Country: USA
I would love to buy some preciois medals, but with my finaces I can only afford seeds at the tractor store (that im saving, and I notice corn grows good in my area) also theres an old pear tree way in back of my yard. I need to do some research on pear trees. I read a teaspoom of honey can sustain you for a day with its nutrients. Also beans and rice plus nuts, and fish are life sustaining. I had
some grapes with Brandy put in a jar and Blessed by a Priest read that on another spiritual site to use during a famine.Buy cans of food and exta dog food, toilet paper and things you can barter with. Go to dollar store buy some Bibles, get sone Rosaries and Brown Scapulars on line. Buy a Pieta Book (FOM) sells them. Remember food and water you need enough to sustain you and family for awhile especially because you cant take the chip in your hand or forehead so you will not be able to buy or sell. Also if you can get some fishing polls learn how to fish now and some hunting guns or bow and arrow and take a class and get a book on how to garden and hunt. I read somewhere when Russia had an economic collapse a long time ago if you had vodka and fishing line you were a king. So think ahead of things that people woukd need and what you need and possibly need to barter with. Remember the Saints that have since passed wished they could be alive during the tribulation because they were rock solid in faith and we need to be!!! Keep Praying for conversion of the whole world, Peace, the Souls in Purgatory ( They will Pray For you) The souls that will die today especially the young and unrepentant. The trafficked get rescued and people thinking about abortion or suicide change their heart and minds. and For the USA to return to God and those with addictions get help! God Bless. Also read last chapter of Bible Revelations there is a special Blessing if you read that Book plus you will know whats coming famine, plagues , finacial and social collapse.
August 8, 2024
We Are At the Deadline
[Podcast] (28 Minutes) – Have you considered the probability of societal collapse? Still in the stock markets or tied to them as a means to save yourself? A Friend of Medjugorje discusses all this and the messages of Our Lady in this broadcast.
Episode Transcript
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The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
“No one can serve two masters. He will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life– what you shall eat or drink– or about your body– what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?
“Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap. They gather nothing into barns, yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are not you more important than they? Can any of you, by worrying, add a single moment to your life span?
“Why are you anxious about clothes? Learn from the way the wildflowers grow. They do not work or spin. But I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was clothed like one of them. If God so clothes the grass of the field, which grows today and is thrown into the oven tomorrow, will He not much more provide for you, oh you of little faith?
“So do not worry and say, what are we to eat? Or what shall we drink? Or what are we to wear? All these things the pagans seek. Your Heavenly Father knows that you need them all.
“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given you besides. Do not worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Sufficient for a day is its own evil.”
This is Mejanomics with a Friend of Medjugorje.
[A Friend of Medjugorje]
Our Lady has been getting our attention for four decades. If you put up a tightrope, how far would you go on it before you fall? How many of you can do that?
The world that we are walking in now is a tightrope and everybody will be affected by it.
Our Lady has given us so many words for the direction we need to be going to.
And most of you and the world has not changed that. I’ve said it many times, people have told me, well I’ll deal with it when it comes.
You can’t and you won’t be able to start that you should have done years ago.
We are in trouble. We are on the cliff. We put together and calculated how much money is in the stock market.
So we’re going to go through of what we are up against. But before we talk about these percentages, we are going to play a short piece from Jesse Kelly that talks about your life and what many people are going through. It will make these percentages make more sense.
[Jesse Kelly]
U.S. credit card debt hit a record 1.14 trillion dollars in the second quarter rising eleven percent over last year. Maybe you are buried in credit card debt. Maybe you’re not.
But its more what this shows. It shows Americans are not making it. They are not making it. They are not making ends meet. They are not keeping up.
Now all the things we talk about, it all kind of pales in comparison when you are not paying the bills, doesn’t it?
And I know, this bothers me so much because I know what that feels like.
I know what it feels like to have bills outweighing the money you have come in.
Remember, I’ve been out of work before. My life is not a, you know, all sunshine and roses. It just hasn’t been that way.
You’re life isn’t that way. That’s now how life works.
And I know what that feels like. It’s brutal.
And to know that there are so many people not making it or barely making it, struggling everyday to keep their head above water guts me.
And its why, and I know its one of the least popular things you can talk about on the radio is spending, government spending. It sounds kind of nerdy and wonky.
And its hard to get people to understand why it matters. Plus people in general love government spending. Republicans and Democrats.
