to know.
We had a happy childhood. We had a happy family. We had a happy neighborhood. We didn’t think about locking our doors. And many people through the 50s, late 50s and 60s was like that. You might see the news and the reports and everything what’s going on, and the anarchy. But that wasn’t the whole country. It was just isolated groups.
But what we lost in the process in the world we used to know, was love.
What is love? Love is God.
What is God? God is truth.
What we miss today, and what we’ve lost and the deficit we experience is truth. There is no truth now that prevails through our culture.
Our Lady said, “God exists. He is truth.” (June 16, 1983)
Whatever God makes, whatever He principles out, is truth.
So, we’ve lost God, and therefore, we lost truth, and therefore, we have lost love.
And so, there’s a truth in this song, and that song is actually buried. I accidently found out about it. I remember it. But it was a song that very few people remember now. You wouldn’t hear it played anywhere.
But these things contain so much of a sweet time that we came from, a beautiful time, and people want to go back to it. That’s what Our Lady’s here for, for us to go backwards when we experienced life, we experienced love, we experienced the fullness of family and nation and patriotism and all those beautiful things that made us feel good because we were connected to God, not disconnected to God, believing in Him, and some don’t even know Who He is, and some have never experienced his love, because the family has broken up.
And so, we’ve inherited a society that is not based in truth, though many would argue there is truth.
You can understand satan and his plans by not knowing them, because he keeps a secret. he’s deceptive. But what he opposes.
Our Lady, here, is for change. She is changing things.
The Roman Empire, the Caesars, all these things, government people, was part of the change when it changed. Constantine changed everything overnight to legalize Christianity around 300 A.D. His mother is a saint of the Church—St. Helen. She got all the relics from the Holy Lands. She went there, and all of them started coming up, “You mean, Christianity is legal?” They bring out parts of the Cross, the relics, the Nails, all these things. She collected them and brough them back to Rome.
Constantine wasn’t necessarily a strong believer preceding that. He had a sign that made him change. And he was actually part of allowing persecution of Christians. People don’t know enough truth today to recognize what’s happening in our government. And because they lack truth, they don’t know how to discern truth. But what you can do is see who is hated, who is despised, who is the most opposed today is the most potential of what satan doesn’t want changed to, to be good.
Trump, may be our Constantine of the day today. You pray for this man. You pray for this president, because he is sensitive to moving toward what prayer gives him. All his crassness, all his toughness, even though you might not think, or you think this is politicizing something, you don’t know truth. You don’t even recognize Our Lady’s here to change things, and She’s doing it. God did it through Constantine so that the people could exercise their faith.
Trump has said he’s going to defend Christianity. He’s going to defend somebody who wants to refuse a cake to make it for somebody that would want to be out of business or harass them for it, that they have a free right to exercise their Christianity.
No, he’s not right on the mentality on everything, but he’s moving toward truth. And if you want to see where satan hates the most truth, it’s what he opposes.
God uses positions. He used Nebuchadnezzar to save the Jews. And we have this immigration thing splitting people even in the Church. And it’s because there’s no truth. They lack the truth to understand that they put locks on their doors to their house.
If you’re for these people coming in without being vetted, don’t lock your doors anymore. Live your principle. If that’s your truth, then don’t lock your doors anymore.
“Well, we’ve got to because the neighborhood’s bad,” or, “We don’t want something to happen.”
Well, what’s the difference in your house that you live in, than the city yourself, and your state, and your nation? Your nation is your home! It’s very simple. You have a right to protect that nation.
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But because so many people are so stupid, and I mean, literally, stupid. St. Paul called people stupid. We have stupid Christians out there. And we have some bishops—in respect to their office, they’re apostles of Christ. He chose them. But they’re making stupid decisions. Very stupid. Because they don’t have truth on the issues. They’re so into social justice. They’re blind by it. They don’t even understand the Gospel right anymore.