No, no, no. Build us a new airport. Give us new, we need our stimulus checks. We need our this. Americans love those government checks. They just do.
So, you don’t want to talk about spending as much as I do. But I’m never going to stop because that’s why you suffer right now.
You can’t afford eggs because of government spending and printing.
I want you to understand that.
You are watching your standard of living go down and down and down because they pass trillion dollar bill after trillion dollar bill after trillion dollar bill.
And then they just print more money and print more money and print more money and they are going to try to print more money to get us out of the debt disaster that is coming.
Because the interest on the debt already outpaces military spending and that problem gets exponentially worse from here. And you’re the one who pays.
I don’t give a flip about any one in D.C.
I really genuinely do not. Even the politicians I like, I don’t sit and stress about them. I stress about you.
I hate that Americans are having half empty grocery carts for the same amount they used to pay.
I hate that people are having to make decisions in this country on whether to buy chicken or beef instead of both.
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[A Friend of Medjugorje]
If you have not done what we have been, for years, telling you, you are in trouble.
You have to do it. It’s not maybe. So listen to Century Silver about this your retirements are:
[Century Silver Representative]
A Friend of Medjugorje wanted to pull some information together to detail out some numbers for you just to get an idea of how much money people have in the stock market today, and the numbers are really astounding.
So we’re going to explain some of that right now.
But, the total value of the entire U.S. stock market is about fifty-four trillion dollars, that’s trillion with a T.
When you look at retirement accounts, so for example, your 401ks, IRAs, pension funds, the amount of stocks that are in these retirement accounts is about fifteen and a half trillion dollars’ worth of stocks.
[A Friend of Medjugorje]
So that’s everybody’s money. That’s where it is.
[Century Silver Representative]
That’s right. Yeah. Retirement accounts, which a whole lot of people are banking on being there when they retire and taking them into old age.
About fifteen and a half trillion dollars of the amount of money in retirement accounts right now is invested in the U.S. stock market.
That’s about thirty percent of the entire value of the stock market is invested by people in their retirement accounts.
[A Friend of Medjugorje]
Let me, I want to interrupt you. You said thirty percent of the stock market is retirement.
[Century Silver Representative]
That’s correct. Yeah.
[A Friend of Medjugorje]
What just happened in the last few days?
[Century Silver Representative]
The morning of August 5th, the major exchange on the Japanese stock market went through an enormous crash and it was reported that that was basically the worst crash in the stock market since 1987, what they called Black Monday.
And they lost a ton of value in the Japanese stock market.
It sent other stock exchanges throughout the world into dives and major sell offs.
[A Friend of Medjugorje]
How did it affect those who have retirements in it?
[Century Silver Representative]
Well, very simply put those people lost a lot of money and if there is no rebound in the stock market, which we are expecting it is going to go away at some point, when you’re counting on that money to be there when you retire, its not going to be there.
So, we said there is fifteen point five trillion dollars held in stocks in these retirement accounts.
The other components of what make up all these retirement accounts that people have, so there are stocks, which we mentioned already, and mutual funds.
There are also bonds. There are about five trillion in bonds.
So, bonds represent like bonds from the federal government, treasury bonds and stuff like that.
It can also be corporate bonds, but these are also very, very heavily tied in to the stock market activity and the overall market health.
And everybody knows now, worldwide, that the United States government is totally bankrupt.
So, if you’re holding a truckload of U.S. government bonds, get ready for default.
Or, the other side of that coin is, you might be making a little money on those bonds, but inflation is outpacing that way faster than what you are making on those bonds.
So, you’re getting burned either way.
[A Friend of Medjugorje]
I can’t understand why anybody they want their money in bonds when you can have something that is solid in your house.
Which is silver.
[Century Silver Representative]
That’s right. You know a lot of people are waking up to this and we’ve used this testimony before but, we’ll say it again.
When people order the Miraculous Medal Medjugorje round and they get their first order the very first time, the way they explain it to us is that they had no idea that this is what real money felt like.
Just the weight of it. The heft of it. You’re looking at something tangible and you’re holding it in your hand.
It really, really changes the way that you think about money. It changes the way that you look at the future. The way you make decisions about your life. And how to go forward from here.
In the United States, there are a whole, whole lot of people depending on their retirement accounts to be there, to get them through the end of their lives and maybe pass something onto their children.
The amount of money that is in retirement accounts, as a whole, and this is not just the stocks and the bonds, but everything, the amount of money that people are counting on to be there in the future is something around forty trillion dollars.
Most of that forty trillion dollars is financial assets like stocks and bonds and debts, and things like that.
That can disappear overnight. And we are of the conviction that they are going to disappear super, super rapidly and many people will not have a chance to do anything.
But there are a lot of people who have been listening to a Friend of Medjugorje for a decade or more, have been listening to this broadcast and even people who have called us that are still waiting to make their moves.
And we tell you emphatically, repeating what a Friend of Medjugorje has said, your time is running out and you do not need to wait any longer.
So, we came across a really good article the other day that we shared with a Friend of Medjugorje and he wanted to share that with all of you. And we’ve condensed that down to some of the most important points that will be read to you next.
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The following are excerpts from a powerful article written about ten days ago by precious metals expert, Peter Schiff, titled:
Prepper Paradise: The Power of Precious Metals When It All Goes Down
Society’s linear march forward is used to justify numerous seemingly innocuous lifestyle choices. The assumption that “the way things have been is the way they will continue to be,” is the unquestionable belief at the root of a carefree ideology that can lead to horrid unintended consequences when it all goes down.
People in developed western countries, particularly in the past 80 years, have experienced a level of stability and growth that has rarely been seen. This extremely small sample size of history has led many to bank on the success of their country as a grounding point for all other predictions of the future.
However, a small dive into the past could show that MOST nations fail or have changes of ownership fairly often. Nothing in this world is certain, but governments are particularly frail.
While governments in general should not be given our blind faith, we should be particularly wary of governments that seem to fit into historical patterns of pre-failure. The classic pattern of moving from national strength to moral laxity, and then from decadence to destruction, is a pattern to be particularly wary of, because it has occurred so many times.
The United States seems to mirror the fall of Rome in particular with great accuracy.
The general carefree spirit and belief that the Nation will continue in prosperity deeply impacts how people choose investments. The only question that people ask themselves is, “in the recent past, which investments have gained the most value?”
Stocks typically do quite well when you look at their performance only in the recent past. But, the gains made in the stock market don’t look so good when you consider the probability of societal collapse. To put your unwavering faith in stock market gains is fundamentally a gamble on the success of our current institutions.
The punishment for seeking the highest stock market returns possible will be meted out on the judgment day when stock market returns become meaningless in comparison to food and water.
When the world rearranges based upon some huge shock to government or industry, few parts of our society will be recognizable, and if society were to fall apart, most lucrative investments would be quick to disappear.
In any of these scenarios, precious metals would provide a durable store of value. People who question their value in time of crisis have clearly never been to an unstable country. Precious metals are valued particularly highly when all other investments have hit the floor.
While some investments may have flashy short-term gains, precious metals can help protect against the overnight devaluation nightmares of so many assets when the world as we know it rearranges.
[Century Silver Representative]
So, just to recap some of Peter Schiff’s primary points in that writing:
You know, number one, he said for the past eight years or so, people in the West, we have experienced an unbroken string of prosperity, stock market gains, financial wealth, that has caused us to believe that things are just simply going to continue that way and we don’t question it.
We are going to continue in prosperity. Our government is going to be stable. And so we make investment decisions and life decisions based on that.
But that is completely out of step with history.
The second point that we want to reiterate from Peter Schiff is what he said about chasing the maximum gains.
So we think things are going to continue on the way they are and so we buy stocks and we invest in the market because we think its going to continue and that is where the maximum gains are.
But then he issues a severe warning.
The punishment for doing that, the punishment for always chasing the highest gain will be meted out, and he calls it on the judgement day, when food and water become more important than your stock market gains.
And that’s something a Friend of Medjugorje has been talking about for thirty or more years.
That at some point, food and water are number one and your stock market is now zero.
But we don’t believe that, Shiff says, because we’ve had this period of prosperity and that’s what holds people back and keeps them from making the right choices.
[A Friend of Medjugorje]
The steps are to secure your retirement, turn it into silver until you get you some land.
The best thing you could do is if it already has a barn, ten acres, five acres, twenty-five acres. That’s your goal.
If your house, you’ve got equity, sell it. Get out of the neighborhoods.
Why? Because it’s the future. And don’t try to save your penalties via taxes by putting your IRAs into precious metals IRAs. It’s a lie.