We’re in degradation. And we’re simply trying to do right, we’ll be opposed. I know there’s people out there that follow Our Lady of Medjugorje and say, “Well, that’s not right. That’s not right.” Then leave your door unlocked. Live by what your truth is, and see what happens, because it’s literally saying the same thing, anybody can come into this nation, and it’s discrimination to vet it.
This is pure garbage. I can’t believe how stupid people have become.
But Our Lady’s here to give us wisdom, to wipe away stupidity, ignorance.
I heard somebody talking the other day about voter I.D., and their response about voter I.D.—he was saying this is a problem requiring that. And he went on to talk about the driver’s license. Why can’t they just show the driver’s license? That’s what it’s about! The guy’s so ignorant, he don’t realize that’s all it’s saying. Show your driver’s license. People don’t even know the issues, because they’re not following things in the correct way and through prayer, and they’re not fasting.
Jesus is standing before Pilate. And Pilate said to Him,
“So, You are a king?”
And Jesus answered,
“You say that I am a king. For this I was born and for this I have come into the world, to bear witness to the truth.”
Pilate said to Him,
“What is truth?”
We have people write to us, “Can’t believe that you don’t believe in global warming. You don’t believe in climate change, that we’re harming the earth.”
No, I don’t. Because I’ve got the facts.
You argue back, “Well, isn’t there something to it?”
They put out so many times about this in the science books and everywhere else that this is truth, that people accept a lie as truth now. Our Lady’s coming to show this, the deception of satan.
How can I prove it? Or am I qualified next to a scientist?
How many scientists out there have read what I termed, the “BioBible”? It’s 700 pages. I read their document. They refer to it as a bible. That’s why I titled in in Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping, the BioBible. There’s 50,000 climatologists, other scientists in other fields, people who study weather, that say this whole thing is a lie. The evidence is there.
But they don’t have the voice of the media in how they put out, “Well, the military does. They believe it.” This is what they do. They go and say “the military,” “scientists…”
How many people in the military believe that? Where are their names?
They put forth this idea, “Well, everybody’s for it.”
It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter how many people are for something that makes and changes it to truth.
We’ve got the greenies, and that’s all tied to climate change. I wrote in It Ain’t Gonna Happen that when you work with nature, it’s like being in church all the time. And that’s truth. There’s something that comes from that because we were tied to the soil in Genesis, Adam was, “By the sweat of your brow you shall eat,” and therefore, there’s something with nature.
But I wrote in It Ain’t Gonna Happen,
“But nature is not a god as the green movement is idolizing it. Nature is the product of creation. Creation is a product of its Creator. The Creator is God. God is I AM. Man has forgotten in his heart from Whom he comes. Therefore, being in nature is a holy place because it is of God, not because it is god.”
And so, these people refer to us who do not accept the untruth of what they say the consequences of global warming and climate change, that we’re deniers. Look in the newspapers. Read about it. See what you see every time somebody’s writing. They say, “the deniers.”
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See, verbiage is everything. We’re called deniers of what? What conjures in your mind, if you hear somebody say, “You’re deniers,” what’s conjured in your mind about that thought? You’re denying God. What is the god the deniers callers are referring to? Climate change. That’s their god because they’re making it that. And it’s for an evil purpose. And you out there who have been following Our Lady and you believe in it, read Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping. It explains that. And if you reject that, then shake the dust off my feet to try to convince you of anything. It’s so easily disproved.
And so, we should see everything in the spirit of the truth of what that brings about.
We quoted a couple of shows ago, a Mejanomics show, about Trump was written in the New York Times, that 1917, and he’s taking office in 2017, that 1917, things are going to play out. And Trump is a gamechanger. He’s either going to deploy, or he’s going to destroy. We’re in an epic battle against people who are promoting false things as truth, and we are the people who are the promoters of falsehood.
And they got them saying…Our Lady says respect others. But it doesn’t mean that we cow down to what they’re putting on the facts of climate change.