Where are they putting that? A big vault? If everything crashes, you’re not going to get your money. It’s a con. The only way to do it, is to take the penalty and pay the taxes and get it in your house.
When I hear these commercials, the precious metals IRAs, it’s a con. You get it and you put it in your house.
[Century Silver Representative]
Just about four or five hours ago earlier today, we had a conversation with one man about this very thing.
He’s done, just in the last year, about a hundred and fifty thousand in the Miraculous Medal Medjguorje round. He just told us he’s got 1.2 million dollars in mutual funds and a 401k account.
And he basically said I know I’ve got to get this stuff out. And he was asking a little bit about the precious metals IRA and we told them exactly what you said.
Like, its something that is possible but when things go down, a guarantee you the people who are working at these vaults are not going there to go to work to risk their lives to protect your silver.
They are simply not going to do it. And he brought up a point that everybody brings up. He said, you know, its going to be a lot of taxes. And its true.
You are going to pay taxes but we’ll use an example that I think, you’ve used, a Friend of Medjugorje, before. You pay your homeowner’s insurance every month and in a sense, that is a waste of money. If you are just paying a premium out that you may never ever use.
But if you need that, your happy you did it. It’s the same way with your silver. And your retirement accounts. You are going to pay that premium by paying those taxes and those penalties to get it out, but its your insurance policy and you can cash it in right now when you put it under your own roof.
Then its done and its over and you know you’ve got it. You don’t have to drive 500 miles to try and pull it out of a vault. You don’t have to ask the government for it. Its already in your pocket.
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[A Friend of Medjugorje]
For the last decades, we have been in the garden of Eden. The wealth, ???, everything has been great but the culture has bit into the apple.
And the whole world is banned of what we’ve had for what we’ve had for the last decades because the system has not glorified God.
What does not glorify God, it falls apart and we are close to that, very close to that. You don’t have time to play around.
Maybe you have to immediately make these steps. What does Our Lady say? Basically, She says with Her messages, “it will go good for you,” but everybody is clinging to the system.
You know these verses, but in light of what we are talking, you need to listen to them again.
Our Lady says to read the Bible, every day, and no matter how many times, you know about the verse. Let this wake you up.
“Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception. In sorrow thou shall bring forth children and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. And unto Adam, he said, because thou has harkened unto the voice of thy wife and has eaten of the tree of which I command of thee saying thou shalt not eat of it, cursed is the ground for thy sake. In sorrow thou shall eat of it all the days of thy life. Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee and thou shall eat the herb of the field. In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread till thou return unto the ground. For out of it was thou taken, for dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return.”
Those who do not take the steps while they can, won’t make it. Our Lady’s messages are repeatedly agrarian.
Our Lady says, “You see how nature is opening itself and is giving life and fruits.”
That’s your future. Our Lady wants us to be refreshed. She is speaking to us saying to us about nature and this way is renewed and refreshed.
“For the beauty of nature, a daily renewal and refreshment is necessary.”
Another message, 1993, “Go into nature and look how nature is awakening.”
We can continue this over and over. You’ve got the book, The Corona Vision. Reread it.
It will give you motivation to take the steps that we are talking to you about.
[Century Silver Representative]
I would like to make one last point, if I can, and go back to something that Schiff talked about, but also something that you’ve talked about is that most certainly we understand that silver is not the answer for everything.
But again, Schiff, you know he said we have, there are a lot of things in the last eighty years in the West that we don’t have in our conscience.
And one thing that we don’t have in the United States and haven’t had is famine. But famine and starvation are a biblical thing that is throughout the Bible. But it has happened in recent history. Just to give you a couple of examples, there was a Soviet famine, 1932-33.
They estimate anywhere between like five and ten million people starved to death and there were people eating each other, eating their children, in Soviet Russia during this famine.
In 1959 through 1961 was the great Chinese famine. They estimate between 20 and 50 million people died from starvation.
But that is not in our consciousness.
So, we want to pose a question to you. What is worse? Paying some taxes on your retirement account or starving to death. Or watching your family starve to death.
You know, history teaches, silver will never be without value.
So, think of it as your insurance policy against starving to death or watching your loved ones starve to death.
Whatever motivates you to make the right steps.
Again, to repeat a Friend of Medjugorje, silver is not the answer. You can’t eat it. But it is the transitional step that you can do right now to get away from the collapsing financial markets and then get to the soil and then also as he said before, get you a water well and start pulling that water out of the ground.