You see what’s happening every time and every appointee Trump is making is just like a secular exorcism. They squeal. They scream. The holler. And once they’re in office, or every executive order if you want to see in that context, is an exorcism—a political exorcism. Not political in the sense of political correctness, but political in the sense that this is a political office exorcising a walk back toward truth. And the devil does not want it to go backwards. And they scream and they yell. And if you’ve seen an exorcism, as I have many times, and you see what the demons do with these people in their body, we’re seeing this in the body of government and positions everywhere, Trump is exorcising evil out. Not because he’s holy. Not because he’s a priest. But because he’s going back toward and retracting things back toward truth. He doesn’t have to have the fullness of truth. He doesn’t have to have the things, but God can use it, just like Nebuchadnezzar. He didn’t always believe in the Jews, what they were doing. He fell back away from that three or four times. But he always came back to truth of God, and he would admit that, that the Jews, “This God of the Jews, He’s really Somebody.” And slowly, he grew in truth.
It is sickening to see what’s happening, not with the people that are against us, not those people who are fighting us, but in the Church! Pope Francis is calling for us to align with the nations for climate change. Pope Francis don’t have truth on this.
You say, “How can he say that? How can we say this about the Pope?”
Because the pope has always told us, and even Francis, not just Benedict—you’ve heard me quote—that you don’t have to agree with me on certain things. Benedict, for the sake of this conversation, said, “You don’t have to agree with me on the death penalty or just war. You do have agree with me on abortion and on marriage between one man and one woman.” Because one is truth, the other things are items that are truth, but they can go either way and not be untrue. And actually the death penalty is what God called for His only Son. They’re in contradiction of that.
But what I want to say is those in the Church who are calling for climate change are way off base, and they’re manipulated, and they don’t have the truth of this, and they’re dead wrong.
And so, we have this taking place. We have our whole money system in untruth, we have, in June 24, 1968…You think that date is important? What’s important about June 24th? That’s when Our Lady came in 1981. What happened on 6/24/1968 is we decided to go to untruth. We took off the dollar bill a silver note, and we went to a federal reserve note. This is false. It’s not truth. When you pick up that dollar bill—we’ve talked about this many times—it is not the same thing as silver. Your dimes had silver in it. Your quarters had silver in it. The purpose of that was it was backed by real silver because silver is intrinsically valuable. The dollar is paper, is false. It’s really, intrinsically, evil, because there’s nothing that backs it. It’s just like scrap paper in its value. But because we put faith in the devil and not God, we’ve gone along with the system that’s evil. And when it’s going to crash, there’s nothing to back it up. That’s why I wrote It Ain’t Gonna Happen. That’s why you need to re-read it. You need to come back to truth on every level, from the government, the president, climate change, money, everything is a call back to truth.
Our Lady says, “I’ve come here to teach you truth.” We’re so far away from it. Most scientists, and many scientists, are atheists. What credibility do they have not reading the Bible and having that?
One thing in the Poem of the Man-God and the Notebooks that Maria Valtorta wrote, was Jesus spoke severely against the science of our day, that it’s based in no God. It’s based in humanism, secularism.
“What about secularists? What about us? We don’t have truth?”
How can you have truth if you’re approaching a thing in a humanist way, that everything comes from a blob of water and we evolve from that, with no God, no God part of it, and it’s just a natural process of selection?
So, I give you these thoughts with no direction of this broadcast, except that you have to go back to truth. You must re-read, in this time, It Ain’t Gonna Happen.
What I like to tell you, is what you’re hearing is what Pilate said, “What is truth?” Our Lady is here to deliver that.
You must understand we’re in a serious crisis of truth today, and these oppositions that you see, who are good people, that’s being appointed right now, they stand the most making stride against truth, by God’s grace, and leading this nation and leading us back to truth.
These things that assault you all throughout the day, every day, is so filled with untruth that many Christians, even though they’re praying, are not understanding what is true and what is not.
You have to read, you have to study. Two things you need to be into is Look What Happened While You Were Sleeping, and the book, It Ain’t Gonna Happen. You don’t have the money to get that? We’ll send it to you free.
You have to return to truth. This is what Our Lady’s call is, and that’s why She’s here.
We wish you Our Lady. We love you. Goodbye.
The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
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