But you can make these steps now and you better make these steps now because quickly will come the time when you can’t do it.
And we would like to finish by just drawing your attention to and encouraging, you have to read a Friend of Medjugorje’s book, The Corona Vision, it will explain a lot to you, and it will help a lot of things make sense. And it will also motivate you. Here’s a couple of comments from people that read the book and wrote in about it:
Katy from Wisconsin, “Thank you, Friend of Medjguorje, so much for this clear, concise, beautiful summary of what you’ve been saying for decades.
Here’s a guy, Michael, from the United Kingdom, “Brilliant piece.”
Felecia from the Philippines, “A total conversion to God transforms our souls into a New Jerusalem and I am joining my prayers and sacrifices with all of you for more conversion throughout the world. God Bless you a Friend of Mejdugorje, your family, the community and all the followers of Medjugorje messages.”
So, this book, The Corona Vision, is a must read. You can order it from Caritas or download it for free on the Caritas website.
Go to page 50. There is a beautiful graphic that gives you a visual of some things that a Friend of Medjugorje explains in the book.
If you would like to contact Century Silver Exchange, you can call us at 877-936-7686. In just the last three days with the Japanese stock market crash, we have processed orders for over a quarter million dollars.
So, people are seeing this. They are responding. You can call us to place an order or just to talk and ask questions.
But also, we can provide you with free materials to spread this information to other people so that you can help other people to secure their future as well.
You can give this to friends, family, any loved ones or even just people that you meet on the street.
[A Friend of Medjugorje]
We are at the deadline. Everything, as Jesse Kelly said in his clip, it’s all downhill.
We’re praying for you. We have youth staying with us. If you have any to learn agrarian work and prayer you can call Caritas about that.
We are always in need of donations. We have a huge operation. It’s a machine of conversion and there is nothing like it in the whole world.
Our Lady built this place to propagate the messages of Our Lady. We wish you Our Lady, we love you, goodnight.
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The subject matter contained in this presentation is based on Biblical principles and designed to give you accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered. It is provided with the understanding that neither the presenter nor the broadcaster is engaged to render legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Since your situation is fact-dependent, you may wish to additionally seek the services of an appropriately licensed legal, accounting, real estate, or investment professional.
This ends the Mejanomics broadcast with a Friend of Medjugorje. These broadcasts are available as CDs which are sent directly to your doorstep on a monthly subscription. For information, contact Caritas in the U.S. at 205-672-2000.
Only $9,500 left to reach the goal!
See where we stand in reaching the goal for the 2023-2024 Community Plea. If you have not yet read this update, a Friend of Medjugorje gives some strong teachings which are important for you to be informed.
For the latest update and to help us reach the goal visit here
1 thought on “We Are At the Deadline”
Country: USA
I would love to buy some preciois medals, but with my finaces I can only afford seeds at the tractor store (that im saving, and I notice corn grows good in my area) also theres an old pear tree way in back of my yard. I need to do some research on pear trees. I read a teaspoom of honey can sustain you for a day with its nutrients. Also beans and rice plus nuts, and fish are life sustaining. I had
some grapes with Brandy put in a jar and Blessed by a Priest read that on another spiritual site to use during a famine.Buy cans of food and exta dog food, toilet paper and things you can barter with. Go to dollar store buy some Bibles, get sone Rosaries and Brown Scapulars on line. Buy a Pieta Book (FOM) sells them. Remember food and water you need enough to sustain you and family for awhile especially because you cant take the chip in your hand or forehead so you will not be able to buy or sell. Also if you can get some fishing polls learn how to fish now and some hunting guns or bow and arrow and take a class and get a book on how to garden and hunt. I read somewhere when Russia had an economic collapse a long time ago if you had vodka and fishing line you were a king. So think ahead of things that people woukd need and what you need and possibly need to barter with. Remember the Saints that have since passed wished they could be alive during the tribulation because they were rock solid in faith and we need to be!!! Keep Praying for conversion of the whole world, Peace, the Souls in Purgatory ( They will Pray For you) The souls that will die today especially the young and unrepentant. The trafficked get rescued and people thinking about abortion or suicide change their heart and minds. and For the USA to return to God and those with addictions get help! God Bless. Also read last chapter of Bible Revelations there is a special Blessing if you read that Book plus you will know whats coming famine, plagues , finacial and social collapse.